Cannabis laws to be strengthened

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More fuckeroni's in lawmaking:

Cannabis was downgraded to Class C under Tony Blair

Cannabis is to be reclassified as a class B drug, Jacqui Smith has said.

The home secretary said she wanted to reverse Tony Blair's 2004 downgrading of the drug because of "uncertainty" over its impact on mental health.

The move from class C means the maximum prison sentence for possessing cannabis rises from two years to five years.

Her statement to MPs came despite the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs' review - commissioned by Gordon Brown - saying it should stay class C.

'Psychotic illness'

Since cannabis was downgraded there has been widespread concern about the increased prevalence of stronger "skunk" varieties.

Ms Smith said this now accounted for 80% of the cannabis seized on the streets and the drug was nearly three times stronger than in 1995.

She added that the government's change of heart - which is subject to parliamentary approval - was part of a "relentless drive".

Ms Smith, who has admitted smoking cannabis while she was a student, told MPs: "There is a compelling case for us to act now, rather than risk the future health of young people.

"Where there is a clear and serious problem, but doubt about the potential harm that will be caused, we must err on the side of caution and protect the public.

"I make no apology for that - I am not prepared to 'wait and see'."

In its report, Cannabis: Classification And Public Health, the advisory council described cannabis as a "significant public health issue".

But it said it should still remain a class C drug, as the risks were not as serious as those of class B substances, such as amphetamines and barbiturates.

The report said the evidence suggested a "probable, but weak, causal link between psychotic illness, including schizophrenia, and cannabis use".

However, in the population as a whole, it played only a "modest role" in the development of these conditions.

Council chairman Sir Michael Rawlings told BBC Radio 4's World at One: "The strength of things like skunk hasn't really changed very much over the last few years but it's now more widely used... The question of potency is a very complex area."

Read the rest here:
Hopefully if Labour is kicked out in the next election (which seems likely) these bogus laws will be repealed.

Canada, err I mean Harper is clamping down right now with its bill C-26. If Harper was elected out tomorrow this bill would be DOA... a dit:
Hopefully if Labour is kicked out in the next election (which seems likely) these bogus laws will be repealed.

the conservative party always said, from the day it was reclassified to class c, that if they were in power they would put it back to class B

so no chance
HA! Isn't that some shit?

If Paris Hilton gets DUI, she gets a pretty little ankle bracelet.
If a citizen of the United States smokes pot, he/she gets 5 years.

Again, gotta keep the ignorance level HIGH
rather than risk the future health of young people

It is well known that prison is good for health :roll:
Crazy world...
rather than risk the future health of young people

The whole premise of these types of laws is that they own you. I feed my dog this. I don't let my dog eat that...

They try to make this fact a little more palatable by mentioning "young people" since, like livestock and slaves, children are not allowed to be free to do whatever they like. They aren't mature enough to make judgments about things like what to eat, drink, smoke, etc.

So often, when we argue with the people in government, it's like we're arguing with our parents. Waaah! Why can't I have it? We make all these arguments, but it comes down to the fact that they're the parent and we are the children, and the parents say "No."

It's absurd. We're human beings. They're human beings (at least they look sort of like human beings). That group of people organizes themselves into a mob and does violence, and they play this make-believe game, pretending that it is not what it is, but rather it's law and order, enlightened government protecting the public health of its sla- oops - citizens.

Government is bad. There are reasons we have to put up with some evils in this life, but thoughtful people should recognize the inherent dangers.

Do you want to own a house, maybe even build one, or a tent, or whatever suits you... or do you want to be "housed"? Should the government make sure there's "housing" for people? Are they in charge of your welfare? Are they our keepers?

The world we inhabit is a state of mind. Examine thought carefully. Especially your own. That's where we begin.
jj a dit:
Government is bad. There are reasons we have to put up with some evils in this life, but thoughtful people should recognize the inherent dangers.

Do you want to own a house, maybe even build one, or a tent, or whatever suits you... or do you want to be "housed"? Should the government make sure there's "housing" for people? Are they in charge of your welfare? Are they our keepers?

The world we inhabit is a state of mind. Examine thought carefully. Especially your own. That's where we begin.

Even a lot of the "enlightened" users I know still opt for strong government, as long as it happens to match their personal whims in this regard. They don't seem to realize that assigning government the kind of power it needs to have to push through their agendas is playing with fire, and it will come around and bite them back on the ass as soon as a political party or movement they disagree with comes into the same position of power.

My government has been reduced from educating, building roads and locking up murderers, to partisan groups attempting to push their personal morals and ideals of how the world should run down each other's throats. It is a complete abuse of the function of government, spurs the creation of mountains of laws that in the end leads to an utter waste of resources and taxes.

Power corrupts.
jj a dit:
The whole premise of these types of laws is that they own you. I feed my dog this. I don't let my dog eat that...

So often, when we argue with the people in government, it's like we're arguing with our parents. Waaah! Why can't I have it? We make all these arguments, but it comes down to the fact that they're the parent and we are the children, and the parents say "No."

That happend when the Government went from consensus assistant to provider (law making factory).
People are conditioned to follow the rules others are making for them so they don't have to think for themselves,
it's rediculous.
Humans going from amazing intelligent creatures to ignorant cattle,
crazy innit?