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And now for something completely different

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Hello les fondus !

J'ai déjà tâté (car ça fait toujours du bien) le forum anglais sans réel succès, du coup j'me tourne vers vous afin de vous poser une question qui me taraude :

Est-ce que l'un d'entre vous à t'il une expérience concernant la suspension (surtout pratiqué en fait) ?

Je pose la question car je vais sûrement bientôt avoir l'opportunité d'en faire une dans de bonnes conditions (pote pierceur experimenté dans le domaine, avec de l'excellent matos), et j'essaye d'en apprendre le plus avant de finalement me lancer ! :D

Donc voilà, j'remercie d'avance tout ceux qui ont qqchose à partager !

PS: J'vous remercierais d'éviter les réponses du genre "MAI CAY HORRIBLE CAY POUR LES MASOS MA PAROL !", déjà parceque c'est pas cool pour Telico, et aussi parceque si vous vous renseignez, vous découvrirez que ce n'est pas la douleur qui est recherchée mais ce qui est après (le trip quoi). Je suis super douillet, du coup j'peux vous dire que je kif pas exactement d'avoir mal, et de fait Telico reste bien le seul (?) masochiste du forum !
Euh, la suspension c'est le truc qui consiste a se decoler la peau par genre de mini pendaison de la peau coté exterieur c'est ca ?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Si c'est ca ... Mon dieu ... MAI CAY HORRIBLE CAY POUR LES MASOS MA PAROL ! :mrgreen:
Sebastian a dit:
Euh, la suspension c'est le truc qui consiste a se decoler la peau par genre de mini pendaison de la peau coté exterieur c'est ca ?

May nooon voyons !

L'idée c'est de faire passer des crochets (généralement des hameçons pour pêche en haute mer, des bon gros trucs quoi) à certains endroit dans le corps, ces derniers sont reliés à des cordes ou des chaines, ce qui permet ensuite de soulever la personne via ces crochets.

L'idée, c'est qu'étant donné que le corps reçoit un très gros stress, il va relâcher une dosse massive d'endorphines, et ajouté à cette sentation de "flotter", on arrive à un très gros high, très grande clarté de pensée, etc...
Ah d'accord, mais j'ai quand meme quelque chose a dire ...


Ok, je sors. :P
J'ai un pote qui a déjà fait ça. Il m'a dit qu'il n'a pas ressenti une douleur terrible par contre sa peau s'est bien décollée et si j'me rappelle bien il m'a aussi dit qu'il se peut que tu te sentes "fatigué" ou "vidé" voir même inconscient un moment. Mais sinon question douleur ça m'étonnerait beaucoup que ça te fasse mal, ce qui va te faire très bizarre par contre c'est la sensation de peau qui se décolle de ton dos. Et effectivement on a la sensation de flotter. J'ai jamais essayé personnellement. Mais bon, ça me parait chaud comme truc, faut vraiment aimer quoi ... un peu comme les collections de mèches de cheveux ...

EDIT : En fait je pense que ce qui va peut-être te faire mal c'est la pose des crochets. Mais j'imagine qu'ils peuvent essayer "d'endormir" les régions du dos où doit s'effectuer la pose.
Ah non, c'est beaucoup moins fun si c'est anéshtésié :mrgreen:

Sinon oui, je pense qu'effectivement c'est surtout la pose des crochets ou l'on morfle, et j'pense que ça amène à être déjà un peu pété quand on te soulève.

Awui, sinon, j'vais réaliser une performance plus originale & plus esthétique d'ici quelques temps, et j'voudrais savoir si parmis vous se trouve qqun qui s'y connaisse en plante (et plus particulierement en plante grimpante) ?
Tiax a dit:
et j'voudrais savoir si parmis vous se trouve qqun qui s'y connaisse en plante (et plus particulierement en plante grimpante) ?
En plantes qui font monter, à la rigueur, mais en plantes grimpantes, désolée, non.

JE SORS :lol:
Aaah la suspension, j'etais bien tenté moi aussi, mais le kiff ce serait de se faire pendre par les tetons! Franchement, le mieux est de t'entretenir avec ton pierceur, c'est le seul à vraiment avoir réponse à tout sur le sujet, et vaut mieux que tu sois super open avec lui, parce que c'est quand même lui qui va s'occuper de toi! En plante grimpante je ne m'y connais pas trop, mais je devine que c'est pour tenter le supplice du bambou, un connerie du genre? Pardon... Bon sinon, c'est quand que tu me donne quelques ficelles pour le mix?? (j'ai la flemme d'écrire un MP^^)
J'ai un pote qui veut faire ça également.
En fait, ta peau se décolle sous formes de carrés. Il n'y a aucuns risques que ça craque vu que la peau peut supporter une forte masse.
Rapellons tout de même que ça vient au départ d'une torture.
Tu tiendras très peu de temps je pense, genre quelques minutes max.
Mais il parait que psychiquement, c'est une expérience ultra-intéressante.
sval a dit:
Aaah la suspension, j'etais bien tenté moi aussi, mais le kiff ce serait de se faire pendre par les tetons!

Putain de bordel de merde ! J'ai l'air super soft maintenant avec mon madpain :|
Tu pourrai peut être demander à ce type :

J'ai vu des photos où il faisait ce que tu dis.

Regardez aussi tous ces piercing :http://www.bmezine.com/news/roo/20061126.html

Ya une photo on voit dans son nez ça fait bizarre lol, mais je dois avouer que je le trouve pas moche... enfin jveux dire tous ces piercing c'est pas laid quand même.

En parlant piercing juste une petite question HS, je voudrai faire la surprise à mon copain de me percer la langue dans pas longtemps, mais ça fait mal ?? :? (j'ai fait oreille et nombril c'est tout ^^)
pacgirl: Sans exagérer (comme je l'ai dis je suis une grosse chochotte), mon piercing à la langue à été parfaitement indolore.

Par contre faut quand meme prévoir une semaine a manger du yoghourt et des soupes + un bon mois avant de pouvoir l'embrasser à nouveau, donc choisi bien ton moment !

sval: J'allais te poser la meme question, j'atta de te voir sur MSN dude! Samedi dans la journée, on peut s'faire une session bataille rangée de questions si tu veux :mrgreen:

Sinon, non, la plante grimpante c'est pas pour me faire du mal (donc pas de supplice du bambou), c'est purement un délire ésthétique, meme si jvais devoir serrer les dents pour le faire, inévitablement.
Et puis pour le piercing à la langue, pas de rapport buccho-génitaux pendant un bon bout de temps! :lol:
Par contre faut quand meme prévoir une semaine a manger du yoghourt et des soupes + un bon mois avant de pouvoir l'embrasser à nouveau, donc choisi bien ton moment !

1 mois !!!! :shock:

Et puis pour le piercing à la langue, pas de rapport buccho-génitaux pendant un bon bout de temps!

>< se serait plus une surprise, se serait un "cadeau" empoisonné alors ! mdrrrr

Je vais y réfléchir encore un peu alors je pense...
Tu pourrais pas rester à l'acide comme tout le monde ^^
Alala ces djeuns de nos jours ils font tout pour se défoncer.

Bon trêve de plaisanterie c'est vraiment pas du tout mon truc ta suspension j'ai trop peur des aiguilles pour ça par contre si quelqu'un de calé pourrait nous expliquer ce qui se passe chimiquement et corporellement et qui fait planer ça peut être intéressant d'un point de vue culturel.

Voila merci.

P.S. : la tete de mes potes quand je vais leur raconter que je peux les faire planer ac des hameçons...
neo-etienne a dit:
P.S. : la tete de mes potes quand je vais leur raconter que je peux les faire planer ac des hameçons...

Mouais... essaye pas de le faire toi meme quand meme lol
boarf avec un peu de vodka pour l'anesthésie ça devrait passer ...
Pour les intéressés, copie du wiki du BMEZINE sur le sujet :

Suspension is a ritual, ordeal, form of body play, or rite where a person hangs from flesh hooks put through (normally) temporary piercings.

While it may seem strange, it should be noted that suspension routinely changes people's lives for the positive — and occasionally negatively.


Only you know if you are ready. Suspension readiness is much more of mental state than physical. As with any form of body modification, one must make the decision based on personal experience and research. At the same time, no amount of research or even watching suspensions in person can really prepare you for the feeling of suspension (but it sure helps).

Take a long, hard look at the experiences of others—especially the "failures" and negative experiences. Ask yourself why it is worth it to you to face these outcomes and whether or not simply trying would satisfy you. If you can seriously say that it is worth it to simply try, then wait and think about it more. A good test of whether anything in life is something you really want and are ready for is if you can stand to wait to have it. Infatuation fades, but a serious commitment will withstand the wait and only strengthen your resolve.

Ultimately, "you'll know when it's the right time," but don't be surprised if you still find yourself overwhelmed with fear. This fear will disappear if you accept it and let it pass through you—resist it and your suspension will not be a pleasant one as you will not be open to the experience beyond your resistance.

Fighting Fear

You may find yourself reminded of the Bene Gesserit litany against fear from the novel Dune:

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

Even though these are just words from a science fiction epic, they contain a great deal of truth. Assuming you've followed the guidelines of safety recommended in this FAQ and you are with people you trust, suspension is relatively safe and you really don't have anything to fear. Whatever fear comes to you, relax, accept it, and let it pass by.


Traumatic physical experience can bring a lot of mental aspects to the surface, so to speak. There is no way around suspension being traumatic. Regardless of how many times you do it or how 'tough' you are, you are putting your body through an ordeal. This means that your mind (if you are dualist, if not then this should be even more obvious) will be affected. Generally, a suspension is not something that one should be doing when not felling mentally 'well'. That said, some people find that suspending helps bring things into focus. This is not surprising since trauma forces you to focus on the act at the time and that focused state can extend beyond and to other aspects of your life. Of course, it can just as easily make a confused and troubled time worse by adding to the stress you are under.

In any case, to be mentally prepared to suspend, a person must be first and foremost calm, collected, and very sure about their motivations behind suspending. Just as importantly, they must have complete trust and faith in the people helping them as well as the rigging they are hanging from. The simplest way to achieve this is to research your suspension and become heavily involved in the planning of the suspension. This will make it much easier to relax, which is essential—to have a positive experience, you must be in a good state of mind. If you find that you are not, cancel the suspension and do it another day.


Traumatic physical experience can bring a lot of mental aspects to the surface, so to speak. There is no way around suspension being traumatic. Regardless of how many times you do it or how 'tough' you are, you are putting your body through an ordeal. This means that your mind (if you are dualist, if not then this should be even more obvious) will be affected. Generally, a suspension is not something that one should be doing when not felling mentally 'well'. That said, some people find that suspending helps bring things into focus. This is not surprising since trauma forces you to focus on the act at the time and that focused state can extend beyond and to other aspects of your life. Of course, it can just as easily make a confused and troubled time worse by adding to the stress you are under.

In any case, to be mentally prepared to suspend, a person must be first and foremost calm, collected, and very sure about their motivations behind suspending. Just as importantly, they must have complete trust and faith in the people helping them as well as the rigging they are hanging from. The simplest way to achieve this is to research your suspension and become heavily involved in the planning of the suspension. This will make it much easier to relax, which is essential—to have a positive experience, you must be in a good state of mind. If you find that you are not, cancel the suspension and do it another day.


This is entirely a matter of individual perspective, but realize that if you go in looking for something, you'll probably find something else. Suspension tends to give a person what they need, not what they want. Sometimes they are the same thing, but more often they are not; trust in your beliefs, but don't attempt to force them on the experience.

State of Mind

There are a number of differing opinions regarding this, but almost everyone agrees that you must be completely centered and positive. If you walk into suspensions frightened, you are far more likely to have a bad experience, and your chances of falling into deep shock are improved. Remember that suspensions are more mental then they are physical.

What is maximizing the experience? One can approach it completely empty to simply discover the basic face value of the experience or one could supercharge the experience with ritual and symbolism to synergistically promote a desired result or state of mind—just as ritual magicians perform customized spells and ceremonies designed to promote results. At the same time, attempting to adhere to rituals that you don't personally feel strongly about could add a layer of deception to the experience that takes away from it.

To truly maximize suspension or any experience, one must first have a goal in mind. That said, it is also helpful to know just how one will respond to an experience and thus it is worthwhile to go through it at least once without expectations or goals. Finally, realize that like most ecstatic rituals, it is virtually impossible to control the experience. While it can be guided, you can not control the experience, and attempting to do so could have unpleasant (and opposite) results.

The Experience

On a simplistic level, physically the experience is a feeling of pulling, burning, and pain all jumbled up, but for most people this physical aspect is "tuned out" very quickly.

Although individual experiences differ greatly, ultimately the act of suspension can be an euphoric floating sensation. On one end of the spectrum you find people that enter a trance like state, feeling no pain whatsoever, and on the other end you find people that experience extreme pain, nausea and panic attacks. In general, most people enter a shock-induced state of disorientation spiked with moments of pain and euphoria. In laymen's terms, the act of suspension causes the body/mind to enter a state of shock while being physically positioned and restrained in a "floating" state.

There are some general commonalities expressed by most suspendees, such as the feeling of intense tugging which gives way to a more relaxed sensation as the body leaves the ground. However, the varied motivations for suspending make it such that different people have different experiences. As with much of life, you get out of it what you put in to it, and your expectations will often become self-fulfilling prophecies. Some people find it boring, others are changed forever, and some don't ever even think about it beyond simply performing the act. Many find that, good or bad, it is not what they expected.

Many people feel intensely at peace while suspended; an experience of complete surrender. They enter a state of hyperawareness and deep trust in themselves and the universe. Almost everyone agrees that the hooks are painful, but some people find the sensation of tension on the skin moving and inspiring.

For some people, the experience is much lighter; they just want to try it, and when they do they get no emotional release and find themselves giggling and smiling and instead just enjoying the feeling of "flying."

Where spirituality is concerned, there is nothing necessarily spiritual about suspending, but, like fasting, psychedelic drug use, and many other activities, it can be used and play a major role in a person's spiritual and religious life.


Suspension hooks are often deep-sea fishing hooks with the barbs carefully removed. They are then put through traditional, albeit deep, needle piercings at various points in the body. The exact placement of the piercings and hooks determines the type of suspension being performed. The number of hooks installed is usually dependent on a person's weight and their level of experience.

To reiterate, the actual piercings from which a person suspends are not made with the hooks themselves, but rather with standard piercing needles. That said, no rule is absolute, and sometimes people do use the hooks to pierce with, especially in a performance or in a heavy ritualized context.

The hooks are then rigged with rope or chain and attached to a suspension rig in such a way that weight is evenly distributed over each hook. The person is then winched into the air, where they hang from the hooks. The length of the suspension is largely determined by the experience level of the suspendee and his/her desires, but can last anywhere from a few minutes to hours.

Sometimes, especially for beginners, not all of the points of suspension are held using hooks. For example, in a superman suspension, the legs or head might be supported using a strap of rope rather than with hooks through the skin.

Healing and Aftercare

The faster hooks come out, the less they hurt. Sometimes, the dried blood is removed from around the wounds, although most people don't feel the extraction even with crust still attached. The air should be 'burped' out via massage—though some people actually prefer to leave the air in. Finally, clean the wound and apply a sterile dressing.

After about 24 hours, the wounds should create a hard scab. General monitoring and basic hygiene—a normal routine of personal cleaning that you should be doing anyway—is more than enough.

Longterm (Mental) Health Issues

Prepare for both the possibility of being overwhelmed and underwhelmed. Many people report not getting what they expected but still becoming 'addicted' to the experience. A suspension can be a life changing experience in that the individual will be attaining a feat that, to many, might seem impossible. Then again, you might just hang from hooks.

It is an extraordinary experience to be suspended, and once you are back on the ground, you will be high from the experience. This can last anywhere from a day or two to a week, but at some point, there is the coming down, and it is inevitable that this will happen. For many, an awakening may have occurred and when you come down from the initial high you may be out of sync with a reality that was opened while suspending versus the reality we all share. There are no grave dangers afterwards when performed in the right settings, and if you find yourself feeling really down after suspending, it would be wise to share your feelings with others experienced in suspension.

Finally, it should be noted that due to the complexity and somewhat overwhelming task of interpreting the experience, you may not feel the spiritual or psychological effect until weeks afterwards when it hits you like a ton of bricks. In addition, understand that the normal rules of time may not apply—don't be surprised when and if a fifteen second suspension gives you what seems like hours and hours of experience to interpret.


Historically, suspensions have been performed as rights of passage, vision quests, healing rituals, penance, rituals of deity devotion or as means to gain visions by leaving the body and/or communication with the spiritual realm. They have been used for testing the endurance of the mind and body, or even just to freak people out. Most notably, some Native American tribes and different sects of the Hindu religion have used suspension-like rituals. Although other cultures may have used suspensions ritually, these two are the best documented in that they are still in practice today. Thanks to artists like Stelarc and modern suspension groups like TSD, suspensions are being increasingly used as performance art and even for entertainment.

In modern terms, the most obviously related ritual is pulling, where two or more people play "tug-o-war" against each other with the ropes attached to hooks in their body. This is described later in this FAQ.

As far as traditional rituals that are obviously related, one example is the Native American sun dance where the dancer is pierced in the chest or back, attached to a sacred tree ,and then pulls and dances until the piercing rips free. Another example would be the Hindu Kavadi bearing where devotees wear cages of spears/hooks or pull religious effigies by hooks in their skin. Others still would include cheek skewering and ball dancing (where small weights are sewed or hooked to the skin and slowly tear out over extended dancing).

As far as rituals that are peripherally related, very often fasting, sweat lodges, energy circle drumming, abstinence, sleep deprivation, and other practices are combined with suspension—quite likely enhancing the odds of a 'spiritual' experience.

These rituals were built on the foundations of their cultures, and to truly understand them, one must understand the culture first, and then the ritual. In general, these rituals formed a powerful element of these cultures' spiritual and cultural life.
olala BodyModificationPEDIA c'est trop trop bien, tous les piercings sont illustrés carrément, par contre c'est la ou j'ai découvert le ...je sais plus quoi "split" ou les mecs se coupent la bite en deux, ou la coupent en deux en concervant le gland, et aussi la redirection urethral ça fait flipper de se dire que des types font vraiment ça!