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complete dissociation

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 482
Have you ever had complete dissociation while sober?

You no longer are here, nor there, nor anywhere. Your thoughts stop, you become blank, nothing is happening?

The brain stops to think, you simply are - but nothing makes sense. Complete loss of words or expression.

hgod damnit
A few times.

This absence of thoughts, this no-thing-ness, is something that various meditative schools cultivate.
If you are suffering with Catatonic symptoms, It often means you have a mental disturbance or disorder.

Catatonia is mostly associated with scitzophrenia, Bi-Polar, PTSD and other various conditions.

On a scale of 1 to 10, How badly are you effected?
its triggered by music or sights...

it is a pretty thrilling feeling, really, an amazing departure of the norm.

but I wouldn't say it is anything to be worried about - I've had it, and admired it, all my life. :)
Do you hold a rigid position while in these states?

Could you be moved with out reaction and keep the position?

Or are you simply zoning out into your imagination?

Some may see this as worrying, Others may see this as the normal. All depends on how you think and the perception you hold and obviously the nature of the state.... :lol:
now i try to keep it, it is a very fragile state and any disturbances will make me come back down...

I like it a lot, it feels as if something is happening, something very grand, but I am just barely there to feel it's importance.
i had that and i couldn't go on because of the fnords. it was damn intense... anyway, i think what you may be referring to is daydreaming.. if you are really in the flow or so weird things can happen to you, or you perceive them as weird, like you are walking and you suddenly arrive at your destination, because you stop the creation of psychological time.
btw somehow this thread reminded me of this hip hop song... hope you like it!! :) :P

