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avoid helicopter detection

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion grow4weed
  • Date de début Date de début


I'v a guerrilia pot grower (growing out int the wild) and I was wondering if there are ways to
avoid helicopter detection ?

Cheers 8)
you sound like a fed
Don't know how plants youre growing but I don't think that 1 or 2 plants will be spotted from a helicopter. Not unless you place them out in the open. I think growing indoors will be detected quicker by a heatcam helicopter.
Just order Dr. Greentumb's anti helicopter screens, they come whit free anti-helicopterrocketlaunchers :D
+1 fed.
Avoiding helicopters is easy. Just get a big house with an in ground pool. Now get a tarp to cover it with an image of the pool on it. Put that over the empty pool and your growing operation under the tarp. Also as extra insurance you need a few hot girls to sunbathe topless on the beach next to your house. That'll distract the pilots if they get too near your growing operation. In the event that the tarp should rip you can get someone to lay on a ladder in the rip and pretend they are swimming.

Just be careful not to grow any plants that turn people into iguanas. :lol: