Chile: Cannabis is now considered a "Hard Drug"

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Gurukreff
  • Date de début Date de début


Inclusion of Marihuana to the list of dangerous drugs confirms it's addictive power. The substance now belongs to the group of drugs that cause serious toxic effects and health damage

This is terrible news, it seems here in my country the government has not yet realized lots of things that are happening in the world about the "illegal drugs" subject.
One thing that comforts me though is the feedback from people who posted their ideas about this decision: everyone rejected it forcefully.

The really sad thing is that the organism responsible for drug control, information and policy generating doesn't really now anything, i once was at a class where they invited one of these "experts" and i must say her knowledge was ridiculous:

Clearly is safer to drive drunk than to drive high on marihuana

And that's just an example, i only post this to show that the new ideology that is emerging concerning the "drug problem" handling, meaning mainly legalization & information rather than ignorance & repression are not reaching everywhere in the world... Shame

PD: Greetings, i just found this forum and this is my first post, peace everyone!
welcome to the forum!
it is sad that it happened that way. all countries are now heading into a right-wing repression, just like "1984", by george orwell.
Clearly is safer to drive drunk than to drive high on marihuana
Well, I've been doing the latter for years. No accidents, and hardly any speeding tickets.
Clearly is safer to drive drunk than to drive high on marihuana

Actually there are scientific studies that prove just the other way round...

I really hate this kind of crap :\
lol I'd say driving when high on pot is safer than when sober for me, cause I go slower and I become paranoid so I keep looking everywhere lol.

What are they waiting for to ban chocolate? It's worse than heroin!!!
this is getting disgusting. there needs to be some kind of movement to teach responsible drug use (excluding crack, cocaine, heroine, and prescription drug abuse, they still are not worthy of legalization in my mind)

instead of simply telling your children "drugs are bad mm'kay" teach them which substances are safe, what harm they can cause,if any and what dosage is right. also teaching proper action for unlikely overdoses.

drug use would drop massively as the immature irresponsible users, who simply do drugs to get back at their parents/guardians, and to "rebel" would no longer be tempted to use these substances.

number of creatives who openly use natural substances would skyrocket also allowing more and more people that creative jolt they may need for new products, new ways of living, etc etc.

i dont know, im ranting and i think ill stop...

one of these days...our generation will fix all of this.
this is getting disgusting. there needs to be some kind of movement to teach responsible drug use
There deffinately should be, but sadly the majority of people who aren't ignorant, like to lay low under the line of being spotted.
Malaeus a dit:
this is getting disgusting. there needs to be some kind of movement to teach responsible drug use (excluding crack, cocaine, heroine, and prescription drug abuse, they still are not worthy of legalization in my mind)
every drug is worth legalizing. it would be the end of organized crime, at least if it comes to drugs.
and be honest, who of you would start taking crack if it was legal? I don't think that anybody would. especially when everybody is informed right.
misery a dit:
especially when everybody is informed right.

THIS is what government and most people don't seem to understand. They all think that if tomorrow all drugs are legal, everyone are gonna be addicted to crack, heroin, cocaine and speed all at the same time within a week. What they don't think about is that everyone know that they are bad, and if there is legalization, it would mean more information. In fact I'm pretty sure that the use of hard drugs would drop dramatically if all drugs were legalized.
Psychoid a dit:
What are they waiting for to ban chocolate? It's worse than heroin!!!

Hey! slow down on the choccolate! no touching! Nya-hah!tsk-tsk-tsk! niet touchosky!ok?


a choccolate addict