Canadian drug laws ruled unconstitutional by BC court

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Vancouver's safe injection site recently had a two-year extension to continue its work, and in the process the BC supreme court has ruled the drug laws in Canada unconstitutional, allowing the way hopefully for other provinces to open their own clean injection facilities. The Federal govt has two years to review its policy.

When people who have legitimate medical need certain of certain drugs that happen to be illegal are denied access by the law, the law is definitely in violation of the constitution.. Whether or not this will be a step to a permanent, more responsible drug policy remains to be seen... now all we need to do is get rid of Harper and the conservatives a.s.a.p!

Read the article here: CBC News
OH SHIT now THAT is some good news!! Funny that this goes out the day after I change my sig LOL
The court SAYS "The Federal govt has two years to review its policy." . So did the highest court in Germany . Look at America to , its the same . And what happened........ NOTHING . Time passes , things change and courts cant arrest or punish parlament . And fuck the constitution it can be avoided and interpreted in diferent ways ....... wich steals YEARS .

SEEING IS BELIEVING . Canada is an American pupet state so i`d find something to do while you are waiting if i were you . Build a house or a cold fusion reactor or time machine or ??????
GOD a dit:
SEEING IS BELIEVING . Canada is an American pupet state so i`d find something to do while you are waiting if i were you . Build a house or a cold fusion reactor or time machine or ??????

Unfortunately as long as Harper is in the house your analysis is probably correct. But lets not forget that this has worked out in the UK.. now if only our liberal opposition had some balls.