Hi there Ketalargold! First of all I would like to tell you that you are not in a place where you can´t get out. Heroin is not more that acethylmorphine, it´s like opium, but with two acethyl groups, the pharmacphore is morphine, the diacethyl groups are just carriers to achieve high concentration of morphine in the brain, is to say, it passes easily the brain blood barrier. You can´t find in kratom a substitue for heroin, try another opcion. The methadone is sell as "methadose" for heroine dependents, it´s an agonist of opiates, it´s important for you to know what is happening in your body. This drugs act in specific receptors, the opiates, and you have endogenous ligands know as endorphines, in the dependence you reach to a kind of "metabolic disease" cause your endogenous ligands are not enough to activate the number of receptors that you were used to with heroine, and it gives pain, it doesn´t give the pain really but it puts down the treshold of the pain and for your treatment you have to put that treshold upper to live well without "exogenous endorphines". Methadone is a good solution, it can be taken orally, I don´t know if you administrated heroine intra-venously, first of all take the dose orally is good to "forget" the veins...Methadone is used cause it has a long t1/2 (half life time) and you don´t "taste" the bigg biggg downnnn of heroine abstinence. I don´t know your dependence and the doses that you took, but one dose methadone everyday can be good a solution. Now there´s a new drug LAAM (L-alfa-acethylmetadol) wich has the same effects as methadone but with a bigger t1/2, it would give the possibility to take doses in a larger space of time. Propoxiphen is good if you don´t have a big big dependence of it, it´s a weaker agonist, only you are able to know your degree of dependence. Kratom to treat depedence sounds almost ridiculous, it´s better take one gram of acetominophen (paracetamol). If your privation of heroine gives you hard effects on the peripheric nervous system try agonists of alpha-adrenergic receptors, cause a big part of you unconfortable situation are related with an hyperactivity of your sympatic system in the locus ceruleus, if you have high lacrimation, diaphoresis,cold, insomnia, ansiety and intestinal hypermotility, clonidine usually used has anti-hypertension is one of those agonists. I hope that you get better with it, and heroine is not a friendly drug, is too good to be used, that´s the problem, forget it and find another good tastes in the life not related with drugs, we learn with our mistakes, we can´t travel in time, but we can make our future!