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bk-MBDB (Butylone) Live Report

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 954
Hey guys I posted not to along ago about the effects of Butylone and I took about 250mg with a friend (also 250mg) and went to a Pink Floyd laser show which was sufficiently bad ass. (Get this right before they started up someone came on the intercom and said something along the lines of, "I just wanted to remind everyone there is absolutely NO SMOKING in the building!" after a quick minute of "BOOOOOOS!" he came back on and said, "Of course I'm talking about cigerattes." (followed by cheers)
Halfway through at intermission I was walking to the outside to have a cigeratte and asked the first usher I saw close to the door, "Can we smoke out here?" followed by, "Yeah, but hell.... you can smoke in there."

I know a lot of you won't think this conversation as bad ass me, BUT you do have to remember I live in the United States (in a southern[eastern] christian-republican state this is unheard of!

Anyways, I suppose I got a bit off track, get ready for a reader guys. ;)
Ok, so an initial 150mg was taken and we walked around the streets of Atl for about 1.5hours until the show started, almost immiedately once we were seated, lights were off and they had started I handed myself and my buddy another 100mg bump (had previously weighed and capped everything out).
More towards the effects, I have no comparison of MBDB but I have tried MDMA and bk-MDMA, I have read many many times about how close the feelings are from these 3 chemicals. I found Methylone to be almost like you had taken a piece of the MDMA high and isolated it. Almost like MDMA in a very very subtle way but in it's own respect a completely different feeling.
I found that bk-MBDB to be.... somewhat euphoric no where near MDMA and almost that of bkMDMA it was noted at the show that both our hearts were racing and a great appreciation of the music and lights (had some cool 3d glasses that made it look like colors were coming out of any light). Honestly though I would compare this compound more closely to that of Methampetamines as opposed to MDMA or it's beta ketone.

Now that that's out of the way, so once I got home from work, smoked some reefer, ate some pizza, and checked forums. After that I went ahead and weighed out 100mg of Butylone and cut it in to 2 equal lines, 50mg was snorted after about 5minutes effects were felt, a little later I capped up 75mg-100mg with 20-30mg dMAA and inserted it rectally I managed to keep it in for 50minutes until I had to make an emergency bathroom trip. Also, right before I started this post I did another 50mg line bump.

Anyways, the experiment today was that after I noted it's stimulant qualities I decided to do low dose and try and only focus on the speediness of high. The point was to get some chemical motivation as I had(have) many chores to take care of today and tomorrow, one of which was pressing my keif in to hash which didn't work out well. Anyways, I suppose this is the final paragraph....

All in all Butylone provides a mild euphoria with an bkMDMA like high(maybe the word I'm looking for is empathetic?) and acts as a stimulant close to that of amphetamines. Anyways, that's my humble opionin hope you all enjoyed the read and hope it didn't take as long to read as it took me to type it! (going on 20-30minish). :D
(would say I'm "geeking" now. ;)