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David Icke Newsletter Preview - 19th January 2008

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The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

It is the same with emotional trauma which we experience constantly to a larger or lesser extent during our lives. Each time the brain responds to the emotional charge it mostly retains that response pattern.
So we are all carrying old reaction neuron-networks that are the result of old traumas because, while the experience may have passed, the brain's reaction to that experience is still there.
If it was a physical trauma the reaction state may be causing continuing disablement in limbs or elsewhere which could be removed or at least eased if the brain would revert to its pre-reaction state.
Once again it is the same with emotions. When the brain has reacted to meet an emotional challenge we would be fine if it just returned to its former state when the challenge has been dealt with. But it doesn't. It associates its reaction to the challenge with surviving the challenge and so it stays that way because that reaction state = survival in its reality.
The brain's 'philosophy' can be summed up thus: If fighting or running in the face of danger has ensured you have survived a threat then keep fighting and running even though the threat has gone.
What this means, however, is that these 'reaction networks' in the brain go on filtering and observing reality indefinitely and can fundamentally distort the way we see ourselves and our experiences. It is like clouding the lens through which we observe life.
But the brain can be 'rebooted' and these redundant reaction patterns removed."

What I think, is that human beings think they have a personality. But my interpertation of this, is that some humans can hold more or less those reactions. And I think our personality it's just a level of sensitivity or tolerance to this reactions.

So, my conclusion is that whatever we do or feel, it's a reaction to a previous interpertation of all experiences we had in our lives. Even if we hold that reaction inside and work on it, the final result it's always a reflection of previous interpertations.


Well, of course.

This is, basically, what John Lilly was saying 40 years ago when he introduced the concept of metaprogramming in his book

'The center of the cyclone'

An awesome read.

I agree with you, as these traumatic events are what really forms up who we are, shaping the clay, so to speak....
it is a good read, fellow random.
but a question is buzzing in my head: why would i want to reset my brain and lose my life experience ? if a brain would become what it was BEFORE the experience, no experience would have any meaning...
that's the biggest miracle of life (in today's world): the enviroment can, and will, shape our little grey matter. unfortunately, most people think that they are the state-of-the-art of evolution, and deny the fact that they are animals, born from the earth, just like other beings. they think that they are so pure, and so amazing that they are ABOVE nature. and there are symptoms of this disease everywhere...from cities to packed food. from television to laws.
we are what we live, as we are what we eat and breathe. we do not live in the world, but we are part of it. we are born from the universe. did you knew that gold can only be created inside supernovas ? that means that every gold molecule was inside an exploding star. most elements (except for hidrogen, helium and lithium, from what i've read) are created by stars...we have this molecules inside our body (iron, carbon, etc), so we are just a letter in the book of the history of a single molecule.
that's why i think that we are born from the world, and do not live "in" it. we cannot live in something that we are. i don't get why many people think themselves god-like. i would advise anyone who would like to expand on this to read Spinoza (on the subject of pangeism) and early greek racionalism and empirism.
Segregation of perceived reality for the embellishment and protection of the ego.
unfortunately, most people think that they are the state-of-the-art of evolution, and deny the fact that they are animals, born from the earth, just like other beings. they think that they are so pure, and so amazing that they are ABOVE nature. and there are symptoms of this disease everywhere...from cities to packed food. from television to laws.

This is why people should reboot their brains. We would have to put "free will" out of the roll... Because this is no longer a matter of choices or free-egowill. This is about saving lifes that are being ruined because of our mentality. We Are Wrong. And we Must Be Fully Rebooted! Whatever way this is, we Must do it. We made The Mistake, we Must admit it, and solve things! And Reboot can have many interpertations.
Icke is right, as usual,

You can use EFT to reset this unwanted brain (and body) programming.

Is very easy to do and truly works, as many people are getting results with it.

Watch this:

You can download the complete EFT book for free at http://www.emofree.com/
