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any psychonauts here or nearTampa/Clearwater in Florida?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mzungu
  • Date de début Date de début
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Matrice Périnatale
If so, will be good making contact with you...cheers!
Yes, I am a fairly serious psychonaut living right by usf tampa campus.
Just saw your reply -- thanks! Is there a chance of talking with you further? I would really appreciate your guidance if that's not too much to ask.
Sure. I'm always excited to meet a fellow psychonaut. What works best for you? Feel free to message me on here.
I am a serious psychonaut in the Ft Myers area looking for like minded individuals looking to engage in psychedelic research. Would love to begin creating a community/secret society to further collective spiritual evolution. Really looking for individuals with access to dmt or who have direct knowledge of and experience with the extraction process, though I'm certainly open to communalizing those who haven't taken that step yet.

I really look forward to hearing you...I know you're out there!
The forum has nos purpose of helping people to meet and "share" prohibited drugs. Sorry, I hope you understand that it would be very dangerous for the forum.
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