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Didn't feel the XTC the second day.

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Glandeuse Pinéale
Last Friday on a party I had 2 and a half of 1.45 milligram pills.
And I was really spacing all over the place.
I started with 0.5 and later added 1 + 1, because I did not really feel it after the first 30 minutes.
So after a day of rest we went to another party on sunday, but this time we made sure we took enough.
So we started off with 1 pill.
After nearly an hour I really didn't feel much, so we added another one.
After say 2 hours I kind of felt as if the XTC's were kicking in, but still not really till that level.
We sat down for half an hour and smoked some hashies, hoping this would maybe trigger the XTC we've just taken.
Although I did feel to get high, I still didn't feel the XTC as I was hoping for.
Atfer 3 hours we had our 3'rd pill, combining 4.35 milligram of Mdma.
And still we were not feeling the effects.

What is really the cause of this all?
And is there anything to prevent from this happening again?
If noet, is there anything other which I can take than XTC, but with a similiar Euphoric and energetic feeling, maybe 2CB?
You drain your own serotonin neurotransmitters with xtc. Not using it so often will prevent it from not having effect. If you take it more often then that you will reduce your recepters on your braincells which will make you quite unhappy, and you'll have to use more xtc everytime to get the desired effect.

So basically thats no good. The only way to prevent that is not to use it too often. (3 or 4 times a year isn't thát bad as far as I know, it's still not good though).
Do you mean 145 mg a pill ? 4.35 mg of a MDMA is not an active dose.

If you do not feel anything for 435 mg of MDMA though you either have taken too much in the past or its not MDMA. Normal pills are around 70 - 125 mg right ?

Well at least they used to be
Yes, 345 milligrams of Mdma.
And I had the exact same pills two days earlier, and with just 2.5 of those pills I felt way more than I did sunday.
But aren't there any pills around which bring your serotonine levels back to normal?
There are people that claim pre-loading with 5-htp can increase the mdma effect. There are people that claim pre-loading with 5-htp doesn't do anything. There are people that claim pre-loading with 5-htp makes you sick.

Anyway, using that much MDMA in such a short time-span is pretty bad for you. I tend to wait at least 3 months, after that my serotonine levels are good enough to give me a nice experience. Waiting 6 months is usually recommended if you want to have a full MDMA experience.
Was the weight of the pill 145 mg? Or did the pill contain 145 mg MDMA? This can be a big diffirence, you can have a pill weighing 200 mg, but only containing a very small amount of MDMA because it's cut with a load of rubbish.

I definately think you felt less because of your dropped serotonine level.

Also something I always experience with MDMA(extacy) is that the first dose is the most important dose. If I start with small amounts, and keep upping the dose every half hour, in the end I feel fucked up, but no real euphoria/nice feelings. I always try to take all the desired MDMA in one hit, and after that nothing more.
My best dose of MDMA is about 300/400 mg in one go, but that's because I'm not as sensitive anymore as I used to be, and I'm a little crazy :rolleyes:

MDMA is a great drug, but don't let it control you.

edit: One of the easiest ways of boosting your serotonine level is by eating banana's. But remember, no matter how many you eat, your brain needs the TIME to recover.
My best dose of MDMA is about 300/400 mg in one go, but that's because I'm not as sensitive anymore as I used to be, and I'm a little crazy

LOL Dude you are Crazy :p
Aight, the first "hit" makes it
I tend to do always enough at the first dose so I can party hardy the next 4-5-6 hours.
But if the party goes on and on and on and I feel like it, I get some speed or more mdma :- )

And two days in a row, works for me, but the second day I need a lot more.
You get more toxic in your body than that you have effect.
Decide what you like! :- )

Tetris a dit:
You get more toxic in your body than that you have effect.

Yes you are right about this, but also, if you use more over a longer period of time, you will feel less of the MDMA, and more of the MDA. A small portion of the MDMA is converted into MDA in your body. MDA takes longer to get out of your system than MDMA does.
So in the end:
-you've got more [MDA]/[MDMA] in your system than you had in the beginning...
-you're more "spaced-out" because MDA makes you hallucinate*.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I've been told this is the way it works.

* Hallucinating in another way than psychedelics do.

p.s. MDA is considered to be more potentially neurotoxic than its methylated cousin MDMA. :wink: