BZP now illegal in Canada


Elfe Mécanique
BZP is now a controlled substance in Canada. Here's an article that came up on november 28th on the Radio-Canada website, roughly translated from French by myself:

Stimulating and dangerous?

BZP and 3-TFMPP are now alongside other "recreative drugs" such as GHB, Ecstasy and speed.
The Purepillz company freely sells four products (Peaq, Freq, PureRush et PureSpun) described as "social tonics and safe, legal alternatives to street drugs"
Nevertheless, these products known as "legal ecstasy" to their users thanks to their euphoric and stimulant effects, are far from "natural", as they are often described.
In fact, these components are synthetic; they do not exist in nature. Health Canada warns that they can have dangerous effects, such as:
-a rise in body heat
-a rise in blood pressure

Health Canada worries about the growing popularity of these products and decided to stop their sale.
RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) specialists confirm the increasing presence of these chemicals during the last year; not only in bars, but also in schools and workplaces.
According to Dr Claude Arsenault, the effects of the substance combine the stimulating properties of amphetamines with the hallucinogenic properties of LSD
"Imagine the effects on the brain neurochemistry!"
— Dr Claude Arsenault

Health Canada's decision is supported by recent studies conducted in New Zealand, which suggest that the pills may pose an health risk.
The federal agency will add BZP to the list of controlled sustances. Possession and sale of these products will now be criminal.
BZP pills have already been seized everywhere in Canada, including Montréal and Toronto.

Adam Wookey, proprietary of PurePillz, claims he does not understand Health Canada's position.
"There will always be a demand for recreative drugs. It is to the government to decide if the black market will now be the only supply answering that demand."
— Adam Wookey

Health Canada leaves 30 days to recieve commentaries before adding BZP to the list of controlled substances.


My commentary? Canada isn't above senseless anti-drug propaganda.
-BZP causes paranoia? I think they don't need to seize any BZP; they're paranoid enough.
-The effects of BZP are comparable to a combination of speed and LSD? Give me a break!
-BZP is not a natural substance? The claim that it is cannot be found on the PurePillz website. And I doubt that most of the products coming from the pharmaceutical industry can be called "natural"; but of course, only unnatural fun things are demonised.
This is depressing trend that seems to emerging. People think all they have to do is find legal alternatives to the illegal drugs, but as we're seeing time and time again: if the drug works then once it gains enough mainstream attention (as is happening with salvia) then it will end up being banned also.

There's no real way to win against this mentality. If people kept silent about the legal drugs which worked most of us would never find out about them either, so it's a catch 22 situation for everyone concerned.
Yeah, irritating. I have no interest in trying bzp, but banning it means just creating yet another subset of so-called "criminals", and yet another street drug--with no quality control, no instructions, far more dangerous. Oh well, with the conservative climate in canada these days nothing is going to change for a long while.
making love in the afternoon with cecelia!

Cecelia would be pissed.
Thanks for the translation.

I did BZP half a year ago. At work. My boss put a package of some commercially looking "energizer" on my desk. Feeling a bit drowsy (it was 10 AM and I had not taken coffee yet) I ingested two tablets, thinking it was an ordinary herbal energizer, with some kind of "pepper extract". I then googled the substance, and found out I had just ingested a potent SSRI. And wow, did it feel ecstatic!!

I had quite a headache in the evening though. That headache, a common side effect, has kept me from repeating the experiment, even though I still have a bunch of tablets left.
Tis a shame, right after a lot of EU countries banned it. :(