cannabis raises risk of psychosis

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Elfe Mécanique
Im hoping this can be put on the front page, it has a cool picture.

I know very well now were a majority of you stand on this issue, I did post this to be more disliked or fight with you individually. its only there for reading and awareness if your interested.

I can't seem to get a clicking link that works maby someone can help out.
This study is about cannabis raising the risk of psychosis in kids.. and we've posted studies and documentaries about that here before including the one with the lab rats posted a couple months ago, it showed that developing rat brains are inhibited by cannabis but there aren't really any effects at all on adult rats.

The hypocritical thing is that there's some recent studies that point out that even small amounts of alcohol are in fact even worse for developing brains than cannabis, and the media isn't making people aware of this issue. Kids really shouldn't use either of course..

(i can't get your link to post as a clickable url either, it just shows the url tags. perhaps it doesn't like the .stm extension..)
they also mention that it worses schizophrenia..

when the last research post before this one suggest just the opposite.

who to trust. it clearly states young adults.

thanks for trying with the link
The problem is not what the study shows.. The problem is, these kind of studies are used as argument for prohibition, while in the end it should be up to each one's conscious decision whether to use the substance or not
viljo a dit:
I can't seem to get a clicking link that works maby someone can help out.
Go to 'General Psychonautics' and read the first two posts of the 'Forum Tricks' thread (it's a sticky). There you'll learn how to add links and pictures to your post.

Now our front page has two news items without pictures... :cry:

I also think it's nicer if a news item contains (part of) the text, rather than just a URL.

I would love to fix your post for you, but I'm not a moderator anymore.
i personally don't care what the results are as long as they are accurate and not misrepresented. if you want people to make informed choices, give them the facts. sloppy, yellow journalism is what makes getting to the bottom of this so difficult. even the bbc article title is misleading (the study is about kids, not everyone in general).

i was hoping for some actual facts and figures, this may be the actual study (it's from the same university) anyway it's quite interesting and if it is the same one you can see that the BBC really.. watered it down and oversimplified it. it isn't that it raises the risk of psychosis in kids, it specifically raises the risk of psychosis in certain kids with a history of sexual trauma/abuse and kids with specific gene types. in other portions of the population there is little difference.

(goes to conclusion, scroll up for lotsza graphs)
Didn't realize that. The one I posted is from 2008, maybe it references the 2004 study in passing? (It does credit Maastricht University in the opening hence I assumed it was the same). It's very objective, quite worth a look.

this is more current 2008 can't expect you to talk when there is more current information.

just be aware that's all, this doesn't have to be about legalization and im not demanding you to never try cannabis or lay down the bong for good.

keeping an eye on this kind of information is important.

don't take my concern as an act against your freedom.
Viljo, did you read my post about adding pictures etc.?
Your news item is from 2004. It shouldn't be on the front page.
The URL you posted above is dead too.
yes im checking it out. thanks

I apologise about the front page Im aware its suppose to be recent.

as for the other link im working on it now

here is the link again but I don't think its connecting properly.
if you copy and paste it into google itself it should work.