I was wondering about contaimination. My cakes have become contiminated because when there were taken out of the jars, there was little spots that were not covered in myclieum. These spots have developed a blueish-green colour, which I believe is some type of contaiminate. Should the cakes be thrown out? I know it is very dangerous to play with contaimination, because some bacterias can kill you!
I had one question. If the mushrooms were made into tea, or the active chemical extracted, would there be a problem with harmful bacteria's?
I was wondering about contaimination. My cakes have become contiminated because when there were taken out of the jars, there was little spots that were not covered in myclieum. These spots have developed a blueish-green colour, which I believe is some type of contaiminate. Should the cakes be thrown out? I know it is very dangerous to play with contaimination, because some bacterias can kill you!
I had one question. If the mushrooms were made into tea, or the active chemical extracted, would there be a problem with harmful bacteria's?