" I don't think anyone here purposly made mistakes"
Me neither . I didnt mean that . I mean people should try it another way if they keep getting contamination and not keep watching silly videos . I couldnt bring myself to watch that video after reading a review about it where they said that the guy said "You dont have to sterilise your glove box , washing it with soap and water will do" !!!! Plus anyone who advises you to use anything with a rubber seal , or knocking holes in things with a nail is a dickhead . Its a 2 hour comercial video and costs 49$......did you get that ?......49$ .........i`ll say it again just to make sure everyone understands......49$ . And as far as i`ve seen hes just taken Oss and Oeric and filmed it with a bit of PF and some idiotic ideas . If he told you how to do it easily the video would last 20 minutes and cost......5$...... ????? Why should you have to learn to fly a sojuz when you want to ride a bycycle ?????? Especialy as his "knowledge" is between 40 and 15 years old . Is that the video where you get told to waft your cakes with a piece of cardboard ?????
Remember the little black girl that walks into the operating theater in the middle of open heart surgery with a fag in her mouth and wafts the dust of the shelves with a piece of cardboard ???
And if the washing it bit was a good idea why dont junkies just wash their syrynges to prevent getting aids , and think of the zillions of shekels that the world could save if the little black girl just washed the operating theater with soap and water ................
A person with gangrene in a wound on his hand doesnt watch it grow he acts imediately , even if he has to chop his hand off . Cutting corners = drasticaly cutting your chances . Listening and taking advice is better than learning by burning .
Meduzz , the silver foil looks like it was either opened to take a look ??? thereby spreadind billions of spores or that it wasnt pressed together tight enough around the neck of the glass . When you see the first signs of contamination , or even if some cakes dont grow any where as fast as the others you should spray the glass with Isopropyl alcohol solution then tape the tops on them and take them as far away from your grow room as possible and get rid of them .