Chemical in Cannabis Helps Cells Grow

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Chemical in Cannabis Helps Cells Grow

Not all of its active ingredients are fully understood

Some substances in cannabis are actually beneficial to the human body

The fact that cannabis is forbidden in most countries is only a recent event. In the past, starting centuries ago, people always smoked pot for various reasons, including leisure, resting purposes, going into trance, or for medicinal use. In Western societies, it has been mostly forbidden, even though not all of its effects have been fully understood up to this point. This is evidenced by the fact that only recently have researchers managed to identify a substance in cannabis that actually promotes cell growth and helps our bodies function properly.

Out of the 60+ active substances that can be found in the average cannabis or marijuana strain, science has only been able to analyze and assess the threat levels of just a few until now. Yet, there are strict laws in place in every country that forbid the use of the plant, even though you can, for instance, buy flamethrowers in the US, as they pose no danger to anyone.

A team of researchers from the University of Aberdeen describes the roles and functions of cannabidiol, a molecule that is naturally synthesized in the cannabis plant, publishing its finds in the Journal of Neuroscience. It appears that this substance, also known as CBD, has great potential to relieve pain, even though it's not the substance that gives pot its high label. Even though physicians have known for quite a long time that the compound can make pains felt by multiple sclerosis patients more bearable, they have never focused on harnessing this power to do good.

Now, UA School of Medical Sciences researcher Dr Bettina Platt, has found out that CBD doesn't actually act on the peripheral nervous system, like other drugs do, but on the brain cells, or neurons themselves, influencing the activity of mitochondria, which are a sort of mini power plants for the cells. Understandably, influencing such an important cellular component into producing more energy is not a bad thing, yet the plant remains illegal because some believe that the other components may indeed be dangerous. However, no one takes the time to actually check them one by one.

We are hoping that our findings can instruct the development of cannabidiol based treatments for disorders related to mitochondrial dysfunction such as Parkinson's disease or Huntington's disease. There are different strains of cannabis out there and many no longer contain cannabidiol. In fact, these have been deliberately bred out to enhance the THC content, Platt says, while drawing attention to the fact that smoking cannabis will not necessarily cure these conditions.

In turn, she advocates the extraction of CBD from plants for scientific reasons. It could then be used to synthesize various drugs, which, with some luck, could offer much-needed pain relief for people suffering from some of the worse medical conditions known to man.
Very interesting. Do you have a source?

peace & love
"As a result, smoking cannabis would not necessarily have the same beneficial effect, and could even exacerbate neuronal damage."

Funny how that last bit got left out in the post above.
"Funny how that last bit got left out in the post above."

Why ? Are you sugesting i left it out deliberately ?
Cannabis research is bizzare to me. Doctors are testing the cannabis compounds one by one, which could take generations. But, cannabis isn't a single compound, it's 60+. How can science possibly tell us what marijuana does to the body without researching marijuana as the many part compound that it is?

In the US we have a cough/cold medicine called nyquil. It has psuedoephedrine in it. One could conclude that nyquil would be stimulating because of it's psuedoephedrine content. But it is not, it's actually sedating.

I realize that science likes to narrow things down. There are good reasons to do so. But even if every last part of cannabis were fully researched, how can that lead us to an understanding of how all 60+ parts interact in the body? Until extensive tests are done on the plant form of cannabis with all it's different forms of ingestion, we won't know anything for certain.
Some substances in cannabis are actually beneficial to the human body

o really...

cannabis is a medicinal plant! More then ANY other.
It cures more then any single "modern medicine"does.

Tablets and powders just cure one thing, if that.
They usually surpress your feelings, the ilness, or plain mindwarp you
with their chemical properties. some medicine can kill you.
some actually do that! (the ones that "kill"cancer for example.
They kill cancer, but also the healthy cells! How is that a cure for
anything? Becaue it just isn't!)
It is like chopping of an arm when there is something wrong with your hand,
It is like shooting pigeons with rockets.

Cannabinoids are good for humans. Healthy for brain and body.
Mother's even produce them to give the munchies to unborn babies in the mothers stomach.

They make your vascular system relax. Make your heart pound slower,
keep cells young. They make you live longer.

Cannabis can cure the world! In many, many ways...

and smoking cannabis is bad for your health. Not as bad
as tobacco, in tobacco trichomes are radioactive isotopes.
pollodium210 and lead210 for example. There are more in them.

"Cannabinoids are good for humans. Healthy for brain and body. Mother's even produce them to give the munchies to unborn babies in the mothers stomach. " - "They make your vascular system relax. Make your heart pound slower,keep cells young. They make you live longer. "

Those are opinions .

The web site you quoted is not neutral , objective and critical . The name of the site says what it is .
GOD's right again
however thank you for sharing the info and the sources :)
me mom will be happy to hear it :D
GOD a dit:
"Cannabinoids are good for humans. Healthy for brain and body. Mother's even produce them to give the munchies to unborn babies in the mothers stomach. " - "They make your vascular system relax. Make your heart pound slower,keep cells young. They make you live longer. "

Those are opinions .

The web site you quoted is not neutral , objective and critical . The name of the site says what it is .

Those are not opinions you stupid ignorant fuck, really, you piss me off by that arrogance of you.

Check the fucking records yourself.

Here's a nice link to start: about cancer.

Btw, you are probably a nice guy but in my opinion, you are really an asshole.

See the difference?


happy sunday.
Your being nothing but being abusive again , have you got problems again that your letting out here ? Remember what happened last time you had problems and started being abusive here ? You got banned .

There were also three posts where people discussed the reasons why you got banned . I thought that they could bve embarassing for you so i wrote to ground control and asked for them to be edited and they were edited .

Maybe you should also start to think about why you got made a moderator and why you got let back into the site after you got banned . I know the answer to both questions and i also know that you should be gratefull to me in all three cases .
dennis1978 a dit:
cannabis is a medicinal plant! More then ANY other.
It cures more then any single "modern medicine"does.

I can't think of anything that cannabis actually cures, to be honest...
I'm with you that it is possibly one of the most productive plants as far as potential medical applications go.
But I can in no way agree with the implication that it is a better idea than modern medicine...

dennis1978 a dit:
Tablets and powders just cure one thing, if that.

Well, no... Not exactly true, actually. Many medications can be prescribed for a variety of reasons, as the active chemical compounds have a variety of effects on the human body/brain. For example, Benzodiazepines, according to wikipedia, can be 'useful in treating anxiety, insomnia, agitation, seizures, and muscle spasms'.

However, that isn't really a good thing. If you're taking a medication for one thing, you don't necessarily want it to be having effects on other areas, or aspects of your health... To return to the Benzodiazepine analogy; if you need something to treat anxiety, you probably don't want it to put you to sleep. The less effects a given medication cause, the better medication it probably is.

Then there are Contraindications to take into account. If you have a medical condition, or are on other medication that has side effects, then you may not be even able to take a medication which could potentially help you.

dennis1978 a dit:
They usually surpress your feelings, the ilness, or plain mindwarp you with their chemical properties.

If getting high on THC isn't about 'mindwarping with chemical properties', then I don't know what is. Pharmaceuticals are chemicals, and so are all the cannabinoids.

dennis1978 a dit:
some medicine can kill you.
some actually do that! (the ones that "kill"cancer for example.
They kill cancer, but also the healthy cells! How is that a cure for
anything? Becaue it just isn't!)

To understand how it is a cure, you must understand why cancer is so devastating. A Cancer tumor is human cells that a reproducing infinitely, when they shouldn't be. Some modern research believes that cancer cells are malfunctioning stem cells.

To 'cure' a cancer, you must kill all the cancer cells. (Or, if some stem cell theories are to be believed, the active cancerous stem cells, I believe...)
The best way to do this with the crude techniques available involves overkill.

It is better to kill 100% of the cancer cells and some healthy cells than 80% of cancer cells, and no healthy cells. If you don't kill all of the cancer cells, the tumor will probably re-grow.

dennis1978 a dit:
Cannabinoids are good for humans.

That would be a wide range of chemicals... I will agree that some are very likely good for humans - some may be useful for treating medical conditions, and others may be just generally good for health. But that doesn't mean that all of them are necessarily healthy or beneficial.

dennis1978 a dit:
Mother's even produce them to give the munchies to unborn babies in the mothers stomach.

Certain ones, maybe. Could you perhaps post a link to some information? I'd be interested to read about cannabinoids that are natural to the human body.

dennis1978 a dit:
and smoking cannabis is bad for your health. Not as bad
as tobacco, in tobacco trichomes are radioactive isotopes.
pollodium210 and lead210 for example. There are more in them.

I believe that I read that the radioactive compounds actually come from fertilizers that are sprayed on all US tobacco plants by federal law... Not sure where that was sourced from, though, so don't quote me on that...

HeartCore a dit:
Check the fucking records yourself.

Not meaning to butt in on you, but when somebody claims something, it's usually up to them to back up their statements...

Anyway, it's very interesting to read about the potential benefits of CBD. :)
It'd be nice to see more research done into the different cannabinoids that are present in cannabis, along with the possible synthesis of other cannabinoids...

As far as synthesis goes, I can't help but wonder if something along the lines of PiHKAL/TiHKAL would be possible with cannabinoids..?
Not meaning to hijack this thread, but does anyone know if anything like that has ever been done?
Oh ! DrGonzoII , well said .

THC can be synthesised and it can also be isomerised from the oils of industrial hemp . If you want to know more i can do some reading and let you know . I dont think that the synthesis is as "easy" as synthesising exstacy or DMT though .

From my personal experience when i smoked my skin had more and bigger wrinkles than when i didnt smoke . It was also dryer and not so elastic . Wounds that i have had for years also got smaller and almost healed since i dont smoke . I`m not saying that that is because of cannabis , maybe its because of the tars and gasses that come from burning it .
THC is a terrifyingly complicated looking molecule, if you ask me. What I find really interesting, though, is the fact that I can't really seem to find any information on other psychoactive cannabinoids... Is THC really so unique within the cannabinoids?
From what i`ve read THC is a group of chemicals and there are two main natural ones that make you high and in some plants one or two others . As far as synthesising synthetic THCs i havent seen much about that either . Its something that interests me so i`ll have a read but i`m buisy untill thursday as i`m going to a party on monday night .
I just went to my mate AJ and he put 4 books in my hand that have synthesies for THC and some of its analogs . I had a quick look and its much easyer than anything i`ve seen in PIHKAL or Tihkal . Its so easy even i could do it .

Read :-

Recreational drugs by Professor Buz

Psychedelic chemistry by Trachsel and Richard

Marihuana potency by Michael Starks

Psychedelic chemistry by Michael Valantine Smith
Hey, thanks for the info. :)

Unfortunately, sourcing those books from amazon seems to be on the expensive side... Not too common, from what I can gather price-wise...

Cheapest seems to be the one by Michael Starks. One of the others was only on the UK amazon for around £700 upwards... :shock:

So... Did a little googling, and came across a page that discussed some synthesis... But I think I'm hijacking this thread a little too much now, perhaps I should take this to the synthesis forum for any further discussion. :)
I did one called "get of your arses" there . I shall look for some links for those books .

OK , i shall shut up on that theme here and hope the thread gets back on topic .