Ayahuasca or Daime is a very old recipe that finds its roots thousands of years ago in the Amazon rainforest. It has always been used by the Shamans for healing. The Shaman I met in the Peruvian jungle learned from his predecessor how to prepare Ayahuasca, the rest he had to learn out of himself and with the spirit of the Ayahuasca as a teacher. He's now 76 years old and very strong in mind resulting in a flexible and strong body (he canoed for hours through rivers without even resting a moment). Anyway, this is just an introduction of the roots of the Ayahuasca.
The reason why it is such a strong healing product is because it gives you the opportunity to look in the mirror of your own soul and to experience yourself from a point of view of emptiness, at least, so it feels because in the world of pure soul or spirit, you can experience that all you think you are and possess is only a temperarily state, the things you need to fulfill your destiny. Ayahuasca is a teacher, and a very altruistic one, he'll never try to keep you into his own 'kingdom'. This is different from other teachers like opium and even marijuana, they try to give you the illusion life is much better while 'entering their world' leading to some kind of dependence and even addiction. Not so with Ayahuasca (and most psychedelics).
Looking into the mirror of your own soul gives you the opportunity to learn more about yourself than you could do in a lifetime experiencing the usual reality. In a way mushrooms are a similar teacher but they tend to show our reality as a laugh or purely as an illusion, that's why some people do have laugh kicks and others scare themselves to death leading to a bad trip. Not so with Ayahuasca, in a way it is different from everything you have ever tried and experienced before. Ayahuasca is able to show you the path, your personal spiritual path you'll need to walk to fulfill your destiny in this and further incarnations, helping you achiving a deeper sence of happiness and inner peace.
You may think I am exaggerating, in a way I am because it depends for a great deal on your intentions: why do you want to eat mushrooms or drink Ayahuasca? It has been said many times before, psychedelic drugs are no recreation drug and should be taken with the uppermost respect, even LSD (the only chemical teacher I've known so far).
Go for the ayahuasca, it will show you, create the best conditions in which to experience, it can be in nature or in your own house, with some good friends also (try to be unpair, for some reason it is better to trip with an unpair number, I have no explanation for this).
A good tip is reading some 'inspired' works like Eastern philosophy or gospel in the week before tripping, it will help you when you tend to direct to bad tripping.
Hope this will get you on the way!
Have a happy and complete trip!