Cocaine Ingestion

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I was wondering if anyone knows if there's any other way to effectively use cocaine other than snorting it.
I've snorted it a couple of times but the day after my nose is always busted up and needs a week or 2/3 to recover which is rather unpleasant.
You can take it oral, but it is less effective and it takes longer. Putting it in Coke (the drink) is a good way.When you snort, do you cut it up enough?
This one use is really weird one. Buy syringe with 15-20cc and dissolve coke in water(with or without baking soda-crack) and than lubricate syringe with some cream-NIVEA and put it in your ass deep, meaning all but leave clip out and after that you will know what to do next-fill yours guts with coke. This is good and better method than nose. All coke will be absorbed. Or you can always use needle but dangers and ugliness of this method are known to all of us. :wink:
Smoke it :)

Get the bad shit out off your coke with the use off amoniak. Just like you would do with heroine.
You will see that the coke will form crystals now.

Make a bond out off a lil' waterbottle, and use the top to put on silverpaper strapped with something, puth on your crystalcoke there and smoke aheadd :)
Lion a dit:
Smoke it :)

Get the bad shit out off your coke with the use off amoniak. Just like you would do with heroine.
You will see that the coke will form crystals now.

Make a bond out off a lil' waterbottle, and use the top to put on silverpaper strapped with something, puth on your crystalcoke there and smoke aheadd :)

What you have described is soo little close to the cocaine free base or crack. Ammonia, baking soda and foil to smoke it. With proper way this will make crystal cocaine. Coke is powder, it isn't crystallised or similar.
Pretty sure ppl do it here from time to time like that. They call it basing.
The coke should be hard then so you can brick it into lil' bits
Back in time we made rocks which made the coke cooked so we could base it. Because powdered cocaine hardly melts. Almost not at all due to the required temprature for smoking.

Just for the record, the fact that you're fed up with snorting implies that the motive of your cocaine use altered without noticeing it yourself.

Also, basing coke gave me a feeling of hotness in the body, extreme heart tense and an instant super kick of euphoria. I got totally 'loaded'. Especially around my ears and the sides of my head. Well-prepared basecoke is beyond heroin.

Snorting and smoking coke are two different types of drugs, in fact. I seriously would ask anyone not to take knowledge of the effect that crack/basecoke provides.
You can't say that cocaine euphoric high is better than heroin shot and euphoric effect that this drug gives. You subjective have sad that cocaine euphoric high is better than heroins. Most important word is subjective and have you ever try to shot Macedonian heroin into your blood stream? Stimulation and depression is two opposite things. Sorry if my words seams offending. This is not what I want to say. Only to describe my opinion. :wink:
Sorry, with 'beyond heroin' I was merely refering to the consequences and damages that basecoke causes compared with heroin. Not the degree of euphoria. ;)

Basing tortures your lungs, makes your speech completely 'junkie', fucks up your bloodvessels and heart, robs your money like hell, the effects are just minutes, and overal you're physically decreasing rapidly.

H supresses your overal activity and has physically a lot of less risks when it comes to decreasing. With H users, you can have a decent conversation at least. Though the withdrawals are the worst you can get. But at least it doesn't eat from your organs or demolish your body as crack does. It's more the lack of a good and healthy environment and self-care which carries the users to the streets.
Put it in vodka , it does not make it weaker it just comes on a bit slower , but after the first hit it doesnt make that much diference . Coke does not come in rocks unless you know a rich person who has made them themselves . If it does not make your nose numb its CRAP , but a sort of warm / cold numbness not the cold , hard metalic numbness like at the dentists . As goran said putting things up your arse , enemas , is one of the most effective ways of doing any drug . But , only at home alone , lying on your stomach . You dont want it dripping down your trouser leg in public !!!!