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Ayahuasca video from youtube

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Rymmen
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Rymmen a dit:
the movie is called blueberry. it was a really cool movie. it is really calm, which I enjoyed very much :)
I saw this today. I was really surprised.
Me and my brother talked about this. Well, that kind of complexity is realy amazing. The idea is, we can take that, usual, argument of "Indiscribable" or "Words are way too limited to explain my experience" or "words make the complexity of the experience I had futile" to another level.

I mean, the guy that made that kind of Language (animation), surely took ayahuasca or other kind of psychedelics in his life.

So I feel that this can be a really big step in language amog psychonauts or psychedelic users.
Yes, 99% of us, probably, can't make that kind of animation/language. But it feels like it can be taken to a deeper level and explain or show people what they felt in this or that experience.
Terence once talked about this, and how he was learning how to use 3D programing.
But many people are wrong bout something! This is not Ayahuasca! Seems like it but it isn't. In one part of movie you can see Peyote and Pedro cacti on altar. Maybe altar?, but to me it seems like place where Peyote (true power) lives. That's the point of movie. Seeking the big treasure?! For someone treasure is gold for other?- understanding and merging with spirits, universe, Gods.
This part where you can see cacti is when "bad guy" enters the caves.
I never saw the movie. But I'll do.

My point is , we can take comunication(about psychedelic complexity), to explain or show to others (things we can't speak, because Spoke/Writen language is very limited) to a higher level.

Instead of explain a thing you can't find words for. One can make a thing similar to this, or like this, and just show it to other people. Witch I find much more complex than the usual talks about experiences with psychedelics. After all, they all seem like pretty much the same, for a person that reads.

But watching it... it makes That trip more like how it is. Unique.
I loved blueberry, although the version I downloaded didn’t have subtitles.
It’s a great representation of a psychedelic trip, although some aspects are embellished and others ignored for artistic expression purposes.
Still, a great film.