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David Icke Newsletter Preview - 26th January 2008

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Sale drogué·e

The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

You will have noticed the postings on the website this week about a man called Richard Warman. His attacks on free speech - including my own - in league with government agencies and Jewish organisations like B'nai B'rith, the Anti-Defamation League (whose job is to defame people) and the Canadian Jewish Congress need urgently to be exposed to the wider world.

This is not just a story about Canada - it is the blueprint for the end of free expression that is unfolding across the planet under the guise of Orwellian terms like 'Political Correctness' and 'Hate Speech'.

I first came across Richard Warman, a 'lawyer' working for the Canadian government, when he campaigned with the above organisations to have my public talks in Canada and elsewhere banned because I was a 'racist'. This is invariably the insult hurled at anyone who gets close to the truth. Even people demanding the truth about 9/11 or those questioning the official version of global warming have been dubbed as akin to 'Holocaust Deniers' and if you question any aspect of the official version of the Nazi concentration camps you can now be jailed by the Thought Police ...

... What we need to understand before all freedom is extinguished is that you don't have to agree with what someone says to defend their right to say it. Indeed, you are defending your right to say and think what you choose because unless everyone has free speech and free thought then no-one does. You can't be free to think and say what you believe if someone is deciding what you can think and say.

That is not freedom of speech or thought - it is the freedom to agree with what the Big Brother state allows you to think and say.

As Voltaire is claimed to have said: 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.'

Why? Because your freedom is my freedom.

So what is happening in Canada and elsewhere is an attack on the freedom of everyone and what is happening is truly, truly, staggering in what is claimed - hilariously - to be a 'free society'. "

You are not free. Our freedom is way to restricted. Way to limited.

As my brother said: "our freedom means: Freedom to choose among options the "Big Brother" allow you to choose or talk about, or act toward something, and so on.
I don't want to choose nothing. I want be the creator of my own options."

No One is free, until everybody is free. Because we are One.


Link: http://www.davidicke.com/index.php/