decriminalization in Portugal unquestionable success

Caduceus Mercurius

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by Glenn Greenwald

The success of drug decriminalization in Portugal

In 2001, Portugal became the only EU-member state to decriminalize drugs, a distinction which continues through to the present. Last year, working with the Cato Institute, I went to that country in order to research the effects of the decriminalization law (which applies to all substances, including cocaine and heroin) and to interview both Portuguese and EU drug policy officials and analysts (the central EU drug policy monitoring agency is, by coincidence, based in Lisbon). Evaluating the policy strictly from an empirical perspective, decriminalization has been an unquestionable success, leading to improvements in virtually every relevant category and enabling Portugal to manage drug-related problems (and drug usage rates) far better than most Western nations that continue to treat adult drug consumption as a criminal offense.


On April 3, at 12:00 noon, at the Cato Institute in Washington, I'll be presenting the 50-page report I wrote for Cato, entitled Drug Decriminalization in Portugal. Following my presentation, a supporter of drug criminalization laws -- Peter Reuter, a Professor in the University of Maryland's Department of Criminology -- will comment on the report (and I'll be able to comment after that), and then there will be a Q-and-A session with the audience. The event is open to the public and free of charge. Details and registration are here at Cato's site, where the event can also be watched live online (and, possibly, on C-SPAN).

There is clearly a growing recognition around the world and even in the U.S. that, strictly on empirical grounds, criminalization approaches to drug usage and, especially, the "War on Drugs," are abject failures, because they worsen the exact problems they are ostensibly intended to address. "Strictly on empirical grounds" means excluding from the assessment: (a) ideological questions regarding the legitimacy of imprisoning adults for consuming drugs they choose to consume; (b) the evisceration of Constitutional and civil liberties wrought by drug criminalization; and (c) the extraordinary sums of money devoted to the War on Drugs both domestically and internationally.

Very recent events demonstrating this evolving public debate over drug policy include the declaration of the Drug War's failure from several former Latin American leaders; a new Economist Editorial calling for full-scale drug legalization; new polls showing substantial and growing numbers of Americans (and a majority of Canadians) supportive of marijuana legalization; the decision of the DEA to make good on Obama's campaign pledge to cease raids on medical marijuana dispensaries in states which have legalized its usage; and numerous efforts in the political mainstream to redress the harsh and disparate criminal penalties imposed for drug offenses, including Obama's support for treatment rather than prison for first-time drug offenders.

Particularly in the U.S., there is still widespread support for criminalization approaches and even support for the most extreme and destructive aspects of the "War on Drugs," but, for a variety of reasons, the debate over drug policy has become far more open than ever before. Portugal's success with decriminalization is highly instructive, particularly since the impetus for it was their collective recognition in the 1990s that criminalization was failing to address -- and was almost certainly exacerbating -- their exploding, poverty-driven drug crisis. As a consensus in that country now recognizes, decriminalization is what enabled them to manage drug-related problems far more effectively than ever before, and the nightmare scenarios warned of by decriminalization opponents have, quite plainly, never materialized.

The counter-productive effects of drug criminalization are at least as evident now for the U.S. as they were for pre-decriminalization Portugal. Beyond one's ideological beliefs regarding the legitimacy of criminalization, drug policy should be determined by objective, empirical assessments of what works and what does not work. It's now been more than seven years since Portugal decriminalized all drugs, and dispassionately examining the effects of that decision provides a unique opportunity to assess questions of drug policy in the most rational and empirical manner possible.
I'm looking forward to read that report.... !
I thought that Argentina was the only country who had depenalized drugs, good to know that it's efficient in Portugal though :D
If all drugs are legal, I know my travel agent will be getting many many calls. Oh and one of them will be me !!
I'd heard about the decriminalisation in Portugal, but also just afterwards that it's still illegal to sell it. I'd written off Portugal as a place where you can't just smoke cannabis openly in a cafe/coffee shop or buy magic mushrooms in a headshop as the shop would still be illegal and get closed down by the law.

I don't know whether it's legal to grow cannabis plants and magic mushrooms there, it might be worth going if that's your thing.
Well... I'm Spanish, I live 200 Km away from Portugal. I've been in Portugal lots of times, last summer included, and this is the first new I have that there are "Coffe Shops" where you can smoke and take mushrooms...

I could be mistaken, but the only place I know in Europe where you can do that is in Amsterdam.

And moreover, the mafia that tries to get drugs into Spain, they do through France, not through Portugal... If this new is true, wouldn't be easier to do through Portugal? (where the actual borders are open).

But anyway, I will research a bit more and if that's true, I ensure I'll expend the whole summer in Algarve :) Nice weather, nice beaches and now... nice drugs!
KoNXuRo a dit:
Well... I'm Spanish, I live 200 Km away from Portugal. I've been in Portugal lots of times, last summer included, and this is the first new I have that there are "Coffe Shops" where you can smoke and take mushrooms...

I could be mistaken, but the only place I know in Europe where you can do that is in Amsterdam.

If that was in response to my post, then you read it wrong. My point was that you can't smoke in coffee shops or buy magic mushrooms in Headshops. The decriminalisation relates to possession but it's still illegal to sell marijuana and magic mushrooms over there, or so I was told. I would be interested if your research uncovers anything different.
Didn't decriminilization here only refer to civilians not being arrested for possesion of drugs for personal usage? Which means small quantities are tolerated, whereas for larger quantities you can still get into trouble. Not sure though, heard something like that a while ago.
ok, I'm portuguese, and I can tell everyone right now, that drugs ARE NOT decriminalized.

This depends from area to area! In my city You can't just smoke a joint on the street, police is very strict is this area.

As for Porto for example. The police is very easy on marijuana smokers and holders, letting you go off with 20 grams in your pocket. Decriminalization is not national, it depends widely.

And I'm just talking about cannabis! other drugs are very far away of being decriminalized.
McAllister a dit:
I don't know whether it's legal to grow cannabis plants and magic mushrooms there, it might be worth going if that's your thing.

That most certainly would be if it were legal where I lived!
Tiax a dit:
I thought that Argentina was the only country who had depenalized drugs, good to know that it's efficient in Portugal though :D

Also in Argentina drugs are absolutely not depenalized. When they encounter you with some small amount of something to smoke, they might let you go, but it´s still arbitrary..the law does not define WHICH quantities of WHICH substances are allowed. In fact, almost any substance that can be used to produce drugs (again, how are ´drugs´defined?) is illegal to sell or possess, such as ephedrin.

Last week, the owners of Argentina´s only smartshop were arrested. However they plan to be online again soon.

news: ... 03-20.html


They are still pending to send me one order!!!

I guess I won't receive it.... :(

Now I know why they delayed so much replying my mails.

Anyway, not the best shop I ever bought in.
KoNXuRo a dit:
I could be mistaken, but the only place I know in Europe where you can do that is in Amsterdam.

not only Amsterdam. In most big city's you have coffeeshops and smartshops.
decriminalization doesn't always mean its 100% legal it just means that it is not a criminal offense and one can't be put in jail for it, where i live has decriminalized marijuana but it is still illegal and you can still be fined for it, known here as a "civil citation" much in the same way violating traffic laws doesn't make you a criminal you just get a ticket and go on your way.
Hello I am Peter owner of the only SMARTSHOP in Lisbon Portugal.
We sell almost the same products as the smartshops in Holland and even more .
We still sell the Amanita Muscaria and we sell different smokable herbs (like Spice Gold etc) you wont find in Holland.
We are open for 14 month now and we never had any problem with the Portuguese police or justice.
In Lisbon the softdrugs market and smoking is quite open and in the weekend you see the people smoking weed and (bad) hash on the street.
Me i found Portugal much more open than i ever expected it to be ( i am dutch ).
High Pete , welcome .