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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BGBOX
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So I had been doing coke for around 4 months when I tried to get some more for my birthday night out in August, my friend couldn't get and coke so got some Mandy instead.
I took it (not sure how much but was reassured by my 'friend' that you could take more on your first time and be fine) and felt the effects nearly an hour later.
I had been drinking before taking the MDMA and thought nothing of it.
Then my stomach was churning, I felt uncomfortable and on edge and I ended up throwing up. I felt completely out of control and had to go home. I was staying at my mums house that weekend for my birthday so thought id just sneak in and she'd be asleep. Unfortunately she stayed up to wish me happy birthday. I went to my room to try and sleep it of but couldn't shake the awful feeling. I ended up telling my mum I'd taken something and we called an ambulance. I thought I was going to die. I was thinking about my friends, family, my job and how I haven't made an impact in this world and now I'm just going to die.
I lay on the floor thinking, this is it. Ten I was taken to a and e and was told the effects would wear off but my heart was beating extremely fast.
The effects took 24 hours to wear off and the comedown was continual panic attacks.
Since then I have barely drunk alcohol, had panic attacks, anxiety attacks and felt depressed.
I still want to go out and get drunk and have fun with my friends but I genuinely feel scared.
Anybody had a similar experience and gotten through it??
Well, kinda classic. Do not drink alcohol if you planned to take mdma, and do not take a "high" dose for your first time.
My ex-boyfriend did the same mistake (although it wasn't his first time) and ended sitting in a dark corner of the club we were in, persuaded that everybody was about to kill him. Never took mdma again.

Avoiding this situation is simple though. Of course you couldn't know that drinking was going to have such an impact on your trip... Hope you're doing better now. Take care !
I disagree that this is likely the result of drinking alcohol while taking MDMA alone. This could be the result of to much MDMA but, more likely, it is the result of taking PMA or PMMA. The starting material for MDMA is generally safrole, a regulated chemical who's sale is strictly controlled. What happens is people who like making the money associated with MDMA but who can't get the required chemicals, or who want to make even more money by substituting the very inexpensive but dangerous drugs, PMA and PMMA, start substituting these more dangerous and less euphoric drugs and representing them as MDMA. The starting material for PMA and PMMA is a chemical called anethole that is unregulated and uncontrolled in any way. In fact, I know ecstasy chemists that, at the very least, supplement their product with these drugs because they are sick of competing with fake MDMA represented as the real thing and sold for ~$1000 an ounce. It's sad but true.

Here, if you look at these two wikipedia articles you will see this phenomenon is not that rare. People die all the time from PMA and PMMA thinking that they were imbibing the more pleasant and very much more safe to ingest MDMA.

para-Methoxyamphetamine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

para-Methoxy-N-methylamphetamine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thank you Moriarty it didn't occur to me that it could be PMA or PMMA. Thanks for the articles :)
It is strange. I was not aware that the phenomenon was so well known but an American crime drama show came on the air today and the subject of the show was a series of deaths that occurred because of this very reason...the supplementation of MDMA with PMMA. According to the television show the street name for PMMA (para-methoxymethamphentamine) is "Dr. Death" ;-). No wonder it gets sold as MDMA. I can't imagine selling it as "Dr. Death" wold entice very many people to purchase the product ;-)!


P.S. It seems my country's Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA...not to be confused with the more desirable DiEthylAmine, which is a chemical used in the synthesis of LSD) policy of making safrole difficult to obtain in an effort to prohibit chemists from manufacturing MDMA is having it's desired effect, which one can only assume is to mitigate the danger posed by the illegal drug trade ;-)!
"Dr Death"... Quite revealing ! :\\
Test it with the Marquis reagent next time. It should turn purple and then dark purple to black in a second. MDxx(ecstasy, MDA, MDMA, MDEA, ect) needs to be taken at normal doses and not high doses. Try taking a benzodiazepine before taking ecstasy if you're feeling very anxious. You might have taken PMA or "Dr.Death".
that's scary man. I just got off a mda trip and it was insane how fast that shit hit me
Just never take to much when you don't know it plus don't from who you got it, you can always take more, but you can never go back
Thanks for sharing your experience with MDMA, it's a great help help.. will tell my friends about your experience to avoid danger when they plan to take it.

BGBOX a dit:
So I had been doing coke for around 4 months when I tried to get some more for my birthday night out in August, my friend couldn't get and coke so got some Mandy instead.
I took it (not sure how much but was reassured by my 'friend' that you could take more on your first time and be fine) and felt the effects nearly an hour later.
I had been drinking before taking the MDMA and thought nothing of it.
Then my stomach was churning, I felt uncomfortable and on edge and I ended up throwing up. I felt completely out of control and had to go home. I was staying at my mums house that weekend for my birthday so thought id just sneak in and she'd be asleep. Unfortunately she stayed up to wish me happy birthday. I went to my room to try and sleep it of but couldn't shake the awful feeling. I ended up telling my mum I'd taken something and we called an ambulance. I thought I was going to die. I was thinking about my friends, family, my job and how I haven't made an impact in this world and now I'm just going to die.
I lay on the floor thinking, this is it. Ten I was taken to a and e and was told the effects would wear off but my heart was beating extremely fast.
The effects took 24 hours to wear off and the comedown was continual panic attacks.
Since then I have barely drunk alcohol, had panic attacks, anxiety attacks and felt depressed.
I still want to go out and get drunk and have fun with my friends but I genuinely feel scared.
Anybody had a similar experience and gotten through it??