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Dangerous coke cut ?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nirvanana
  • Date de début Date de début


Glandeuse Pinéale
Hi, back again...

Still too much coke amateur to stop really, although I have really downed intake - but this is not your problem, neither the question I'd like you to consider about c.

OK, we all are well aware that c is generally cut :evil: But what to do ! I inject, so normally just coke immediatelly melt with water, and dirt stays out of the water therefore out of me.

But sometimes ago, even the so-though pure c was not ! They had found a poduct that is not possible to detect because it looks like c, powders like c, dissolves in water, BUT ! You can not inject the full seringe, suddendly, your blood becoming like paste, the vein bloks, and after a while, a day or two, aroud the skin becommes reddish as if you had a "birth mark" (french translation ).

Searching on the net, I found it might be a medical product used specifically by doctors to remove the leg veins !!! I coould not belive someone to be so mad to make his clients at risk of being unable to use anymore any c because unable to inject once all possible veins are blocked, painfull, and what ? at risk to disappear !!! :evil:

So I quit the fucking dealer and continued with standard c, more or less good, but never again with this problem.

Then, the last one had again this alarming result, and if you could see it (my arms) you would also be afraid.

So my question is : have some of you experimented this - of course, by nose you cannot ! And, for those who inject, please be very careful, I don't know if I am right, and hope not, but be aware that some c is cut with this kind of shit. Tomorrow I see a doctor for something else but also to stop drugs, and I will also question her about the result and will keep you infrmed, as it may be very dangerous if you, as I did !, insist. Then the reddish becomes violet, and needs months to go away, preferably without injection at all !

I think drugs are alll shit somewhere, but this a must !
I wish you all the best if you intend to quit with this shit, I think it is definately the only thing to do !

...hell, I'm sure that the only thing preventing dealers to sell cyanide to their customers is the fear of killing all their source of revenues too quickly...
Acid-base extraction of the coke. It is quite easy once to get the hang of it.

This is not a 'normal' cookback or crack.

Put your thoughts on aquiring the needed equipment and learning the process.

In the mean time, don't shoot crappy coke. Chances are that the cravings can even subside somewhat because you're occupied learning to make clean-and-safe coke sulphate.

Knowledge is power, and in this case it can safe your life. If you shoot whatever drug, at least make sure that it is safe.

Strenght and good luck to you.
"Dangerous coke cut ?"

You said it . It is not possible to say exactly what it is . But shooting starch makes your blood lumpy and FUCKS you up . I explained exactly how to clean bad coke up in the " Is cocaine only real cocaine if it numbs your gums" thread . Wash it first if you can and then do a BASE reaction . Not an acid / base reaction .

"This is not a 'normal' cookback or crack. "

This is not crack . Its rippoff street crack . When one has got that far one should wash the base cocain with benzin , filter it , throw the filter away and dry off the benzine to get pure base cocaine .
Shouldn't one shoot the salt and not the freebase or am i wrong?
You cant shoot freebase . If you "have" to shoot it you would need to recrystalise it .

It is not possible to say exactly what it is

Totally true.

and then you say

Wash it first if you can and then do a BASE reaction . Not an acid / base reaction .

Washing it first with water is not possible in this case. Nirvanana mentioned that the coke he got was fully water soluble. Doing the first step with dilute acid ( i.e. pH=2 HCl) is a general fail safe method of getting all alkaloids in the salt form. Check the pH. Too low pH for too much time causes hydrolys.

You can omit the diluted acid, if you are completely sure what the material is you're extracting. (so only do the base reaction).
But the point is: there is no sure way to tell with random-coke until a full extraction is performed.
Then convert the stuff back into freebase with a base such as ammonia or NaOH. Extract into polar solvent such as xylene, followed again by using an acid to get the salt.

Yes, it is a hassle to do a full extraction. But I would personally think twice about putting anything directly into my bloadstream, let alone some crappy coke that is not well extracted and recrystalized.

Acid/base extraction works but can be dangerous. It only eliminates substances that aren't weak bases like alkaloids.
Some time ago there was alarm over coke cut with atropine in Belgium. Atropine also is an alkaloid so it would also be extracted thus also be shot directly in the bloodstream.
Same for cafeïne, lidocaïne, ritalin,...

Acid/base extraction is good but don't asume it's 100% water proof :idea:
" I explained exactly how to clean bad coke up in the " Is cocaine only real cocaine if it numbs your gums" thread . Wash it first if you can and then do a BASE reaction . "

The washing i was talking about was with solvents first to try to wash out the cuts , then base it . The cleaning is not 100% because there are cuts that cant be removed = your coke could get better or maybe you wash a lot of crap out and the cuts that are left over in the coke could have reached a concentration causing the cuts to be active / more active . = some sort of speed could have been in the first mixture but in a concentration that made the "coke" a little speedyer . After washing the "coke" that cut might have reached a concentration so that it blows your head off . Theoreticaly said .
" I explained exactly how to clean bad coke up in the " Is cocaine only real cocaine if it numbs your gums" thread . Wash it first if you can and then do a BASE reaction . "

The washing i was talking about was with solvents first to try to wash out the cuts [...]

I'll read the topic with some more attention. It sounds like a good idea. I'm curious what solvents worked best.


Wash solvents in other thread: Ether, benzine, acetone and chloroform.

Once, I fucked up a whole batch of san pedro cactus by using benzine (euro 95 petrol) as a solvent. What are your experiences with benzine as a washing solvent in the case of coke ? Ether is quite expensive, but I would expect best result with that.

So, what worked best ? I really want to know.
"Once, I fucked up a whole batch of san pedro cactus by using benzine (euro 95 petrol) as a solvent"

Why ? , How ? I do not know euro 95 petrol . Petrol ether works good for me .

"What are your experiences with benzine as a washing solvent in the case of coke ?"

I have never bought more than a gramm of bad coke in my life , i do not wear womens underclothes . All but three of the hundreds of test gramms i bought were crap . I have only tried to wash small quantitys of bad powders that other people brought round for me to look at and play with . In my experience its better to throw bad coke away than waist time trying to clean it up . Unless you cant aford to do that , then you do what all the others , exept me , do = cut it some more and sell it .

The best thing that i have found for washing base coke is petro ether .

"Wash the coke with benzine , filter it and dry what remains in the filter . "

"Wash the coke with ether , filter it and throw the filter away"
Petrol ether ?

I should look into that one, as I have no experience with it. I'm more an aromatic kinda guy... they smell so sweet ;)

The San Pedro Fuckup:

Euro 95 benzine (petrol) is a extremely undefined product. On evaporation, a crappy thick oil remains. It does solve styrofoam rapidly, so it should suffice as some kind of crude solvent. BUT I bought a few liters on several occasion, and every time the color and appearance was different (= not good). Some times the liquid was cloudy, propably with water. I later learned that a part of the petrol can be alcohols. Alcohols are a major headache during A//B extractions.
Assuming you just got the kind of petrol you put in your car it's not too strange that the product isn't too pure is it? I mean it only has to burn, and burn somewhat efficient (giving alot of energy). Just slightly offtopic but just an interested lurker throwing in his 2 cents ;)
No, it did not surprise me very much.

It was a pity though, it could have been a cheap and available source of aromatic solvent.

A little bit more ontopic:

In another thread, spice mentioned that 'petroleum ether' is no ether of any kind. It is a quite ordinary apolar solvent like naphta- or zippo lighter fluid.
GOD a dit:
"Once, I fucked up a whole batch of san pedro cactus by using benzine (euro 95 petrol) as a solvent"

Why ? , How ? I do not know euro 95 petrol . Petrol ether works good for me .

I never got san pedro but understood from a previous post that extracted one (?) was as good or even better thant coke. Did I pick it up right ?

The best thing that i have found for washing base coke is petro ether .

"Wash the coke with benzine , filter it and dry what remains in the filter . "

"Wash the coke with ether , filter it and throw the filter away"

Don't you ever wash with water at any stage of the process, as I saw some doing when basing (after amonia wash) ? Don't you get then more or additional ether / benzine crap to some remaining coke crap ? Is petro ether different than ether as common name in shops ?

Sorry but as French I may not get all evidences in English and have stupid questions...
Nirvanana a dit:
Don't you ever wash with water at any stage of the process, as I saw some doing when basing (after amonia wash) ? Don't you get then more or additional ether / benzine crap to some remaining coke crap ?

You can wash with water but you have to make sure all your cocaine is freebase, so it won't dissolve. So for shooting it or snorting it you have to recrystalise.

Nirvanana a dit:
Is petro ether different than ether as common name in shops ?

YES. Petroleum ether is a trivial name. It is not an ether but a mixture of alkanes.
Perhaps if I'd have pure cocaine I'd shoot it to experience what it feels like. But as long as these stories are spread I don't even go there. So basecoke was enough for me.
OK, finlly it seems quite complicated to get good c oneself !

Who knows about recristalzation after having based the c ? Is it feasible by non-chemist (home made) ?

Besides, no answer about san pedro cactus versus coke as mentionned in several upper posts. What 's the connection between them ? Can someone explain please ?

Re injection, see trips reports in some of my previous posts, very strange by the way, highly hallucinogenic... I would have appreciated comments from others in same cases, but never had any... Unable to say if specific to me or what.... I would not recommend it anyway. Too much risks, because of the unavoidable and unknown type / amount of cut, despite of the water washing (some crap is also water soluble !), and as a consequence, unknown quantity finally in, when the line between high trip and possible (near-)overdose is so tight... Just my opinion...
Besides, no answer about san pedro cactus versus coke as mentionned in several upper posts. What 's the connection between them ? Can someone explain please ?

Cocaine and mescaline are very different compound in their effect. But they are both alkaloids. In purification of alkaloids, many of the same techniques are used. Purification techniques of alkaloids usually make use of some form of acid/base extraction, followed by crystallization.

The point of bringing mescaline into the topic was this: If normal petrol (euro 95) screws up a acid/base extraction of mescaline, then it is very likely that normal petrol is useless in the purification of coke too.