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Bitter blotters, numb tongue and nausea?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion PsycheSmirk
  • Date de début Date de début


Okay, so about two weeks ago I bought two hits of acid. I took it, and immediately tasted a horrible bitterness. It made my tongue numb. After about 10 minutes I decided to just swallow them because they tasted so bad. At the time I thought it was just the liquid I was tasting, because I have taken liquid LSD before and it was bitter and also made my tongue numb.
They started to kick in about 20 minutes later but all I got were slight visuals and very bad nausea to the point of me almost throwing up.

The visuals lasted about half an hour... maybe a little less, maybe a little more. I can't remember.

The people I got the blotters from are two of my best friends. I know they wouldn't rip me off.

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
if it's bitter it's a spitter.
I had a really bitter one once, and it turned out to be DOB or something like that, it was not good stuff either way. nasty, dirty feeling trip, no clarity, just feeling weird. sometimes it may be that they taste a little bitter, and I've been told that those are ok, but if it is repugnantly bitter you're better off spitting them out because it certainly is not LSD
That makes sense. What's weird though is that my friend took acid the same night (he lives in another state, it was from a totally separate batch [obviously], etc. we just wanted to talk while tripping) and his was equally as bitter, but his actually worked.
Do you think it was just a higher dose of DOB?
I'm not even sure if mine was DOB, I'm just pretty sure it was not LSD. I read on the internet somewhere that it might be DOB, also judging from the quality and duration of the experience. yours doesn't sound like DOB, which allegedly tends to have quite long lasting effects. could be anything, really.
I hate how LSD can have the potential to be super sketchy >_<
Gah... well I'm getting some more tonight, from the same people... I'm going to tell them about it. I think it was from a totally different batch.
Around here (Europe...) they usually douse the acid in whiskey or somesuch for liquid; sometimes this liquid is then used to make blotters, which can have a bitter taste, but I've never had one that is obviously not LSD, except this one time, I was told afterwards by a chemist who was at the scene (handing out free mdma which he'd made for himself to "cure" his depression ..) that the blots, which I had taken for low dosage LSD, was actually probably 2-ci. Any idea what the taste should be like, on that?
I just took the other two tabs, and they're horribly bitter like the first ones. Oh well. :/
to my knowledge, all the good blotter tastes like nothing, or near nothing i should say. hard to place the taste... not bitter, not sweet, very very mild, and very very faint, if at all. could just be my mind knowing that something is on it...
LSD is so potent you need microgram quantities for dosages. Not even milligram quantities - your tongue is just not sensitive enough to taste the normal dosages of LSD, probably even up to 1mg! But not sure about that.

Bitter is definitely NOT LSD, ever.

There are plenty of good mimics though.