Aussie in trouble after swallowing hashish-filled condoms

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
BANGKOK, Thailand — An Australian man is facing drug trafficking charges in Thailand after doctors discovered 60 condoms filled with hashish in his stomach.

For now, though, 51-year-old John Paul Jones is in critical condition.

Friends dropped him off at a hospital in southern Thailand after he complained of stomach pains. X-rays showed three of the drug packets had burst. Altogether, the 60 condoms contained a pound and a-half of hashish.

Police say the friends who dropped him off have disappeared.


Seeing is believing: Fox News
"51-year-old John Paul Jones is in critical condition. "

No he isnt , thats propoganda . Hash is not poisonous , not deadly . Lets wait and see what gets reported by the "normal" press , and if he has any health problems when he has slept it off . Fox is ULTRA right wing .

What a prick !!!! No normal person smugles any drug through Thailand , and usualy people learn how to pack packs first , before they abuse themselves .
"Critical condition".. He probably had an experience like that cop who ate the brownies and dialed 911...

"Time is moving really.. really.. slowly"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hash isn't poisonous, but I would imagine that having 60 condoms filled with hash, might have some sort of health impact. xD