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Cannabis, Theta State, Sleep & Dreams

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My friend has smoked calea and cannabis in conjunction and found that they synergise quite well, although the proper dosage for calea is quite large, well beyond that of a smoking mixture ingested in one session.
But it seems if used in small amounts, and infrequently, that it can have marked effects on dreams, although not particularly making them more lucid, it does seem to make them more memorably profound. At least form the small amount of anecdotal evidence I received from him.

Give it a try after drinking a large amount of calea tea, then report back with your findings.
i just assumed i wasnt remembering my dreams. cannabis ruins my short term memory
GhostlyOne17 a dit:
I'll most definitely try it out although I left my calea at friends house who I just found out is travelling. I just fugured it wouldn't mix because cannabis is known to suppress dreams.

I was wondering today if that deep psychedelic state that I'm speaking of on cannabis right before falling asleep is almost a world between worlds... A cosmic state between "waking life" and "dream state". Would anybody consider that this could be an infinite space between "parallel universes"?
It's not infinite. You can cross into dreams entirely aware of the state of your consciousness. I've done it.

I don't know what to say about universes, though. I mean, clearly the dream universe can be just as detailed as the waking one -- but who's to say that it isn't just in your head. Not that that really discounts its validity as a universe, for it can be experienced -- and who's to say this universe isn't the one in your head and your dreams aren't the real one?

EDIT: Only there with Cannabis, you say? I have some experimenting to do...
GhostlyOne17 a dit:
most definitely, Rymmen. It may not be infinite, maybe just endless mirrors reflecting some type of celestial hologram between universes. I ask myself- how is it subjective if I'm conscious of the fact I'm dreaming. I'm "conscious" right now... I think....
Indeed. This universe, that you identify as real, could all be in your head, like most people think the dream world is. Or mine, of course -- I don't even know that you are conscious. I don't believe I can know.
endless mirrors reflecting some type of celestial hologram between universes

This is where we are right now. welcome to the Matrix!
Aren't we just talking about the stage right before falling asleep, where you start to lose conscious? Because I've had experiences wherein I could remain aware of everything I saw behind my eyelids, and when one succesfully does that, you get into sort of a dreamlike state, but more random imagery and waaay more trippiness.
"i just assumed i wasnt remembering my dreams. cannabis ruins my short term memory"

True in a way . It doesnt fuck your short term memory or it would fuck your long term memory = if your short term memory was fucked your experiences would not reach your long term memory . Next time you forget what you were thinking , or saying in the middle of a sentance tell yourself you will remember in 10 minutes and you will remember . At least that worked for me . I used to forget every thing and get woried about it but i always remembered 10 minutes later . = the time it needs to be prosesed and reach the rest of your memory . = its not gone its just that you cant consciously see it .

"Would anybody consider that this could be an infinite space between "parallel universes"? "

Yes , but only nutters .

"Atleast I can't access it without cannabis as well."

Thats the answer .

"maybe just endless mirrors reflecting some type of celestial hologram between universes."

No , its called being stoned if you get it after using drugs .

Rymmen and VerusDeus are right in what they say .
Cannabis doesn't seem to affect my ability to remember my dreams at all, even after a large dose. But I don't smoke every day either.

Aren't we just talking about the stage right before falling asleep, where you start to lose conscious?

The naturally occuring state of hypnagogia?


You can enter this state fairly easily with minimalist music, I do it all the time, sometimes the imagery is so clear you think your eyes are open.

Now combine this with cannabis.. especially on higher doses of Cannabis, it is easier to fall into a trance, or half-awake state in the first place, and when you do, for me anyway it becomes incredibly visual and psychedelic (eyes open or closed).
Come to think of it that is a really lousy wikipedia article.. it explains the basics but makes it sound like everyone is terrified of hypnagogia, which is so untrue.
I dunno, but if I ingest enough cannabis I definitely get pretty strong synesthesia, usually along the lines of sound being confused with touch or color (this only happens to me otherwise on high doses of acid).
yeah in a relaxed state it is easier to observe the connection of yourself to your environment. well but not only observe, feel it too. i haad that too with weed, its like you feel so relaxed and you feel the flow of energy in your body... and if you can focus your attention on the flow you can also sense your surroundings, by just being aware of them in this state of energy flow and awareness.

i think when stoned the thing i felt most must have been the couch because sometimes when too stoned there's nothin more left to do than chill in the couch. :D you even have to chill there when too stoned... cannabis "overdoses" are sometimes hard, but sometimes they can get you into a really mellow mood /feeling.

peace :weedman:
GhostlyOne17 a dit:
I don't know either but during that extremely relaxed state I get synesthesia more so when I have ingested cannabis, it's still there when sober but not as prevelant. When a bird chirps or a cricket makes a sound, even with little to no hard vibration, I can see the sounds and feel them pulse through my body. I have to be just about falling asleep, meditating, or ingest a "psychedelic" like cannabis or mushrooms. Amanitas produce more synesthesia than psilo for me. It's also very strong for me on mdma. Anybody else have such experiences?

Definitely, one of my hobbies is electronic music and I design my own sounds. While I'm not outright synesthesic I do tend to think of how sounds feel, taste, what colors they evoke, how musical patterns form geometrical and mathematical patterns. So naturally I was ready for LSD when it breezed my way (I've never had synesthesia from mushrooms :( ).

I don't have to be falling asleep to be feeling it, I just have to do enough of a dose to get there. During my first couple acid trips the synesthesic effects actually became real, to the point of touch evoking visuals.. Sound evoking the sensation of touch, music changing and slowing my perception of time, pure sensory crossover. Many true synesthesics think of their "disorder" as a gift, the first time I experienced it I was running around like an 8 year old excitedly shouting I was a synesthesic while my GF was laughing her ass off.

I like to use LSD and cannabis as a tool (or treat) to listen to my own music when I finish a track from a different perspective.. but at a certain level the synesthesia can get a bit TOO overwhelming as I have found after ingesting a fair amount of hashish or cannabis..
When I was still a cannabis rookie I closed my eyes and chewed some mint gum and I could SEE the flavor as a white morphing thing :)

Last week I'd been smoking daily, stopped for a day and the next morning recalled 3 or 4 dreams... I think is the habitual use that makes one forget dreams.

Ghostly, tell us how things went with calea...