Anti-Nicotine Vaccine

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5.4 million people die annually because of diseases caused by tobacco smoking, which means about one person every 8 seconds. On top of that, the number of these deaths is increasing in low-income countries.Tobacco smoke contains tar, a mix of about 4,000 chemicals.43 of these molecules are known to cause cancer, like cyanate, benzene, methanol, acetylene (fuel employed in solder lamps). Nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide are two toxic gases, while nicotine is a drug known to cause strong dependence. 25% of the American youngsters that initially only wanted to know how it feels to smoke became addicted later on. This is the same rate of dependence like in the case of those testing cocaine or heroin. 70% of smokers come to regret later they took it up.Tobacco smoking has turned into the main cause of diseases worldwide. If the current tendency is maintained, by 2020, smoking will kill more persons than AIDS, tuberculosis, maternal mortality, car accidents, suicides and murder do. Still, 30% of adults worldwide smoke. In the whole world, 5 thousand billion cigarettes are sold annually.Quitting tobacco is extremely difficult due to the addictive effect of the nicotine. The solution could come with a shot. Swedish researchers have begun a trial on a vaccine aimed to combat the effect of nicotine on the brain cells. Independent Pharmaceutica, a private company based at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute, is the latest to join the research groups aiming to develop an anti-nicotine vaccine.This vaccine would eliminate craving by using antibodies that would attack the nicotine molecules, impairing their ability to bind to the brain cells. Without the interaction nicotine-neurons, there is no addiction to speak of. In the second phase of the trial on 400 people in three Nordic countries, the team will assess the effect of the vaccine on individuals that have quit smoking and are eager to avoid relapse. However, the main aim of the vaccine remains that of enabling active smokers to quit.The Swiss Cytos Biotechnology learned during a phase II trial in 2005 that 42% of the patients who got high antibody amounts at vaccination had not relapsed 12 months later, compared to 21% in the placebo group.
And what are the side-effects and long-term effects of the vaccine?
It's not only that the substance is very addictive, if you are used to smoking while having a beer in a pub, for instance.
It's hard to quit that, even if you don't smoke (regularly) in normal life.

I have this problem.
Since the long-term effects of smoking is would seem that the long term effects would probably be at LEAST no more harmful.

Since the side effects of nicotine are numerous, all bad....I don't think there is any argument that can really be mustered, effectively, by anyone except tobacco company employees and, of course, Republicans.

Nicotine is a POISON....the sooner we're rid of it the better. :twisted:
Yeah, let's all look down on the dirty nicotine-junkies! Next thing you know, I can't get a job because I'm a smoker. The scheme seems familiar...
If thats how you choose to see it....I smoked cigarettes for nearly 20 years....

'You' don't smoke because you enjoy it...there's nothing enjoyable about ingesting a systemic poison in small doses.

It feels good to get the monkey off your back, is all.....

I don't, and didn't say you should be discriminated against, after all, itis your body. No one should have the ultimate say in that except you.

But I'm not speaking from an insulated Ivory Tower here....I've been addicted to smoking.

I woke up.
I know, and I think I'm close to stopping. And as i've said before in another topic, I get nothing out of smoking I know it's pointless and everso unhealthy. And I know no one said smokers should be discriminated.

But although it's such a crappy substance, with such damaging effects, it should not be banned from society, let alone should smokers become pariahs. And that's the thing, when you smoke a cigarette nowadays you'll get a lot of foul looks and pointing fingers etc. And I do understand why, but still it's a personal choice, a personal freedom if you will, to allow yourself to be ignorant of what the rest of the world knows oh so well.

And I thought that was the war on the war on drugs, let people decide for themselves. Which doesn't mean you can't state how bad it is for ones health, but please do be tolerant of smokers.

No hard feelings though :lol:

No hard feelings whatsoever, man.

But there is one point I'd like to make about cigarettes;

There's this little issue of 'second-hand smoke'

The link to detrimental effects on people exposed to second-hand smoke is conclusive, and I am not speaking of social effects. I speak directly of physical maladies caused by being exposed to a carcinogen, multiple times, by peope who carelessly do so.....most people, again, are not aware of this reality.

Tobacco is unique in this respect.

I would not want some guy walking by me throwing out handfuls of asbestos dust, no matter how much he enjoyed whatever he got out of it.

To be respectful, I'd ask him to confine his activities to his home, or car, or other place where 'I' didn't have to be exposed to a known health hazard.

The fact that tobacco companies have known of, and HIDDEN, this link for a long time compounds the problem.

If soemone wants to smoke, that's fine, but don't make ME.

That infringes on MY freedom of choice.
You're absolutely right, and honestly I hadn't thought of that yet. But not every smoker carelessly distributes second-hand smoke to fellow citizens.

But say if you were walking the streets en plein air, and someone walks by smoking a cigarette, you barely even notice the fumes, is it still significantly harmful?

I mean entrance-smokers, they force you to go through this cloud of carcinogenic fumes, because they group up and block the entrance. But I do not believe that out in the open air, when you quickly walk by smoking, you could do any harm. And if so, it is probably similar to the harm of car-fumes, because the smoker himself already takes a lot of the carcinogenic out of the smoke, and what remains is merely measurable amount. (at least I think it's that way, correct me if i'm wrong)

Also, do you have any links to a scientific source that second-hand smoke indeed is harmfull?

well i`m interested how the tobacco companies are feeling about this vaccin.... I mean its a billion dollar bussiness , do u really think those companies are just gonna let a few scientists destroy their wealth ??
I think those companies are way 2 powerfull, maybe the scientists will dissapear, or bought out or whatever

I see the chances very slim that any time soon there we will something that can help u quit smoking.

HappyMind a dit:
And what are the side-effects and long-term effects of the vaccine?
It's not only that the substance is very addictive, if you are used to smoking while having a beer in a pub, for instance.
It's hard to quit that, even if you don't smoke (regularly) in normal life.

I have this problem.

Yeah happymind .. that is exactly my problem aswell :P
with numerous drugs.. and especially alcohol its a MUST to smoke :P
I've been smoking for about 5-6 years now.. but during the week I don't smoke .. or not more then half a pack a week.
but in the weekends its atleast 1 pack an evening .
I just don't have any urge to smoke during the week, but the weekend with beers is just too hard to stop

its the habit of smoking and drinking, u just need that smoke with it
else the beer is only half as good ;)

i`ve tried quitting alcohol and smoking at the same time .. cause that was the only way for me not to have that craving in the weekend
and I did that for about 3-4 months and then started drinking again :P first few weekends without smoking.. ( u get better at it )
but eventually I took a few cigarettes .. and so on
*lights a cigaret and nods*
I thought that no studies ever proved that passive smoking is actually dangerous ?
"and someone walks by smoking a cigarette, you barely even notice the fumes, is it still significantly harmful? "

The whole fucking street STINKS for 20 minutes . Sometimes i walk passed a smoker who isnt smoking and they stink so much i get tears in my eyes . That is not social its an atack on my nose . And having to have a shower and change my clothes just because i stood next to a smoker in a lift is shit . For me its as if someone rapes my wishes / forces me down to their level , or as if someone comes and shits in my face .

"correct me if i'm wrong"

Thanks . You are wrong .
You smokers may find these interesting:

"Second-hand smoke affests the body's general healing ability, and promotes scarring" ... 082100.htm

and ... smoke.html

"One recent study in the British Medical Journal found that exposure to second hand smoke increases the risk of heart disease among non-smokers by as much as 60 percent!."


, there is supporting evidence from laboratory studies of the ability of secondhand smoke both to cause cancer in animals and to damage DNA, which is recognized by scientists as being an instrumental mechanism in cancer development.


The body of scientific evidence is overwhelming: there is no doubt within the international scientific community that second-hand smoke causes heart disease, lung cancer, nasal sinus cancer, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), asthma and middle ear infections in children and various other respiratory illnesses. Second-hand smoke exposure is also causally associated with stroke, low birthweight, spontaneous abortion, negative effects on the development of cognition and behaviour, exacerbation of cystic fibrosis and cervical cancer.

I could go on, and on, and on, and on....

But if you aren't ready for the message, then you aren't going to believe amount of science will convince the Luddites among us of the reality of global warming, either, but the evidence is based on the same mode of thinking;

The Scientific Method.
GOD a dit:
"and someone walks by smoking a cigarette, you barely even notice the fumes, is it still significantly harmful? "

The whole fucking street STINKS for 20 minutes . Sometimes i walk passed a smoker who isnt smoking and they stink so much i get tears in my eyes . That is not social its an atack on my nose . And having to have a shower and change my clothes just because i stood next to a smoker in a lift is shit . For me its as if someone rapes my wishes / forces me down to their level , or as if someone comes and shits in my face .

"correct me if i'm wrong"

Thanks . You are wrong .

I can understand that this is not pleasant for non-smokers.
But I think that the smokers just don't care much about this.
This makes me think of the talk Alexander Shulgin did a while back and which involved another vaccine. Currently, there is a vaccine in the states which eliminates the psychoactive effects from smoking a joint by 30%. And it's still in development.
Ok, god thanks for your reply, honestly. But I wasn't talking about the smell, I mean it's annoying but not unhealthy or anything. And I certaintly do understand it upsets you. But do the second-hand smoke harms apply to this situation was my question. If so, I will not be smoking in crowdy streets anymore, it's just that I never knew it was that bad man. I can't distinquish the smell of a cigarette in the open-air actually, either my nose is fucked-up or I'm way to used to the smell.

It'll never work.

Some undergrounder will then come up with a way to counteract the vaccine.

This is just a variant of the whole spy vs. spy thing....

Science will preevail, and ultimately, science means fredom, if taken to it's full logical conclusion.....

The only way people are controlled so easily is that they are in the dark.

This is reminiscent of the CIA and the army tring to play with LSD as a mind control drug....

Idiots can't use science to it's full potential....they try to use it to enforce control....but science, regardless of all the efforts of the millions of Luddites that are against it, and horrified of it, continues its forward march.

Here's something EVERYONE needs to understand:

Science= The Spirit of Discovery

If we are intelligent, this means that at some point, we have to lose our fear, and embrace change.

This is the way science is related DIRECTLY to psychedelics.

Science is not evil.....the way man tries to manipulate facts for domination is evil.

Let's be exceedingly clear on this point, and lay the blame where it belongs.

If anyone is afraid, they have some priorities to arrange in their own mind.
I'm proud to read that, it's certainly reassuring to believe that I've correctly charted this ships course through scientific waters.

Any relation to the latin scio, to know? It'd be my guess. I pray the spirit of discovery will ultimately bring freedom to the masses...whether or not they like it :)
We have no enemies except for thieves of freedom and enslavers of men.. and they can't hide forever.