zezt a dit:
I personally don't call call psychedelics 'drugs'. I also usually explain why I don't. I don't have all the links at hand right now, but off the top of my head, the term 'drugs' to describe sacred medicine was a derogatory term used by the Inquisition to denigrates indigenous peoples sacraments.
If say I know I
need vitamic C, or vitamin D, or the Vitamin Bs, etc etc, we don't call them 'drugs' do we? Because we realize they are vital for health. They make us feel healthy, and alive, etc. Same with spring water that is full of minerals and health-giving properties. Same with all good food. Yet for the reductive mindset they
could describe even food as 'drugs', and they WOULD do if they could I am sure if they could get a profit from doing so!
Like you say, sacred medicine reveals deeper states of being. How can we define what that means? If we say 'the unconscious', well my way is to explore what THAT means---where does the whole idea about 'the unconscious' come from. See what I mean?
We are caught in a matrix, and language can be used as a weapon that binds us to it because we are
unconscious of it. So I like to look at the origin of terms because language can be being used to confuse you and your not realizing it.
what do we mean
by 'the unconscious'. How much does this culture dumb us down so we become less and less conscious of feelings, and nature. I was watching a video last night telling us that children do not play out like they used to and so are deprived of the invaluable experience of nature! And THEN when they get natural distress from this trauma the matrix-men come and tell them or their parents they have such and such 'mental illness' and need drugs!!
I know in my life this is very much so. Even though I was a kid way before the computers, and mobile phones, and used to play out as a kid. because my homie friends were three years older than me, I lost a lot of childhood trying to fit in with older kids. That and school soon had me totally dulled to nature, and it was L S D taken when I was 15 which resolved all that growing toxic matrix and I regained the feeling of the wonder of nature.
So that is one of the central mysteries of this sacred medicine or sacred food, is that it can undo the evil tentacles of the matrix which grip us and enter us un-consciously--having us self-destruct, and destroy others, and nature. So what 'they' do is then create propaganda against them--call them 'drugs'. Reduce their sacred potential by calling them 'a chemical ride' 'distorting reality'. I have even met people at forums etc who even having taken psychedelics will claim they are just drugs, and 'fuck you up' etc. That is the saddest, because you wonder how you could ever get through to those people if even sacred medicine doesn't help them. What I usually will do is ask them HOW they trip, and usually it is in a very superficial way with bad set and setting. So you offer other ways.
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yeah man... if you ask me, it's becoming more and more obvious how they simply want to enslave us with violence in many ways and in many forms and have their primitive ways. maybe because they are afraid, that we can be different or they are simply jealous or so and can't transform or overstand that feeling in a good way.
on another level it is an expression of nescience, prejudice and ignorance towards reality. i felt it a lot of times as if they want to drag us down to their retarded levels. i think just because they live in their own, little and unfair worlds, they shouldn't try to fuck up our lives, too.
and it's also like most people do bad shit to other people, because of what was done to themselves and as said before they can't deal with it properly.
it's really like you said that they try to impress their ignorant ways on us. maybe "because they are so hopelessly dependant on the system, that they will fight and die to protect it". well, if the system was really so good etc etc then maybe that would be ok, but it's relatively clearly not so, but yeah in principle still somehow a strange idea.. the overwhelming stupidity of wars ... and as we present a harm to the system as they know it, it could be only logical at least from a certain perspective, that they react like they do. and i want to put the emphasis on the word "react", because with some people i would say
they simply become policemen in some way and that is only a way of saying that they are then only executing programs.
another analogy is of course the music industry. i think they are often simply destroying the spirit of music, because the main focus is only business, greed and profit and maybe also mind control for selfish reasons etc etc...
it's really sad how dumb people are becoming, but interestingly enough it can also be seen as a chance. it's as if there are various different herds of people and they will do whatever they are told if certain conditions or so are met. dunno lol... hard to explain/describe, but i hope you know what i mean.
darkwolfunseen a dit:
Got to agree with Zezt on this one. "Drugs" is a catch-all. In speak, it includes pharmaceuticals, herbals, hardcore drugs, and basically anything that you put into your body that gives off a chemical reaction (alcohol, cigarettes, etc). So if you talk about "them" using that term poorly, that probably includes 95% of this planet.
To back up a moment and see how we got here, just consider the misdirection here. Prior to the Big Pharma movement, doctors were responsible for health, much like shamans were responsible for health far before them. Were their methods primitive at times? Yes. But all of the medicine prior to the idea of profit was in it's essence about closure of pain, suffering, sickness. It was not about relief.
The same can be true of how psychotropic "drugs" were used in the past. It wasn't about dulling the sense of self, it was about awakening. So why the sudden change, why the introduction of pain killers and alcohol, why the ritalin and the ambien, the series of anti-depressants and stimulants? Well, there's a few answers, but the simplest is close to what Zezt was referring to earlier.
As human beings, even as animals we are not programmed to sit behind a desk for ten hours a day. We are not programmed to live all of our lives through technology. No we've been wired to be in nature, to be moving, thinking, drawing, exploring. However, all of that goes counter to our culture and our means for survival today. So when we stretch ourselves away from our natural paths, we need something to dull the pain, the shame of having to sacrifice so much our life to a structure that supposedly will give our life meaning in our retirement.
And to wrap up, that is why people blame drugs. It's much easier than blaming ourselves. It's much easier than just saying, "I fucked up, and I tried to hide it using Oxy, or Heroin, or Ambien, or Weed, or a million other substances. Hell I took up yoga for thousands of dollars so I could have someone teach me spirituality that was free for thousands of years".
Sorry for the rant, but that's about it. People don't look into themselves anymore.
well regarding shamans i can tell you that the main focus is simply a more holistic way of looking at the disease. it means that you having the disease tells something about yourself, too or something like that... and that you have created that for a reason and if you understand the reason you know longer have to create the illness. i think it's a matter of perspective and seeing. maybe from some perspective
spiritual healing is primitive, but maybe from another perspective it's much more advanced? that simply means it can be done wrong.. very wrong...
an enlightened perspective is, supposedly, that healing and illness are the same thing, basically. i think this can be seen, if you are able to detach from limited paradigms that are for example only based one-sidedness or things like that... it's not about enforcing that perspective, but simply seeing reality how it really is or how it is on a deeper level... can't explain it very well now..
a bit like the idea that what for one person is sick, for the other person is not so sick... it's a bit strange idea, but it can also be seen in other ways like for example the same food or medicine or that makes one person sick possibly cures another person...
and yeah it shows on many many levels how we have been becoming more disconnected from nature. they rather suppress the pain, fear, thoughts etc etc instead of facing the roots. fighting the symptoms can be a very though, more or less unnecessary and meaningless game or so... it's also because of great ignorance towards the human body and how it works. the "establishment" or so has so often claimed that it understand it oh so well, altho if not very directly a lot of the time, but it's still somewhat obvious that they are often more middle age than really futuristically advanced or so. i think it has got to do a lot with the worldview, too.
it's also true that shit is becoming more and more artificial in bad ways. but maybe it's also necessary to do mistakes like that so we can learn as early as possible from them, if that's the right way to say this. similar to how the nazis were able to do what they did. it only worked because of certain reasons and factors, too. for example because the population was susceptible to that kind of bullshit and cultist behaviour or whatever it was supposed to be or so...
if you ask me, it's simply another lesson about violence and how it's not a solution. because the nazis could only enforce their shit as well... and as i said many times before, if it's like that, in most cases it speaks against the shit.
it's also certainly true that a very great amount of people are not willing to really look at themselves in other than superficial or ignorant ways. they rather think like "because everyone does this or that it is normal, i have to do that, too"... they're mostly not really looking or thinking deeper. drugs are tools and natural psychedelic plants are spiritual teachers. is the tool's fault if we can't use them right or are the plants to blame if we can't learn from them??? no,
it simply means we are too stupid.