As i said before do something constructive and positive and not try to make negative poisonous shit . The reason why people are getting pissed off with posts like yours is because there is no other reason to make it other than its easy and it can be sold by people with no scrupels . No one wants you to dissapear from the forum , or hurt you . We just feel like we are being used . If you stay there are people here who can give you realy good advice , based on long experience about positive , educational drug use . We are totaly against drug abuse = people fucking themselves and others and people just trying to make easy money........... because when they fuck themselves WE HAVE TO TAKE THE CONCEQUENCYS because big brother cracks down on us .
Another thing is that we are concerned that someone with as little chemical knowledge as you is a danger to themselves and others .
Go and pick some mushrooms if you want to get high , they are free and you will learn something to help you .
And dont fuck off and sulk just because we told you the truth , just stop talking about it and try to learn something here .
Questions are always welcome if they are positve and if they are you will get the best advice on the net from us .
Love GOD