Canadian workers ill after cannabis brownie mix-up

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Three office employees in the Canadian city of Victoria fell ill after a colleague unwittingly gave them chocolate brownies laced with cannabis.

Police were investigating a possible case of poisoning at the workplace after the three were taken to hospital feeling dizzy and disorientated.

The woman who brought in the cakes said she simply found them in her freezer.

But her son later admitted to police he had baked the cannabis cakes some time ago and forgotten about them.

Canadian media reports said police decided not to press charges because there had been no criminal intent.

But the son is expected to be ordered to take part in community work, said the Vancouver Sun.

All three affected colleagues were released from hospital after a few hours

Canadian media reports said police decided not to press charges because there had been no criminal intent.

That's pretty fair, that wouldn't have happen so in some countries
It's always striking that media fail to mention that cannabis is completely safe and that it is only because people don't expect the effects that they will start feeling 'poisoned'.

I almost 'poisoned' a very nice chineese lady who lived with my dad in the same circumstances.
I knocked on the door and she stopped mid bite to let me in. The contraband was taken right away and she was givin an explinaiton. The look of shock on her face made me feel ill myself.

Although she was pretty lucky. That batch recieved well over afew grams of very high quality banana kush. Much too potent for a nonsmoker. :lol:

Its interesting to hear of diffrent peoples views on the pot. Some people.. are down right funny.
I saw this story in our news too. I laughed vigorously.

Pot has no LD50. It does not make one ill. It is a medicine, not a toxin. There are, however, some that are allergic to it, but I find that far less likely in this case that all 3 would have an allergic reaction. In the entire history of the planet, there have been exactly ZERO deaths from pot. That is why I get so pissed at idiotic stories of ill effects. You get stoned, you fall asleep. You don't puke and you don't almost die. Not now, not ever.

I think that this is just some BS scare tactic story. Being a little high does not give one the symptoms described. It is possible that perhaps the baker was not cautious and had some kind of food poisoning that they are attributing to pot. Either way, it was not the pot that made anyone as ill as described.
Cultosaurus a dit:
Pot has no LD50. It does not make one ill. It is a medicine, not a toxin.
You're wrong, everything has a LD50, even water !
Paracelsus has said : "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous." It was in the fifteen's century. For example, the human body needs arsenic to live, but in really small amounts, cause everybody knows it's a potent toxin if taken in high dosage.

The cannabis LD 50 seems to be "1270 mg/kg (male rats), 730 mg/kg (female rats)", according to erowid. Yes, it is huge, and nobody could smoke so much, but there is one.
5tr4t0 a dit:
Cultosaurus a dit:
Pot has no LD50. It does not make one ill. It is a medicine, not a toxin.
You're wrong, everything has a LD50, even water !
Paracelsus has said : "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous." It was in the fifteen's century. For example, the human body needs arsenic to live, but in really small amounts, cause everybody knows it's a potent toxin if taken in high dosage.

The cannabis LD 50 seems to be "1270 mg/kg (male rats), 730 mg/kg (female rats)", according to erowid. Yes, it is huge, and nobody could smoke so much, but there is one.

the fact still remains that no one has ever died from pot, EVER in the history of human kind. There is no more gentle, no more easy medicine than pot. It almost sounds like you are saying that this was a justified account. This I cannot, nor will not, ever believe. Estimates of an LD50 on water or pot are still only exaggerated attempts to scare people. Water having an LD50 is just ludicrous. Not all things are poisonous. That, in itself, is ludicrous and I put no credence to Paracelsus' statement. It is impossible to overdose on water, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, carrots or pot. You must provide some kind of proof before making such a statement. Someone who had as little knowledge as a physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, and general occultist from the 14th century cannot possibly be relied upon for any kind of proper medical knowledge. We know far better today than he did in his day.

We must be provided proof, not just outrageous, outdated postulations.