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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion twoceebee
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Seems like you have caused a problem here....

I suggest you drop the phenibut, the GBL and any other GABA agonist and take maybe some L-tyrosine for noradrenaline and L-tryptophan for serotonin and melatonin. Healthy eating, exercise and routine would be beneficial too.

This article may be of some use to you or your doctor - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3109925

Good luck :)
Were you not even administerd diazepam at the hospital to control the convulsions?
I suggest you try and get some low dose diazepam (2mg) for any future episodes.

I suggest B vitamin complex, L-Tyrosine, L-Tryptophan, good diet, exercise and a healthy routine mate :)

Do you take any other Nootropic/Narcotic substances?
i would say it appears, that your body has a pressure problem or so... maybe you could focus a little bit more on the spiritual side of your being... were you put by others under pressure or did you put yourself under pressure and why?? etc etc....

what i can suggest that you can do, that can help is to try to feel your body more and/or better...
because the mind can make the body sick, just like it can heal it...
the way you can start to do that is to focus more on your breathing and what i can specifically recommend is that you take yourself some time to gently breathe slowly and deeply. and when you are comfortable with that type of breathing and in a
more relaxed body and mind state, then you can also, when it feels right and good to YOU, hold your breathe for a while
and maybe experiment a little bit what that and the body feeling.
maybe it's like you treated your body not very nice and hence it's stressed out or even weary?? something like that...
hope that helps... :D :)

just have to say regardless of how powerfull your addiction is to a substance after u start having cunvulsions & seizures from a research chemical thats highly unknow by mainstream society and with very little knowledge of the chemical out there, u should just quit cold turkey who really knows what that chemical has done to u im not exactly an expert on addiction treatment but if your looking for a spiritual way out try ayuhuasca but dont just smoke dmt use it like a cerimonial catalyst not a drug. good luck too ya hope this expirence makes u much wiser about how u use strange chemicals
G has had a BAD REP for a lonnnnnnng time. It's addictive as all hell, fraught with side-effects, bad karma all the way around.

Everybody knows it, too.

I don't have a lot of advice for you that you arer going to want to hear.

"quit treating yourself so bad'

cold turkey is the only answer, man.....seriously, the 'G' crowd down here was a bunch of the absolute dumbest people on earth, and they were responsible for the witch-hunt mentality on MDMA and ravers in this area.

1,4 and GBL are enzymatically converted to GHB, but they are actually MORE bio-available than GHB itself.

Back in the day, a lot of people had that 'a drug is a drug is a drug' mentality, well, as you are seeing, they are wrong.

Stay away from it, its the devils juice.

sorry I dont have any advice
According to me, tell that a drug is the devil is stupid . A drug is just a chemical, a tool. Just my to cent, stop blaming chemicals...

cold turkey is the only answer, man.....seriously

Quitting cold turkey with a big habit can kill you like alcool can do, that's a pretty shitty advice man. Spice please don't speak about things that you don't understand. Peace

2CB you're clean right now right? Be very very aware no to fall again in the GBL coma. All techniques to manage anxiety is good to learn! (breathing, yoga, exercice and so on...). I wish you the best!
learn to read is my advice to you, if you cannot speak english good enough to read between the lines of what I wrote then maybe you should not comment on what I wrote, BJORD.

I didnt say it was the devil, again, you are not understanding the context of what I wrote, so dont comment.

I do understand it, what I didnt see the need to tell you was one of my friends was addicted to it, and several acquaintances, and they ALL KICKED IT COLD TURKEY. Willpower is highly under-rated.

I have seen several people quit alcohol cold turkey, they are all still here, so who really is giving bad advice in the form of platitudes?

Don't talk if you cannot understand.

What I didnt tell you, ALSO, is that in 1998 we were at a club where a girl died on GHB, she went into convulsions first.

Convulsions are way more dangerous than the advice I gave....again, the real question delves deeper, much deeper than all this, ultimately people who cannot stop consuming something that they know is bad for them have self-esteem issues and selfimage issues.

As this is clearly self-destructive behaivour.

I have been around the culture for probably as long as you've been alive.
'devils juice' = All negatives, it has not a thing to do with religion

it means that there are not good things to come from physically addictive substances that one drinks such as alcohol or ghb

convulsions will kill you faster than cold turkey and thats a fact
Nuttin wrong with G its GBL that's the devil's piss..
Excuse my language but your an utter idiot if you're gonna sip that shite straight from the jug..

I have been on the juice (G) for a long time now and i have no physical withdrawel symptoms when i stop with my daily intake of around 40-50 ml. Except for some tingling fingers.

I use electronics grade BASF only and would never use anything less pure for my brews :p

I just got registered for this because It's really important that you don't quit GBL cold turkey (after pro longed use) without the aid of sedatives like valium. The withdrawal symptoms like paranoia, anxiety and panic attacks can cause long-term mental issues, but the physical withdrawal can actually kill you. Obviously don't mix sedatives and GBL at the same time.