Ayahuasca: A Strange Brew

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Can a psychotropic jungle potion cure the existential angst of the McMansion set?

By Gina Piccalo

In an affluent corner of encinitas, just north of San Diego, a young medicine man named Lobo Siete Truenos sits cross-legged on the polished wood floors of a backyard temple. Here in this suburban sanctuary, behind the gates of a faux-Spanish villa, just past the manicured lawn and an artificial lagoon, he’s carefully unpacking a collection of stones, feathers and oils that he’ll use for an all-night spiritual odyssey that will kick off after sunset.

If all goes as planned, Truenos’ nine participants—all seeking his psychedelic “doctoring
Right after I posted this, I was dosed (or dosed myself, see other post about BZP) and didn't find the time or clarity of mind yet to read the entire article myself, but now a friend from L.A. wrote to tell me that Azarius is mentioned in the article:

"Erowid, a sort of Wikipedia of psychedelics, tells visitors everything they need to know about the brew. And aspiring ayahuasqueros can order Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis directly from the online head shop Azarius for about $22 to $30 per 50 grams."
