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crystalline dmt with syrian rue seeds


Matrice Périnatale
swim read an erowid experience detailing that some guy took 50 mg of crystalline dmt the experience can be read here: http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=58800 anyway the guy took 50 mg of dmt in cap but before took 3 grams of grinded syrian rue seeds 30 minutes before ingesting the dmt the guy said that 50 mg of dmt was way too intense for him he had to cut the trip short by taking a xanax bar, and swim has read on this forum that some users are advocating taking 100 mg-200 mg of crystalline dmt with an maoi wouldnt that be WAY more intense than 50 mgs of dmt? what would be the effects of 35 mgs of crystalline dmt with an maoi like 3 grams of syrian rue? would it even work?
It will work if the MAO is fully inhibited.

Like so:

Experiment with it. See how much MAO-i you need. Upping the dose is okay. Expectations and experience determine the outcome.
alright but would 30 mg be enough to trip if taking orally, because people on this forum seem to be advocating taking 100-200 mg of dmt that sounds way too intense also would it be safe to consume dmt that hasnt been ammonia washed? swim doesnt apply the ammonia wash to his dmt extractions because they reduce the amount of dmt he ends up with so will dmt that has had the naphtha evaporated be okay to ingest?
The safety/purity obviously depends on a lot of different circumstances.

There's only one way to find out if the 30 mg will work and that is to try it. I think it won't be mindblowing but you might get some strong effects and visuals. Depends on a lot of variables, too. Set, setting.
swim doesnt want a mindblowing trip for now....all swim wants is intense visuals and euphoria last time swim smoked 60 mg of dmt it scared the shit out of him
would it be safe to consume dmt that has had the naphtha evaporated thoroughly with a fan? would it be toxic in anyway? swim doesnt wanna fuck up his organs
ecuadorianblues a dit:
swim doesnt want a mindblowing trip for now....all swim wants is intense visuals and euphoria last time swim smoked 60 mg of dmt it scared the shit out of him
do people use dmt to get stoned???

i thought it was medicine? like healing from facing yourselff and purging and shit???
in my honest opinion, I think people who approach DMT to get stoned are stupid.
IJesusChrist a dit:
in my honest opinion, I think people who approach DMT to get stoned are stupid.

seriously, if you want a mellow fun drug you shouldnt even be in the area of phsycedelics honestly... save that for those of us ready to expand our minds and delve into the universe around us
I did 3 grams of syrian rue tea and 100 mg dmt in capsule (im also a light person btw +/- 55 kilo). This is serious business very intens trip with an overwelming peak that lasted a long time. It was very wave like after a peak you start comming down and then after a while it suddenly hits you again and it hits hard sometimes. This was more intens than 5 grams of cubie mushrooms. Know what will hit you when you try this, it was awsome but also frightening start low with this if youre new.
why? do you not have fun on dmt? i personally have loads of fun on dmt and also i really like the rush before it all kicks in. i cant really see why people dont think you should take psychedelics to have fun, isnt that what attracts most of us to start with? i did not learn anything from dmt untill i had taken it on a few occasions because everything was moving way to fast
Yes I can have a lot of fun with it. But at times in a trip like this it really creeps up to youre mind when things get too intens it is no fun anymore, at least for me. But dont you have things in the trip that scares the hell out of you? Do you have a technique when things turn to the dark side?
I prefer mushrroms anyway I think it is a bit easier to handle and a bit more stable.
yeah there are parts of most of my trips that scare me but its very very rarely when a full trips like that. no i dont have any special technique apart from concentrating on other things like people talking but its only the first 30 seconds for me thats overwhelming. i like mushrooms as well and found the trip quite similar to dmt
Yes it was quite similar, except that dmt and rue is more wavy sometimes the effects turn down for I while and then it suddenly hits you again full power. And the peak was sooo much more intense...