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best and worst places to do a mushroom trip

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okeey all, after the best music, im curious at what places you
guys had youre best and worst trip

my best was on a warm and sandy beach on the eastcoast of australia, (nimbin rocks :D )

my worst one was at my friends home when his parrents showed up unanounced !

i would like to try the beach in holland as well, since i live nearby
the forrest is also of good considderation!

happy christmass to you all !
a week ago i had my first shroom trip, me and my mates went to a nearby park, i sat on the ground, and looked to the trees, best feeling ever! so peacefull :)
My best when I was with my girlfriend at dancevalley, 1998. We were in love for only 2 weeks, the sun was shinning, all these people dancing, super !

The worst, maybe when a friend and I went to a bar, he got into a fight with his girlfriend and left me behind alone. I did not dare to look into the bar for 3 hours and I had to ask other people to get me a drink.

It was not that bad, I never had a bad experience with mushrooms, or any other drug.
i cant imagine how its like to do mushrooms when there are al other people around, i hate it to get disturbed when tripping !
I once had a very bad experience with a group of very dumb people.

When I use shrooms I 'm very sensitive of people that I like or people I don't like. It all is very important to me. And being in a big group of people you don't really like can be like hell.......

Luckely I was albe to get rid of the crow and spend the remaining hours peacefull and alone :smirk:
I don't mind being in a big group, as long as I have my closes friends around me. The afternoon at Dancevalley I was with my girl, and we were together for just 2 weeks, so we only had eye for eachother. :hug:

But it's true that the best trips are the ones with just a couple of close friends, or just 2 people.

I spend most of my trips with a close friend and my girl. Those were the best !
I had my best shroom trip at a small forest near my house. At first i didnt even plan to trip there, i was just going to smoke some bud. But when the shrooms started working i just couldnt leave the forest. It was magical, i felt every breeze of wind like i never had felt before and somehow i felt like i could communicate with the nature.. I stayed there all night.

The worst place i have tripped was in a "ghetto" area of my city. It was my second shroom trip and i was drinkin some beer in shitty bar when the shrooms started working. In the beginning of the trip i was pretty happy, but when i decided to go see some of my friends in the other side of the city i started to get some nasty vibes about the area i was in. I felt like someone was following me and when i got to the train station i was shure that something bad is about to happen. I was so nervous that i just sit still and looked to the ground, and all these strange thougts was running threw my head. Luckily when i got to the train i saw this beatiful dog! yes a dog, the minute i saw this beatiful dog sitting on the floor of the train the trip started to feel good again and the rest of night was :cool:

Sorry about my bad english. :idontknow:
The best experience with (mexican) shrooms was in a small forest near my house. It was very warm and humid and it was very tripping and also quite intense. The trip was very different when it started to rain very badly (as it does very often in Holland when the it is warm) and the rain was a very nice experience too.

As for a slightly less experience with shrooms was with a large group of people. Most of them were on chemical drugs and not very friendly in their behaviour (a bit aggresive you know how that goes) So my senses were a bit over stimulated by these people and I left. The I just cooled down for a hour or so and every thing was fine. Not really a bad experience but a bit less pleasant than normal.

Also I would like to add that I took on queensday (big dutch holiday) half a portion of Philosopher stones (5 grams) and that was just perfect for a party. No paranoia being around so many people and nice energy an funny feeling. I recommend it to anyone who did shrooms a few times and can handle some people around you when you are on shrooms. With mexican shrooms I would never go into such a massive croud but this was acceptable.
Man i love being around people on mushrooms, it keeps the trip going for so much longer. It's like Leary said, never do i by yourself. but on my trip i usually party with CLOSE but many friends OUTSIDE and then go to some sort of concert.. doesent relly matter. Thats my usual trip and is great. :guitar:
only done the psilocybin mushroom once, and on warm beach near a chill out music stage, lying there on the sand, festival crazy fuckers away there partying long way off

a dog came sniffing me and put its head on my right leg,

couple of hippies talking near, blue sky

feeling fine and like falling

so what more can I ask in this rotten world,

some girl took my photograph

smiling laughing

My best expierience was at dour festival this year. I took philosopher stones just before the drum n bass started. Taking shrooms during DJ hype was great though i got scared sometimes of weird people I thought attacking me but after all it was the best expierience yet.
My worst was with some undefined but very strong shrooms plus a lot of potent mj - we were going to a club, a really nice and relaxed club, but still I got stiffened by paranoia about everything. I was afraid to drink because I thought I'd either drop the glass or crush it (I had lost the feeling for how hard to grip things...)
I wouldn't buy a new drink cos I was unable to count coins. I thought everybody was watching me and I felt uneasy in every way you can ever feel uneasy...

My best was the first time I took shrooms without smoking weed but I had had four beers before - it was on the arrival at a festival. There were thousands of people and we had to carry our heavy stuff through the masses but all I felt was total joy. I was totally silly joking around and singing :)

I think the amount of shrooms is also important. When I'm at home alone, trying to go to new spiritual heights, then the least I take is 60 grams of stropharia or 20 grams of philosopher stones. At a nice festival with good people I'd probably say 30 grams stropharia or 10 grams philosopher stones is still ok (philosopher stones preferred). Other than that, I'd never take more than half of the latter, if at all!

P.S.: mind you that I never smoke weed with shrooms nowadays (see my worst and best experience above for an explanation...)
Probably you have to make the doses smaller if you smoke weed (in my case: 0 grams, LOL)