Amsterdam cops are not allowed to smoke pot anymore

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Alpiniste Kundalini
From the 1st of January 2008 police officers in Amsterdam are no longer allowed to use cannabis in their own spare time. This is specified in the new behaviour directive sent by the Amsterdam precinct to all the officers.

Until now it was clear to all the officers that they could not show up at work under the influence of cannabis and/or alcohol (of course). But according to the head of the precinct the officers must be an example to others, and besides that they are officers 24 hours a day. There is simply no place for the use of cannabis in this kind of function.

It is also included in the directive that officers outside working hours must take it easy with the use of alcohol. It is simply not acceptable that an officer is “singing on the street
under the influence of cannabis and/or alcohol (of course)
Wauw, im shocked and sad. Many times you see this .......and/or alcohol, but at the end of the story they `forget to mention` alcohol.

There is simply no place for the use of cannabis in this kind of function.
Ah yes, now let`s don`t talk about alcohol for this `kind of function`!
Then it would come to this:
Also forbit it for all politicians to when your at it, especially the alcohol :idea:
(politicians with there red noses on tv, omg, that`s even worse! If i would be drinking during work i would get fired, they get a vote?)

Then put a ban on cops using alcohol as well.... please..

Hugs Maxi
I just don't get what governments are fighting in the war on drugs. There will always be drugs, and there has always been drugs. Where there is demand, there will be a supply. stop wasting tax dollars on the dream of a drug free world.

sadly, most people fail to recognize alcohol a drug. how blind and ignorant can you be?

I hate being negative, lol.

Nice said Jeer.

For a long time I feel irritated that people always compare other drugs with a drug like alcohol. I think there is no need for this. Especcially here everyone now the effects of different substances and now that they are all drugs.

healthy/unhealthy it is all relative, I mean breathing oxiden causes more free radicals and they can cause cancer so maybe we should pay tax for breathing oxiden or make it illigal.

I admit that some substances are more dangerous. But people here know that a strong mind altering substance can be used pretty safe with good preparation.

What this subject is about is that again freedom is taken away from the citizins, it backward thinking and we going back to the past. Again it proves that most people won't learn anything in a 4000 years of writen history. We are all monkeys with clothes imitating each other in the herd.

In my opinion people should not always scream to the government for changes and take responsibillity for themselves. When people are causing serious problems to society or themselves, the society and themselves should be protected but every attempt to avoid possible problems in the future is a decrease of freedom.
Uhow.. no more relaxed cops for us :D

So we shall see how many people still want to be a police officer.. :)
So we shall see how many people still want to be a police officer..
That's what I thought. And what kind of people will still want to be a police officer. :?
No, don't make alcohol illegal. Legalize cannabis...
Agreed, but I would want to see much higher penalties for drunk driving. Because drunk driving is nothing less than a willingness to take the risk of killing others, i.e. murder. And I don't mean higher penalties in terms of money, but in terms of consequences, such as losing one's driving license etc. My alcoholic father lost his driving license eventually (because he caused a minor accident), and I'm very happy about that. But it should actually happen before people cause minor or major accidents.
Jahvisions a dit:
We are all monkeys with clothes imitating each other in the herd.

Couldn't say it better.
Jahvisions a dit:
Nice said Jeer.

For a long time I feel irritated that people always compare other drugs with a drug like alcohol. I think there is no need for this. Especcially here everyone now the effects of different substances and now that they are all drugs.

healthy/unhealthy it is all relative, I mean breathing oxiden causes more free radicals and they can cause cancer so maybe we should pay tax for breathing oxiden or make it illigal.

I admit that some substances are more dangerous. But people here know that a strong mind altering substance can be used pretty safe with good preparation.

What this subject is about is that again freedom is taken away from the citizins, it backward thinking and we going back to the past. Again it proves that most people won't learn anything in a 4000 years of writen history. We are all monkeys with clothes imitating each other in the herd.

In my opinion people should not always scream to the government for changes and take responsibillity for themselves. When people are causing serious problems to society or themselves, the society and themselves should be protected but every attempt to avoid possible problems in the future is a decrease of freedom.

I-LOVE-This-POST OMG!! you couldn't say it better!!