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blotters in the wallet

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 310
hey guys. i know that if you're going to store lsd for some time you have to put it somewhere cold and dry, like a freezer, wrapped in aluminium foil. but would it be ok if it's kept in a wallet if it's just 3 days? it does have the foil though.
Wrap em in thin foil and then in zip lock,envelope,as u sad.Mine was alright after 5 days in ma wallet
mm but i'm thinking what if my friend crushes them with his ass when he sits? maybe i should call and tell him to put them somewhere else...
hehe i guess i'm just a bit anxious.
Wallets get warm and wet .

It would be better if you storerd them dry , airless , lightless and cold .

Why play games , better safe than sorry .
GOD a dit:
Wallets get warm and wet .

It would be better if you storerd them dry , airless , lightless and cold .

Why play games , better safe than sorry .

3 days won't matter at all. unless his friend's ass is sweaty as hell. and i mean REAL sweaty. but still..
You know what, when I picked up two black microdots with my fingers they turned more brown. When holding them against the light they were transparant instead of black dots it were before with no penetrated light. Problem is that once there comes moisture on the material, it stays there, who knows what it does.

I had kept blotters at room temprature for 3 years and 2 hot summers passed, and there hadn't lost potency. They were in foil and a plastic bag.

I'd recommended that and just put it in a safe pocket where it doesn't get the chance of getting crushed. A wallet is just a bit too risky IMO.
they shouldn't lose much potency if theyre well wrapped....
I know this post is a little too old for my comment to have any relevance, but I couldn't help myself.

I don't think anyone would argue that the wallet is an ideal storage location for LSD; however, back in high school I used to keep LSD in my wallet all the tome. I usually kept it in cellophane rather than tin foil just so I could see the blotter. Sometimes it would stay there for months before I used it and I never had problems. Probably not the smartest thing in the world, but I loved opening my wallet to see a couple hits of Mad Hatter looking back at me.
first time i had acid it came out of my mates wallet
in a baggy like one you get weed in
3 of my mates had taken it and were tripping the fuck out
i had it and it did nothing...nothing
sad story lol