CNN on magic mushrooms and spiritual experiences

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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^^ That picture looks familiar! GOD the link goes to a video, but the video will not load, does anyone else have the same problem?

user_1919 a dit:
^^ That picture looks familiar! GOD the link goes to a video, but the video will not load, does anyone else have the same problem?


Maybe they were forced to remove it from their website? Positive drugs news is not what the people in power want to see! ;)
VERY interesting video. I never thought that psylos could have a positive effect on people. I think that this research is not serious. Everyone knows that psychedelics are evil. They have the same prefix as psychopath.
Yeah right psychedelic users are dangerous psychopaths. The proof is they try to fly up a building without watching if they are going to fall on somebody.
I didn't expect this to become news broadcasted by CNN. What does that say? Are people waking up? Or was it just one positive item after all the negative news-items about drugs?
George UU. seems to react faster against drugs than against a terrorist attack...
I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong, but every time I click on a CNN link(the first and this one right now) I get some completely unrelated video.

on the right you see "next up", click there on the mushroom vid.

Or click on mumus youtube link
Yeah I used the youtube link. Great news, though it ain't really news for us :P

Can someone make sure Ab Klink sees this?
Can someone make sure Ab Klink sees this?

It won't matter ofc, he'll make something up to be able to make them look bad again
He's just a big frustrated christian asshole that sees no point in life to the point where he wants to sabotage other peoples freedom
He just wants to be an authority, I don't really think he cares about the dangers of mushrooms to society (wich of course don't exist, thought I'd point it out so nobody gets me wrong even though you all know that mushrooms when used responsibily can only bring a lot of good to society)