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Are there really any enemies out there?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion goatchild
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When I look out there, I feel like I'm just seeing Rorschach blots everywhere. Each person, element, event, idea, symbol, word, is like a fractal or Rorschach blot of information, shape, meaning, energy, and when I perceive them, I feel they have no absolutely definitive meaning worth pursuing or converting into a belief, except that which I want to see and interpret intentionally/consciously or unintentionally/unconsciously, thus creating an enormous amount of interpretations and perceptions in my mind leading to misunderstanding and confusion in me and others. This can happen both in personal life and pretty much with everything else. We all just want to understand and be understood, love and be loved, it's very simple, and words, beliefs, assumptions, interpretations, perceptions and conventions most of the time work like barriers that make this connection between individuals and cultures difficult, and sometimes next to impossible to happen.

It seems to me that we are hypnotized somehow by the habit of believing words, thoughts, interpretations and perceptions, conditioning in this way our feelings and actions, thus we end up becoming slaves to belief systems like religions, politics, cults and other forms of collective conventions or attempts to make sense of the senseless. This way it becomes difficult and painful for there to be understanding, empathy, calmness and respect when we are confronted with people with a different set of beliefs, mind program and culture. This is what separates us, what makes us feel separated, what makes us want to agree or disagree, accept or reject. I feel there is really nothing to believe because there is nothing except that which already is, Life, a presence of being inseparable from everything, a knowing of the present moment, and this is possible to know and experience by anyone at anytime. Most of the times we go around thinking we know how things are, or the way things should be, and so on. But I suspect that we actually know nothing, and by realizing that, the nothing becomes everything.

The only things that to me seem to be real and worth pursuing, the right tools for real knowing, expression, creativity, understanding and navigating this reality or Fractal, are imagination or creativity, feeling and understanding. These 3 qualities stem essentially not from the Brain/thought, but from our Heart, which is the the Stargate to the Cosmos, the True Mind, the ever-present origin both outside and inside. The Brain/thought, in my view, seems to be just some sort of control mechanism that limits the access to higher states of awareness, in this way it becomes Castaneda's Predator, Burroughs's Alien Virus, Hubbard's Implant. A mechanism probably put there in order for there to become possible the necessary illusion of individuality.

Some questions:

What is it that in our lives might become useful and worth to do in order to bring the necessary internal and external conditions for us and others around the world to embrace these 3 qualities (imagination or creativity, feeling or empathy and understanding or awareness) and develop them?

Do we need enemies for Life to make sense? Are we creating them? Imagining them? Aren't we all just doing the best we know/can/are according to our conditioning/knowing?

Aren't conspiracy theories, ideologies, religions, dogma, philosophies, or any kind of mental program, just attempts to make sense out of what otherwise seems like a senseless world, or an attempt to ignore, hide and change the seemingly (to me) terrible Truth of the simplicity, beauty, ruthlessness and emptiness of the Cosmos?

To which extent is synchronicity, providence etc (attributing meaningfulness to an apparent simultaneousness of events/meaning/causality) just a by-product of this willingness of the mind to make sense of the world and personal experiences?

Or on the other side, might synchronicity be some form of hyper-dimensional Math, or the result of our inner capacity to connect to higher states of consciousness, thus gaining the ability to read into the Over-Fractal equation that manages events in this Lower-Fractal of reality, becoming aware in this way of the underlying Force/Math/logic that makes synchronicity possible? It's like when you look at a Math professor filling the board with what seems random numbers, letters and symbols, but if you become knowledgeable of Math, you suddenly realize that it is not random at all, and you start seeing theorems and equations etc, then you find yourself able to interact with the professor and improve your knowledge of Math. Is synchronicity a remnant/effect of some incomprehensible/invisible level/reality of experience/being that somehow has this effect on the 3D world of ours? In other words some kind of mathematical Overmind/mechanism, connected to every human, living being and atom, that uses Chaos/emptiness, or infinite potential as raw material in order to create/maintain the overall order and probability for this reality to exist? Do we really need to speculate or endow this Force with human qualities, like surveillance, punishment, loving, forgiveness, a white beard etc (God), or evil (demiurge, Lucifer, etc)? Or attach ourselves to some out-of-this-planet-all-powerful-Alien-force-that-seeded-the-planet-with-their-DNA kind of plot/novel? Or is it possible to let go of speculation or attachment to any kind of opinion/view/perception?

Your greatest enemy is yourself.
I think what you are saying, and correct me if I'm wrong -

But I think you are saying that due to our ability to catergorize things into topics and subtopics (i.e. a tree is a plant is life, and christianity is a religion is a belief) and then describe them with a limited vocabulary, we may miscommunicate.

I agree completely, but the reality is that sure we use words, but there is so much more to a word than the letters it is comprised of. Even simple text - like what I am writing now- can give you a feeling for myself and my emotions. The phenomenon becomes exponentially stronger when in person, meaning, there is hundreds of thousands times more information in what you say, than what you actually said - if you get my drift.

However, you are still right that we do come across confusions and disagreements, when in reality, there should be none - as two people take the same side. It is much like religions - we have segregated them so much so that no one will relate them, a buddhist can never go to a christian church
IJesusChrist a dit:
I agree completely, but the reality is that sure we use words, but there is so much more to a word than the letters it is comprised of. Even simple text - like what I am writing now- can give you a feeling for myself and my emotions. The phenomenon becomes exponentially stronger when in person, meaning, there is hundreds of thousands times more information in what you say, than what you actually said - if you get my drift.

Yes I see what you mean. Actually someone told me recently that it is more important how you say it, than what you say. If you somehow are able to communicate safety, confidence, beauty in the voice, the movement of body etc, it becomes more powerful than what you are actually saying. It's like hypnotizing people. It works pretty well in marketing, public relations etc.

I also believe in the power of Art, in this case, poetry and music. Nevertheless the potential is always there to create havoc and misunderstanding between people, because people somehow attach to the word, not realizing the beauty, the dance, the love, and on the other side the power of the mind to distort, interpret and become conditioned by limited perception.

Saw a documentary recently where Robert Anton Wilson said: "There are no nouns only verbs, there is no 'is' just 'maybe'" and Alan Watts wrote something about the Universe being a dance, not being important the actual notes to which you are dancing, just the dance is important. Makes sense.
I think a relevant quote from bob marley was:

"The silence and timing in music is more important than the sounds themselves"

Or something along those lines. It is true when they say 90% of our communication is non-verbal. We read so much into people, we cannot help it. The mind is conditioned to read other people, we are amazing at it. Our unconscious is much better at it - as the example when you attempt to read someone's mind you will get it wrong, yet you instantly know whats wrong when someone walks through the door without trying. We give off a lot of information, tuning in consciously is a hard task, but simply 'being aware' of your own feelings is most important.