About three days ago I had my very first "trip". I was recommended DXM from a few sources who all gave it glowing reports. It was cheap, easy to buy, and I would have the house to myself all day so I thought I'd go for it. I bought 2 bottles of Robitussin cough gels, a total of 600mg of DXM. Some may criticize me for resorting to cough medicine to get high but "real psychedelics" are something I was not able to get, due to lack of connections, and as I said before I heard good things.
I dosed at around 1:45 pm. 40 pills are pretty hard to swallow, but probably better that however many ounces of cough syrup would be needed. At about the half hour mark I began to feel dizzy and nauseous. It was rather ignorable nausea and I went about watching Brother Bear in my living room. I had intended to write down what was happening to record the experience and wrote that moving my head around with my eyes closed made me feel like I was on a roller coaster. (I did not remember this until just now reading this record). These effects slowly grew more powerful as time passed and around 2:40 I knew it was time to head to the bathroom. At 2:45 exactly one hour from starting to dose (which took a good 10 minutes what with all the swallowing) I puked. At this point I was half conscious of my surroundings and finding it hard to move. I have recorded that at this point I was very itchy, especially at the top of my head. After I finished hurling I stumbled downstairs and to the air conditioned bedroom where I would spend most of the rest of the experience. I would like to note now there is no further written record of my experiences as I was far too disabled to write. (looking at what was recorded the handwriting significantly gets worse with each entry to just the scrawling of "trippin balls" at the bottom of the page.) While written record stops there is a short and spread out texting "conversation" which helps to recall. So at this point I am sprawled across the bed chaos blind, as I would describe it, so confused by my surrounding I just stop processing and my vision goes black for a little while. This chaos blindness is really no trouble as I would rather not see since at this point I was experiencing intense closed eye visuals. When I first flopped down onto the bed I closed my eyes and saw the bed in third person with me laying there as the bed rocketed up and into outer space.
[memory blank]
At 3:13 I sent a text that read "Some avatar trip deal went down" This was one of the more spectacular visuals I had. It was of three ornate Chinese lion dragon heads protruding from the inside of a brick tower with myself on top of one, the avatar (from the last airbender show) on one, and Qutara (the girl from the show) one the other. The tower itself had no visible ceiling or floor and simply stretched for eternity in either direction. The trip deal I was referring to was the fact that the avatar was apparently selling Qutara 'trips'. Not any substance, but glowing spherical experiences. Shortly after this happened I think I got up and checked my facebook. But I'm not sure about that. I did however get a cd player and put on a mix. I found after I put it on I was far to occupied to realize music was even playing. After I fell down on the bed again and closed my eyes I saw myself running up a stone spiral staircase and when I placed my foot on the stair it would begin to fall. After a few steps I jumped into the air and morphed into a dragon and flew away setting the stairs on fire as I left. After this its all blurry and I dont remember much.
At 3:30 about i tried sending a text but it turns out it was just "Hwxov ly" I haven't the slightest idea what I was trying to say. After this I remember miscellaneous tripping for a little while then it being past 7:00 and not tripping at all. This slightly concerns me since I have a 3 hour+ block missing from my memory. Also The backdoor, which was licked when I began was ajar and various things around the house were moved. So obviously I was doing something and I seem to have gone outside (which is the part that concerns me). When later chatting with my friend about the experience I mentioned blacking out and all I got in response was "Oh d4mn". He was nodding pretty hard on oxy at this point so I didnt really get any more from him. So I ask you reader. Is it normal to black out like that on DXM? Clearly different than the parts of the trip I dont remember since when I came to I was not tripping at all. I have no recollection of the come down or anything. I was tripping hard then not tripping at all a few hours later in what seemed like an instant.
While that may read as a negative experience I was very much pleased with it and it was not at all negative. Not even the puking was uncomfortable or bad. My only qualms are that I was essentially immobile the whole time, I could not walk without holding onto furniture (a walker would have been handy), and that I was far to out of it to think about anything or even watch tv. I do plan to try this again at a lower dose as I think it there is something to say about DXM. Though I would much rather try those "real psychedelics" before I go back, maybe learn to control the trip more before returning to the realm dissociative.
Thoughts? Criticisms? Comments? Recommendations? I want your brainwaves.
I dosed at around 1:45 pm. 40 pills are pretty hard to swallow, but probably better that however many ounces of cough syrup would be needed. At about the half hour mark I began to feel dizzy and nauseous. It was rather ignorable nausea and I went about watching Brother Bear in my living room. I had intended to write down what was happening to record the experience and wrote that moving my head around with my eyes closed made me feel like I was on a roller coaster. (I did not remember this until just now reading this record). These effects slowly grew more powerful as time passed and around 2:40 I knew it was time to head to the bathroom. At 2:45 exactly one hour from starting to dose (which took a good 10 minutes what with all the swallowing) I puked. At this point I was half conscious of my surroundings and finding it hard to move. I have recorded that at this point I was very itchy, especially at the top of my head. After I finished hurling I stumbled downstairs and to the air conditioned bedroom where I would spend most of the rest of the experience. I would like to note now there is no further written record of my experiences as I was far too disabled to write. (looking at what was recorded the handwriting significantly gets worse with each entry to just the scrawling of "trippin balls" at the bottom of the page.) While written record stops there is a short and spread out texting "conversation" which helps to recall. So at this point I am sprawled across the bed chaos blind, as I would describe it, so confused by my surrounding I just stop processing and my vision goes black for a little while. This chaos blindness is really no trouble as I would rather not see since at this point I was experiencing intense closed eye visuals. When I first flopped down onto the bed I closed my eyes and saw the bed in third person with me laying there as the bed rocketed up and into outer space.
[memory blank]
At 3:13 I sent a text that read "Some avatar trip deal went down" This was one of the more spectacular visuals I had. It was of three ornate Chinese lion dragon heads protruding from the inside of a brick tower with myself on top of one, the avatar (from the last airbender show) on one, and Qutara (the girl from the show) one the other. The tower itself had no visible ceiling or floor and simply stretched for eternity in either direction. The trip deal I was referring to was the fact that the avatar was apparently selling Qutara 'trips'. Not any substance, but glowing spherical experiences. Shortly after this happened I think I got up and checked my facebook. But I'm not sure about that. I did however get a cd player and put on a mix. I found after I put it on I was far to occupied to realize music was even playing. After I fell down on the bed again and closed my eyes I saw myself running up a stone spiral staircase and when I placed my foot on the stair it would begin to fall. After a few steps I jumped into the air and morphed into a dragon and flew away setting the stairs on fire as I left. After this its all blurry and I dont remember much.
At 3:30 about i tried sending a text but it turns out it was just "Hwxov ly" I haven't the slightest idea what I was trying to say. After this I remember miscellaneous tripping for a little while then it being past 7:00 and not tripping at all. This slightly concerns me since I have a 3 hour+ block missing from my memory. Also The backdoor, which was licked when I began was ajar and various things around the house were moved. So obviously I was doing something and I seem to have gone outside (which is the part that concerns me). When later chatting with my friend about the experience I mentioned blacking out and all I got in response was "Oh d4mn". He was nodding pretty hard on oxy at this point so I didnt really get any more from him. So I ask you reader. Is it normal to black out like that on DXM? Clearly different than the parts of the trip I dont remember since when I came to I was not tripping at all. I have no recollection of the come down or anything. I was tripping hard then not tripping at all a few hours later in what seemed like an instant.
While that may read as a negative experience I was very much pleased with it and it was not at all negative. Not even the puking was uncomfortable or bad. My only qualms are that I was essentially immobile the whole time, I could not walk without holding onto furniture (a walker would have been handy), and that I was far to out of it to think about anything or even watch tv. I do plan to try this again at a lower dose as I think it there is something to say about DXM. Though I would much rather try those "real psychedelics" before I go back, maybe learn to control the trip more before returning to the realm dissociative.
Thoughts? Criticisms? Comments? Recommendations? I want your brainwaves.