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Clusterheadache still gone

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Clusterface
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Hey there fellow psychonauts,
as promised i'm back to update you on my status.

Ive been diagnosed with clusterheadaches about 5 years ago, and since last august ive
been selfmedicating with the holy mushroom. The headaches stayed away for quite some
time, and i'm very happy to inform you that ive been keeping it under control for about 7 months !!!

I trip about once a month and that seems to do the trick for me. Dosing from 2.5 - 6 grams (dried ofc).
So, if you know anyone with this horrible condition, then please tell the magic tale of the mushrooms
and potentially save their lives.

On a side note: What happened to LSD these days, i remember around the millenium switch there was plenty
of the hoffman lsd goind round. And i tripped quite hard from those. I've recently bought some Shiva's & Buddha's
and i actually got a very bad mindfuck off them. Very hard to keep my thoughts going, forgetting every 2 seconds
what i was talking about or what i thought. Is this something that'll keep coming back (aka Lsd isnt for me). Or
could i blame this on a poor set & setting. (Very strange anime movie -Mind Game- was playing on background
w/o sound)

Also very little visuals, felt like that transparent foil was wrapped around my head, just seeing these rainbow colours
on the egdes of my peripheral vision.

I've read that the blotter strenght just isnt what it used to be anymore, and before i plan to retry with higher doses,
i would like to get some opinions on this. Mushrooms never do this to me, i always have a semi-clear head/memory.

Anyways, i just can't tell you how happy i am, back in control, starting to enjoy life once more.
All thanks to the mushroom.

I remember seeing a documentary about this, but i do not remember who posted it or what it was called.
In the documentary they where talking about a non psychedelic form of LSD that they have developed as a medicine against clusterheadace.
magickmumu a dit:
I remember seeing a documentary about this, but i do not remember who posted it or what it was called.
In the documentary they where talking about a non psychedelic form of LSD that they have developed as a medicine against clusterheadace.

You're referring to the documentary released by the National Geographic. The chemical in question is called Bromo-LSD. It's chemically similar to LSD, however, it's chemical structure is too big to fit into the serotonin receptor like LSD does. (Which is what makes us trip.) This causes it to stop the cluster headache without causing the hallucinations.

Link to National Geographic page about documentary:
http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/s ... 4/Overview

You can also find torrents of the documentary vary easily if you do a search on google.
Its a bit like getting a robot to drive your car.

Takes all the fun out of it. :cry:
Hi folks--I have a chronic illness that appears to be cousin of clusters... It's called Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome or CVS. I've had great results with mushrooms and advise others to try (starting with small amounts of course!) My friend suffers from MS and there is evidence that mushrooms help with that horror as well. Please keep in mind that most folks with these aliments have had no exposure to pyschedelics..And as we in the know, know, these medicines can be VERY life changing, so let's not recommend drugs like LSD to those who are only attempting to suppress awful pain..Stick to small amounts of mushrooms first! Bottom line: mushrooms are illegal in the USA. We need to get together and make our medicine legal. PENALTY IN USA: UP TO SEVEN YEARS IN PRISON FOR SIMPLE POSSESION. UP TO LIFE FOR SELLING (GIVING AWAY!!!!) MUSHROOMS
my father suffered from headache most his life. Thats so cool how u said your self medicating lol :) keep it up man and spread the word.i wish he did shrooms maybe it would have helped him.
I read about it somewhere that there was (or had been in the past?) research going on with psilocybin and cluster headaches, and they had promising results. I always asked myself why I had never heard anything new about that anymore. Probably they didn't find a way to get the healing effects without the tripping... which would probably rule it out for commercial use. Imagine that package insert "Hallucinations and ego-dissolution has been reported in 1000 of 1000 patients" LOL

Well, for me, mushrooms have been a good anti-depressant for years now. I can always feel the stress and signs of a depression creeping up on me when I don't do mushrooms for a few months. Then I do one trip again and I'm fine for weeks.

I'm really glad you even get that much more healing from the shrooms, not only only on a psychological basis.
I use to suffer from headaches or migraines when i was a kid they were so serve they made me vomit all the time after school. Straining my eyes was the cause and glasses were a great help. also i noticed i had to eat sugary foods or that would bring them on. i think i eventually grew out of them aswell but I know how hard they can be.

just gotta try a shroom one day!
It interesting because I also have a chronic illness called Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS). It appears that CVS is related to Clusters and Migraine. I also use mushrooms (with great results) for my condition. Have you folks heard of CVS?