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Carbogen-- A psychedelic mixture of CO2 and oxygen

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion spice
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 774
Looks very interesting Spice, thanks for bringing it to my attention I'll have to read a bit more in to it, exciting stuff. :D
Wow very interesting stuff, don't think I'd ever try it though.
Never been a really big fan of nitrous either, although some experience sound a lot more interesting then N2o.
But who would've guessed, Carbogen
I wonder what the mechanism is...
from the article:

"During the 1950s and 1960s, the primary mechanisms proposed were alterations in blood pH and inhibition of neuronal function by the slowing of cellular metabolism. More recent research paints a complex picture of interconnected systems, including activation of serotonin (5-HT) neurons in the raphe nuclei (located in the mid-brain) where most serotonin neurons have their cell bodies.18,19,20"

and...."Carbon dioxide dissolved in blood is acidic, just as it is in carbonated soda. Inhalation of carbogen rapidly increases acidity (lowers pH) of the blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and brain, creating a condition called respiratory acidosis or hypercapnia. In 1938 Gibbs and Gibbs repeatedly measured arterial and venous blood pH while administering a 35-breath session with Meduna's mixture. They found that arterial blood pH dropped from 7.37 at the start of the session to 6.94 after 35 inhalations,17 a level that could be dangerous if maintained for prolonged periods. Blood pH rapidly returns to normal after carbogen administration ends. Although many researchers believe that lowered pH directly causes reduced brain activity and anaesthesia,22,23 acidosis alone probably does not explain carbogen's visual and visionary effects."

"nterestingly, high levels of carbon dioxide also lead to rapid dilatation of cerebral vessels and increased cerebral blood flow.23,24 For brief periods, increases in blood flow in the brain are generally associated with improvements in cognitive performance."


"Recent advances in understanding the identity and location of the brain's carbon dioxide chemoreceptors may provide better explanations for the anxiogenic and visionary effects of carbogen. Over the last decade, a number of researchers have verified that a subset of serotonin neurons in the raphe nuclei respond to hypercapnia.18 Because of the many brain areas to which they extend, such serotonin neurons are well-placed to not only trigger autonomic responses, such as breath and cerebral blood flow, but also interact with the parts of the brain responsible for cognition and emotions"

I think this bears investigation. Perhaps if I get time in my hectic existence I can try it soon.....I'm very curious.

I remember when I was an employee in a restaraunt as a teenager and I took a breath out of a baloon I thought was filled with helium, it was actually filled with CO2, and I took one deep breath and fell down, nearly unconscious...I knew very little about drugs or chemicals and it scared the hell out of me.

But I am intrigued.....
I think there's a bar in Belgium where they do that. It's an oxygen bar when you can smoke hookas, or get some oxygen. I've never tried it but I've been told it's very pleasant and also very healthy.

Maybe it's not what we're talking about here, if so I apologize :p
Thanks spice for that read! The effects seem interesting. The only problem with psychedelic substances that must be admistered in certain quanities and from vapors such as CO2 and O2, is that is is very hard to do it alone in the privicy of your own home. You would have to know a doctor or dentist!

An interesting excerpt:

"Subject took 13 breaths and then said, "Oh my, it was neat. I went to this paradise land. Wow. [I was in a] brightly starry zone, I drifted past that to lush, green paradise. […] After about 4 breaths I saw the stars and didn't think much about the breathing discomfort. […] It was very, very visual once I got past the star land. Then I was coming back and it's like, wait a minute! […] Similar to but totally different from DMT, even as far as the feeling of being just yanked."
faithless a dit:
I think there's a bar in Belgium where they do that. It's an oxygen bar when you can smoke hookas, or get some oxygen. I've never tried it but I've been told it's very pleasant and also very healthy.

If it's pure it's very dumb.
You know old people getting senile?
That's because of the byproducts of Oxygen, turns your brains into mush in the long run....
faithless a dit:
I think there's a bar in Belgium where they do that. It's an oxygen bar when you can smoke hookas, or get some oxygen. I've never tried it but I've been told it's very pleasant and also very healthy.

They tell you that an oxygen-bar (or other products where you can get extra oxygen from), are good for your health.
I saw an documentary once that it's not proved to be true and that probably is a big scam/hoax.

I really don't know why extra oxygen is healthy for someone.
If you need extra oxygen then you automatically start gaping (don't know if gaping is the correct translation, but I mean: the thing what you do with your mouth when something is boring). :wink:
^yawning would be the usual saying. :)

I heard about carbogen a few weeks / months ago, looked very interesting (albeit a little terrifying).

I have a feeling the wikipedia page was quite interesting...
I can say on the note of oxygen 'hits' that a quick hit of pure oxygen can displace the worse headaches!
Thanks spice for that read! The effects seem interesting. The only problem with psychedelic substances that must be admistered in certain quanities and from vapors such as CO2 and O2, is that is is very hard to do it alone in the privicy of your own home. You would have to know a doctor or dentist!

That's exactly what I'm thinking, if one were to have O2 and CO2 it could be quite irritating trying to get a good mix. If one were to have some equipment it could be done quite easily though I suppose.
sounds like hyperventilating to me. through hyperventilating, the CO2 levels in the bloodstream rise, just as with carbogen.
With hyperventilating the CO2 levens in the bloodstream wil not rise, but the opposite.
Your blood releases more CO2 than normal. Your blood will be less sour (PH rises), and you start to feel dizzy etc. etc.
I'll try it someday when I have the chance (=proper equipment). I have always been fascinated by the suffocating-feeling you get when holding your breath for a minute. I also love the effects of N2O, with or without any other psychoactives.


But the name.. It only makes me hungry, I don't know why.
HappyMind a dit:
With hyperventilating the CO2 levens in the bloodstream wil not rise, but the opposite.
Your blood releases more CO2 than normal. Your blood will be less sour (PH rises), and you start to feel dizzy etc. etc.
ah ok.. I misunderstood that.
When I was a kid.. about 12 or so, I was told about this way to get wierd effects through hyperventilating like this:

Hyperventilate until you are dizzy, then take a deep breath.. hold it and PUSH.. while someone else picks you up from behind and squeezes your chest even more.

... what I remember of it was EXPLODY stars in front of my eyes, and then a dreamlike state.. I honestly do not remember now exactly what I dreamed but it was a whole different world sort of experience with an odd, panoramic view.. then passing into near unconsciousness as my friend let me down onto the ground. It lasted for a few minutes then I was back to normal.

Needless to say, although I enjoyed it, I was also scared by it and didn't do it again. :)

I'm NOT saying anyone should do this, by the way! If you do, make sure your buddy watches your breathing!! And I'd have a pail of cold water just to snap you out of it if you lock up at all.
Can anyone think of a home made apparatus that you could use to store gas in %'s etc?
vajrakana a dit:
Hyperventilate until you are dizzy, then take a deep breath.. hold it and PUSH.. while someone else picks you up from behind and squeezes your chest even more.

my younger brother and his friends used to do some thing similar to this
it involved being pushed against a wall by the neck/shoulders area (i never partook so i'm not positive) after hyperventilating
to me, the casual observer, it looked as if the subject was passing out and i could never figure out why they did it

EDIT: fainting game
To post infront of me, that "game" is not only extremely stupid, but is also incredibly dangerous. ANY TIME you are depriving your brain of oxygen you suffer the chance of unrepairable brain damage. Not to mention that 1 way to do it can easily stop your heart, for good.
Ignorance is one of the most dangerous things in the world.