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Americans prefer not to know about drugs?!

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Alpiniste Kundalini
I found this news article on Salvia. Its not about the actual text, make sure you check the comments underneath....

Is new drug a legal alternative or just a lot of hype?

Most probably never try it. Some want desperately to forget it. And many are still boasting of it months later over beers. It's that sometimes mystical, sometimes frightening, often foolhardy college experience: The mushroom or LSD trip.

But in recent months, university students have been discovering a new drug called salvia divinorum, which is sold in Longview and across the U.S. It's legal, at least for now. And depending on who you talk to, it offers the effects of illicit hallucinogens without the risk of getting arrested.

"From what I remember, I was sitting in a chair and I was barely able to sit up," a 20-year-old college student from Longview said of a recent salvia experience. "At one point I was laying on the armrest of the chair, and then I saw a stair case. It was green and pink. And then, five minutes later, I was up and I was normal again."

Another Longview college student, also 20, said his experience with the drug was less eventful. "It was similar to marijuana in that it was a really intense high," he said. "This was very short but more intense. You just want to sit down and kind of relax."
Despite the drug's legal status, no users contacted for this story would speak on the record about their experiences.

Federal and local law enforcement officials said they learned about the drug roughly a year ago. Little is known about its long-term health effects, and authorities worry that, because salvia is legal, people will think it's harmless. "Just because it's not classified at some point, it doesn't make it healthy or safe," said Jeff Eig, a special agent in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's Seattle field office. "There are dangers to any substance that alters your perception."

A handful of states and agencies are cracking down on the drug. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been leaning on salvia distributors for marketing what it calls "street drug alternatives," according to documents released by the agency. And the DEA said that Louisiana and Tennessee recently banned salvia. Other states, including Oregon, are considering similar laws. Australia, Finland, Denmark and Italy have also placed restrictions on it. But Eig said he didn't know if or when U.S. officials would outlaw the drug. "I know that there's no timetable set as to when a decision will be made about that," he said. "It's definitely something that's being looked at." Eig said he knew of no plans to ban salvia in Washington State. And, until that happens, local police said they aren't going to concern themselves with the matter. "Our job is to ferret out the illegal, and right now it's legal," said Sgt. Steve Rehaume of the Longview Police Department's Street Crimes Unit. "So we're not putting time into working any cases on salvia."

Anyone 18 or older can buy the drug at Longview's Video Store 'N More on Washington Way. Until last week, Glass Work Ink, a tattoo and smoke shop on Commerce Avenue, also sold it. The store's owner said he would stop selling salvia after he learned that The Daily News planned to publish a story about it.

The newspaper examined two brands of the drug, which is derived from a perennial herb native to Mexico. One came in a small baggy and looks something like black tobacco leaves, the other resembles gunpowder.

A June DEA report said salvia users, who usually smoke or chew the drug, have been known to see bright lights, patterns, colors and objects that seem real but aren't there. They also may feel like they have left their bodies and experience "uncontrolled laughter," slurred speech, dizziness and a general lack of coordination, the report said. The DEA said that salvia's effects last about 30 minutes, but local users said the experience was shorter -- about 10 or 15 minutes.

Salvia packaging and promotional materials advise users to never take the drug in public and to "never use salvia if guns or knives are within reach." The materials also suggest that users make sure a sober person, known as a "sitter," is available to keep "trippers" out of trouble. "The sitter must remember that no matter how crazy the tripper acts, salvia trips are short-lived," says a brochure from Ecstacy, Inc., a Beverly Hills, Calif., salvia marketer. "Don't take the tripper to the emergency room. Keep him safe and wait it out." Salvia is among at least a dozen products sold under the promise that they mimic the effects of illicit drugs.

The FDA said that one Tennessee distributor was selling products called "Magic Mushrooms," "Liquid Speed," "Cloud 9" and "Snuffadelic," which, the company claimed, offer the effects of codeine, methamphetamine, marijuana and illegal hallucinogens. The agency has threatened to seize these distributors' products and slap them with injunctions, saying that marketing "street drug alternatives" is a violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

If officials do ban the drug, Andrea Lamarre, the 25-year-old assistant manager at the Video Store 'N More, said she'll stop selling it. But for now, she said, she's glad to offer it to curious patrons. "With our demographic, we thought it would be something good to carry," said Lamarre, who discovered salvia two years ago at a Las Vegas porn industry trade show."We get a lot of customers coming in for the adult movies (who are) a little bit more willing to try new things." The store sells about three 80-milligram salvia packages a week at about $30 each, she said.

Lamarre, who said she's never taken the drug, noted that the Washington Way store borders the Highlands district, one of several neighborhoods known for prolific and dangerous street drugs. Salvia, she said, is "a positive alternative.""You're not going to do something crazy," she said. "You're not going to break into someone's house to score it." Still, selling the drug has drawn detractors. Jeanette Klein, the video store's manager, said she encountered an angry woman whose 17-year-old son had gotten salvia from an acquaintance. "My response was, 'Kids manage to drink all the time. Do you go to the grocery store and yell at them?' "

Until last week, Joe Pristina, the owner of Glass Work Ink, had been selling salvia for between $15 and $40 a package, depending on the concentration of the doses. The downtown Longview store includes a tattoo shop as well as locally-made pipes. On Thursday, Pristina, 29, said he would pull salvia from his shelves. The store has sold only 15 small salvia boxes since it started stocking the drug last fall, he said. And he worries the drug might give his store a foul reputation.

"It's getting a bad rap," he said of the drug. "People misuse it and it becomes a problem. It comes with directions on the box and people will not follow the directions, like they will quadruple what it says." Worst of all, he said, "I'm worried that it's gonna get turned illegal and I'm not going to get the memo."

User Comments:

What the hell next? wrote on September 05, 2006 1:31 AM:"Just more crap to add to the list for our youth to try. Thank you again, Daily News for exposing this 'legal drug'. People like me (40 and over) had never even heard of it. Rest assured that the high schoolers and then middle schoolers will soon be in on it. My God. And the police are not even concerned about it because it's not illegal?????? What about the harm it can do to the children who don't happen to have a 'sitter' present? I can already see this being introduced at parties. My God, my God...."

mamaof 5 wrote on September 05, 2006 6:58 AM:"Why on earth would anyone want to feel like that? I hope no one from out of town reads this article and thinks everyone in Longview is like these people at Video N' More."

Nobody, wrote on September 05, 2006 7:03 AM:"Drop acid not bombs!"

useless wrote on September 05, 2006 7:18 AM:"i have tried it and i think its the key to the devils door--- it is not like pot--it is far more dangerous--- people dont understand that it takes u to a different realm and the after effects are intense---i think that it should be banned before anyone truly hurts them selfs or others---i hate that is is so accesible to minors and we need do do something quick!"

Megan wrote on September 05, 2006 7:22 AM:"How IRRESPONSIBLE is this, Daily News? You're telling readers (including children) exactly where to buy this potentially harmful drug. NICE GOING YOU IDIOTS!"

Ya Sure wrote on September 05, 2006 8:10 AM:"Salvia is a good high. It does not last as long as some things but most of the things attributed to it are false, It is a good good legal buzz. Pink and whatever staircases are bull."

an ex junky who left longview wrote on September 05, 2006 8:10 AM:"why is the daily news promoting this?"

dumb reporter wrote on September 05, 2006 8:32 AM:"more enticement for the kids to go astray. DUMB stupid report that should never have been printed. If it bleeds it reads, SICK NEWSPAPER don't buy it. "

hummmm wrote on September 05, 2006 8:41 AM:" Now we know what it is, where to get it & what it does. Did we really need this info?"

Salvia Lover wrote on September 05, 2006 9:31 AM:"I think this is great. lets all have one bug fry party,the whole town will love it. i may start selling this to any one who would like to try it."

Very Informative wrote on September 05, 2006 9:35 AM:"Come on ignorants; we need stories like this to keep us as parents aware and informed, good story TDN, keep up the excellent journalism, and i think Joe CHristina is a hero. Pro Salvia."

Kelso Resident wrote on September 05, 2006 9:52 AM:"well isnt that just dandy? I had never heard of this drug before, and now that I know about it from this informative article, I will go out and buy it and get high (if I was a druggie) ubeleivable. I mean seriously....did you really think you were doing good by publishing this article?"

bb wrote on September 05, 2006 10:17 AM:"Oh Boy!!! I can just se it now. Along with the proposed meth tax, someone will want to introduce a "salvia" tax. "

out of towner wrote on September 05, 2006 10:18 AM:"I'm from out of town. But, if I lived in Longview, I certainly would not patronize Video N' More."

Twenty something wrote on September 05, 2006 10:38 AM:"How could something that causes you to hallucinate, be a 'positive' thing and a 'great alternative' that is legal? I dont get it? yes that is nice that we are now informed as parents, but as people that 'werent' aware of it... and now are... I think it was kind of wierd for the daily news to publish an article like this. What 'good' will come out of this article other then people that sell this stuff will now make more money because of the awareness. I think there are other things to write about, like 'How is hunting going with the fire danger' or even interviewing high school aged students as to whats 'in and out this year.... stuff like that. "

good and bad wrote on September 05, 2006 10:54 AM:"First of all, I agree with everyone here: Bad job for putting this in the paper for the idiots to know where to get it now. As someone that works with juveniles, I find this information very helpful (but you don't post this info here). As for the parents here: be aware--this is only the tip of the iceberg of legal substances that can damage our kids. There's lots of things that kids creatively use to get high (of course I won't mention them here because then i would be just as bad as the newspaper). Just educate yourselves and your kids and BE INVOLVED. That's how you will help them. "

For Shame wrote on September 05, 2006 10:55 AM:"What kind of irresponsible people are in charge at the Daily News? Not only am I irritated at the reporter for thinking this is a good idea to publish in a town with an extremely high drug usage rate; I am thoroughly disappointed in Andre Stepankowski, who allowed this to be published. Are you completely out of your mind telling people where to get more drugs? "

Roxanne wrote on September 05, 2006 10:59 AM:"Whoever thinks kids are going to read about this in the paper and then go try it is crazy.. they don't rely on the paper for this information, they learn from their friends. So, this article is good information for parents and others in the community to become aware of what is out there. I'm glad that I know. It's good to see one local business decide to discontinue selling the product, even if it is a result of the Daily News article. Good for Joe Pristina. Sounds like Video Store 'N More is not a business that I would want in my neighborhood. It's not in my area, so I wouldn't patronize it, but I hope others see this and make a decision about whether they want to patronize this business or not. "

Stoned slacker wrote on September 05, 2006 11:24 AM:"Wheeeeeeee Im on it right now, this is great stuff. Beautiful colors. Most drugs dont work good on me this one is the best. As soon as I get my next social security check im going to buy as much as is can. Thanks TDN."

Wake Up Call wrote on September 05, 2006 11:27 AM:"IT'S CALLED PUBLIC AWARENESS If you are just now hearing about salvia divinorum for the first time in this article, you probably limit your reading material to The Daily News exclusively, and thanks to this article you are now aware of something that obviously concerns you. This information has been printed and discussed by many sources. It is hugh on the Internet, even available on E-bay, if you have ever heard of them. Ask your kids, they probably can fill you in and answer your questions. If you really want do something to stop the local sales of this product, now would be the time to contact the city officials at every level, to see what can be done legally to stop or deter places selling this type of substance in our city. I'm certain there is something short of harrassment that would be legal action to take at the places of business involved. I personally don't want to be seen going in and out of a place that rents me movies, and have people think I am there for the purpose to purchase a product to get me high instead. And to avoid the possibility that the other patrons inside the store are already high or there to purchase a product to get themn high, I choose to rent movies elsewhere from now on. It's kinda like your chances of running into a drunk, is a little higher at a bar, than at a book store."

nixon wrote on September 05, 2006 11:29 AM:"leave joe christina alone.he isnt hurting anyone.because he sells functional glass art doesnt mean he sells drugs.i have been buying glass from him for years,his store isnt shady.he did the right thing by pulling salvia off his shelves,doesnt that say something?"

Disturbed in Kelso wrote on September 05, 2006 11:36 AM:"I for one am totally against all this, Kelso and Longview seem to be falling into a pattern and there is nothing that us parents can do about it, they publish this stuff and expect KIDS not to read this, well maybe but it only takes one person who uses to read this and pass it on to a family memeber or freind who's child is in the room listening and there we go, he takes it to his friend who takes it to another and soon we have toddlers expiermenting with this stuff,kinda like when they published the "recipe" for making meth, my kids asked me if that was true if you could use household chemicals to make it..DUH!!! Geuss where they heard it from, a friend of a friend..I dont care if it is legal, I think all us parents who are against this " legal" drug should put a stop to it NOW before its one of our kids that has a bad trip or even dies from taking this. enough said for now, Im sure they wont publish this one..LOL"

Reality Check wrote on September 05, 2006 11:52 AM:"If folks will take the time to do some research on salvia instead of jumping to conclusions, normal dialog might ensue. There is a lot more hype than truth to salvia. It's like saying if you eat enough lettuce you'll get high from the opiate-like substance it contains. You'd have to eat 15 heads! Tobacco and it's continued Govt support will harm many more children than salvia or pot or mushrooms ever will. From the early dawn of mankind we have sought ways to alter our consciousness. If it will help kids stay away from meth or crack, I say let the kids have a try. Not everyone who ever has a drink will become an alcoholic and not every person who tries a little ssalvia will become an addict. "

Disturbed in Kelso wrote on September 05, 2006 12:05 PM:"Yeah I do beleive thats what they said about LSD POT METH CRACK CIGGARRETS, (its not addicting,try it you'll like it) now look at our town, they are ALL addcits, but I bet some of them DIDNT want to be addicted to it, I do beleive this will be on the rise for more addicts in this town, not like we dont have enough now anyways"

Thanks for the Info wrote on September 05, 2006 12:07 PM:"Quit ripping on TDN for the reporting. If you think nobody knew about this before this article, you're living in Neverland. I guarantee the druggies and kids already know about this and where to get it. Now I know about it and know what to look for w/ my kids. Thanks for the Info TDN."

Longview downtown wrote on September 05, 2006 12:28 PM:"I just told 3 people that I work with about this article that have children. not one of them had ever heard about it, and one of them is younger and probably has freinds, brothers and sisters that probably wouldnt mind using it. With this small town, word of mouth is all it takes for something to get around. From my experience with freinds that were on drugs, family members, etc, etc... its not about being informed about certain drugs and/or where you can purchase these items at. That was sort of a dumb move on TDN's part by publishing this. As parents, concerned freinds & family members, we need to be aware of what is going on around us. How people are acting, any changes in sleep habits, who are they hanging around? what type of home are our children going to when visiting freinds that type of stuff. BE INVOLVED< dont ignore the obvious. I remember friends that smoked dope, the reeked of it all the time, their parents were morons, they we're just too busy to see the obvious. REd eyes, sleep alot, slurred speech and the smell? its not that hard to figure out. I think that if the Daily news wanted to get this information out there, they should have done it in a different approach such as 'parents be aware' and not list where and when you can purchase it. More on the lines of side effects, what to look for if your child is on it, what it looks like. NOt where to purchase it. "

Dr. Evil wrote on September 05, 2006 12:37 PM:"Reality Check is spot on. How many legal druggies are walking around with their pills they get legally from their doc? How many kids and adults are on Prozac, Zoloft, and any other drug big pharma sends their pushers out to promote. You can still score all the alcohol you want in this town. Leave Salvia alone."

reporter with rocks in the head wrote on September 05, 2006 12:51 PM:"I am shocked about this report on this so-called new drug. I have never heard of it and I am angry that the Daily News would report such a thing. No wonder why we parents have to keep such a close eye on our kids. Poor job Daily News for reporting such FILTH. Are you people in such desperate need to put something in the paper? "

STUPID PEOPLE wrote on September 05, 2006 1:02 PM:"I bet Video Store N more will have its door beat down tonight for this crap. AND, at $30 a pop, I can bet people will steal for it - DUH - I am sure that when I was burglarized it was because the addict DIDNT HAVE THE MONEY to buy the crap he was addicted to (probably meth) - COME ON - THINK PEOPLE!!"

Liz wrote on September 05, 2006 1:27 PM:"I can't believe you people, slamming the newspaper for letting you know what's being legally sold in this town. It's LEGAL. And unless enough people make a stink about it, it's going to STAY LEGAL. What's your thinking -- keep on burying your heads in the sand and maybe it'll go away? Is that what you did with meth, too? Is that how things got this bad? Out of sight, out of mind. "

Deadhead wrote on September 05, 2006 1:39 PM:"Salvia is a common flower that many people probobly have growing in there front yard. Some of you need to do little more research. There are many plants and flowers that can get you high, what do we do ban flowers??"

Shocked wrote on September 05, 2006 2:04 PM:"Front page, Big picture.... every newspaper box in town shows it in the window.... Have you tried this drug? If not, here's enough information that will help you get it. Not exactly a plan to help educate the kids .... That's good the store owner is getting rid of it ( or putting it under the counter????) but why did he have it for sale in the first place? Sick sick sick...."

exvideostoreemployee wrote on September 05, 2006 2:41 PM:"Don't you think it would better to know about this stuff than not? The Video Store has every right to sell this if they want to. Bottom line is that it's legal. If you have a problem with it then don't buy it. I've done it many times and it effects everybody different. If you aren't into this kind of thing that's fine but stop putting people down for doing something that's LEGAL! If parents have a problem with this then they need to have more control over your kids.The Video Store dosen't sell to anybody under 18 years old and if kids are doing this then it's out of their hands. Quit being so quick to judge! This town has a horrible meth problem, lets get worked up about that instead of something that's legal. If you didn't even know about it then it's obviously not a problem drug."

Saifu wrote on September 05, 2006 3:18 PM:"I've used salvia about six years ago, in Montana, it was GREAT! Gave me a weird high, made me see a door appear in the middle of the woods at a Gathering of the Rainbow Family of Living Light, anyway, a door, appeared where the waterpipe I was using to smoke it used to be. Then the person who was lighting it for me turned into a giant cat head. The cat's head was blocking the door, so I couldn't get through. Then BAM!!! I was back in the real world. I felt kind of sweaty when it was all over then I was fine. The whole thing lasted about 10 minutes, although when I was under it felt like 10 hours. You wouldn't have to worry about the people who don't have a guide with them because they wouldn't be able to do anything anyways, except see things. Also it is not like this is a new drug, unlike what the paper says it is native to the Andes Mountains, and has been known as the Diviners Sage (it is a type of sage) for about 3000 years. I actually still have some from when I did it, about a half ounce of it, I am glad I saw this article, I'll have to break it out this evening, since I quit smoking weed it is a great alternative. I would have to say it is kinda like a organic NitrusOxcide, something to that effect. Also when I did it, it was a 40x extract of the plant matter, which you can get at Vancouver Pipe and Tobacco. "

Saifu wrote on September 05, 2006 3:23 PM:"Also, I don't belive you could get addicted to Salvia, because of this reason, when you are done with the high (I just remembered this part) you get this uncomfortable prickly feeling all over your body, like you are getting poked by needles or something like that, it happens right before the sweating happens, that part of it is not that cool, and actually that is the reason I still have a bunch from when I did it before. The uncomfortable feeling lasts only a couple of seconds but when it is done I remember thinking, "Let's just smoke some weed, that stuff is weird." Plus it doesnt taste very good, unlike weed, so I doubt you could get hooked."

COME ON!! wrote on September 05, 2006 3:48 PM:"why would any child or teen pay the high price for this legal drug when they can get something that lasts much much longer for cheaper like LSD? people, wake up! it's easier for them to score real drugs in this town. i wouldn't be worried about some stupid drug that isn't even addictive!!"

Pirate of the Willipa wrote on September 05, 2006 3:49 PM:"I SO do not miss this town."

James wrote on September 05, 2006 3:50 PM:"Funny how something so trivial brings out the pissy ones. Anyone remember the 60's and 70's? If you do then you were not cool."

but you don't understand wrote on September 05, 2006 5:21 PM:"that MOST people that try salvia WON'T try it again. It is a very unpleasant experience for a lot of people. Savlia IS a DRUG, but this is last damn thing for ANYONE to be concerned about. I don't think anyone should try it because it's a waste of money, and can cause extreme paranoia. SHROOMS would be a better alternative if someone really wanted to try a drug like this. But of course, those are illegal and for some reason SALVIA is legal. All in all there is nothing for you "PEOPLE WITH CHILDREN" to be worried about in the least bit. Salvia sucks. If your kids tried it they most like won't try it again. I say legalize marijuana, or at least decriminalize it and make everyone realize that it's the lowest priority when it comes to "CRIMES," which marijuana isn't."

PeopleAreCrazy wrote on September 05, 2006 7:00 PM:"It is good to be angry at drug and alcohol abuse! It is also good to be angry at underage access to either one. The Video Store provides none of these things. Salvia is a legal natural product, not a drug, not alcohol and not available to minors at any cost. The store sells maybee three (3) packets a week, usually to someone who is very aware of its affects and I.D is checked every time. Salvia is is is not a lead in product for anything illegal. The local mills have put more damaging materials into our bodys without our permission. This is a natual product, it is not addictive, and Salvia must be taken voluntarily. I know the owner well, he supports the community with action and financially. Salvia does not even represent one (1) percent of the video store's gross sales. He took a run down building in a bad part of town and built a beautiful respectable business. The store has awesome employees and a great atmosphere. If Salvia had a negative affect on the community in any way The Video Store would discontinue all sales "

Up North wrote on September 05, 2006 7:29 PM:"So if you don't like the message, kill the messenger? That's one way, in a free society, ideas and solutions get swept under the rug. Instead of killing the messenger, why not step up to the plate and take responsibility for yourself and the lives you influence?"

saifu wrote on September 05, 2006 8:12 PM:"The problem (and only problem) with LSD (the only direct link to communicate with the creator) is that you can't find it any more. I come across LSD about once in two years and believe me I make a good effort to hunt it down. Somebody with a good LSD connection needs to start selling (or better yet give it away) around cowlitz county again, I remember the good old days back in the late 90's when it was just everywhere, man those were the days."

local christian wrote on September 05, 2006 9:51 PM:"Church, go to church and start praying that the world doesn't get any sicker."

BANTDN.COM wrote on September 05, 2006 9:58 PM:"Alot of people have already said how I feel about how stupid TDN could be by what they wrote in this article, especially the location to by this crap! This is exactly why I dont and never will again subscribe to this newspaper. Way to go TDN! "

Megan wrote on September 06, 2006 1:29 AM:"I can and will continue to bash TDN for careless articles. It's called freedom of speech. Some of your responses are so plainly idiotic that's it's no surprise this town is overrun by drug-heads. I do not bury my head in the sand as far as drugs and information about things that could harm children go but condoning this type of reporting is absolutely insane. Just because this is a legal drug that someone can grow in their backyard doesn't make it right and a lot of kids will try it instead of LSD, pot, etc. for that very fact. Some of the people who responded are very irresponsible people who need to wake up to the twisted, hypocritical messages this community sends to its children."

1st one to post on this article wrote on September 06, 2006 9:13 AM:"Daily News, please give us your reasons for doing this article. When people wrote in about the over exposure of Thomsen, the editor explained his actions and said that we'd hear more about him. Please give your readers a plausible reason about this 'where to get the legal drugs' in this town article. Please. There are many angry people out there, and I don't want to be one of them. I'm saddened by this. I want to be proud to live in this town. Right now I'm not."

XYZ wrote on September 06, 2006 7:27 PM:"The level of ignorance reflected in these story comments is absolutely appalling. If you people ever left Cowlitz County or even read a newspaper from a large city, you'd see that this type of story -- unveiling a hidden threat to our youth -- is not only common, it's welcomed. Some people WANT and EXPECT their newspaper to report on what's happening in their community, even if it's bad news. If you don't like what you're hearing, fight for change, but don't blame the newspaper for exposing the truth. That's backward, ignorant thinking ... and dishearteningly common in this town. "

Local principal wrote on September 08, 2006 11:06 AM:"Thanks TDN for promoting a new way for our kids to get a high. I seriously question the decision making that this paper is having. This front page story had no positive value to the community. Instead, has contributed to more adoescents "thinking about trying" and "talking about" trying this new "legal" drug over the past few days in our schools. Thanks for supporting a drug free community---unbelievable.... "
This tells you why the war on drugs is still alive and kicking -> people who CAN change it (by voting), just havent got ANY clue.

Sad but true.
Despite the drug's legal status, no users contacted for this story would speak on the record about their experiences.

wtf? you think that's strange? damn, for those who DID cooperate, I'd like to have a serious talk with them, and I hope it'll be only talking. Anyone who cooperates on this kind of bullshit, as way,way out.

And yes, the reactions aren't much better as well.

Then, what kind of positive effect would news stories like this have, really none at all. I hate it when they bring etheogens into the world news like this. They'll always try to keep closing our doors of perception, so there'll be only one door left; theirs.
NOOO Not salvia :cry:

I hate people when it comes to things like this. They believe anything and everything they read/hear. Yet oh no alcohol is wonderful. It only kills millions of people per year. We need a new word for drug they hear it and flip. That's why alcohol isn't ever called a drug.

Pssh people suck.

EDIT:"Just because this is a legal drug that someone can grow in their backyard doesn't make it right and a lot of kids will try it instead of LSD, pot, etc. for that very fact."

Is she saying she'd rather them try LSD and Pot instead? Lol....
if they wouldn't speak of salvia in the media nothing bad would ever happen because salvia is primarily used by experienced psychonauts
these articles only encourages people (who think the experience will be like a heavy weedtrip) to use salvia with dangerous consequences
salvia use should be like ayahuasca use, spiritual places where u can experiment safely and under guidance of experts
anyway legal or not drugs will always be available
A Nationwide outlaw of salvia seems unlikely to me. The government has far more pressing matters at hand here. They have proposed a bill already to outlaw it and that was shot down. The state louisiana techincally outlawed its use as a drug. But it is still legal to possess and cultivate. My country is full of extremely ignorant people. But as I am not even of legal voting age yet I can't really help do anything about it....yet.
everywhere in the world there are extremelly ignorant people. "your "people scare me, they're beyond ignorance... no offense, it's just weird. i saw this film from borat and i was really scared of people afterwards, even "normal "ducth citizens walking on the street. i had this need to go and find my "normal" people, with brains functioning and thinking about the world. i ended up in a queer party ... was very relieved to see some "normal "lesbians and guys dressed as women... lol

alice :D
(voice of experience)

Stay out of Louisiana!

State FULL of reactionary, knee-jerk idiots ( elected leaders ) and police...
it's all illegal in louisiana. I'm surprised dancing is still legal there.

The hands down, absolute winner of REDNECKS OF THE MILLENIUM award.

....and the robotic citizenry that allows it all...don't even get me started
said Jeff Eig, a special agent in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's Seattle field office. "There are dangers to any substance that alters your perception."

It's nice to see that the DEA agrees that coffee has dangers.

I think ,translated to modern terms, Karl Marx famous quote would become:

"Television is opium for the people"

It is the modern tranquilizer for the masses. TV on, Brain off.

But even opium can be enjoyed with care. Using TV has nasty side effects, like gaining weight and the feeling of losing life seconds/iterations/attention whenever commercials appear.
I wonder what will happen within de next few years, with youtube taking over television for the most part.

Ignorance doesn't come from television alone, education has to do with it too (as Bourdieus distinction theory reveals), among probably lots of other factors.
I wonder what will happen within de next few years, with youtube taking over television for the most part.

Thats the big question. I guess it depends on the maturity of the uploaders. I mean, there are videos on there now where people dose their friends, unknowingly what they embark on, with high amounts of Salvia and videotape them just for fun.

Someone once said that 99% of the information on the internet is garbage and I think he was right.
This is why I like living in England so much, we are too busy trying to combat "Designer" Drugs rather than worrying about the few legal hallucinogens like Salvia that are still on the market.
However, if a news report like this was printed in the English papers, I don't doubt it would be made an illegal drug with at least a class B rating if not a class A. That's the only downside, everyone is quick to jump on the next "Big thing" Here and it ends up getting out of control and attracting the wrong sort of people and attention.
Here and it ends up getting out of control and attracting the wrong sort of people and attention.

I understand what you mean but I dont agree. Its not the people that are wrong, its the laws. Saying some people can use hallucinogens and other cannot, is very arrogant. Note that I've been guilty of it myself as well.

If you dont agree with this, you implicate indirectly that we would have to make everything that some people can use in a wrong way, illegal. Like cars, skates, bycicles etc....

Why should we have to suffer because of a minority cant cope with these things?

Its ironic once you realize that the druglaws are the main reason hallucinogens draws the attention of the 'wrong' people.
HeartCore a dit:
Here and it ends up getting out of control and attracting the wrong sort of people and attention.

I understand what you mean but I dont agree. Its not the people that are wrong, its the laws. Saying some people can use hallucinogens and other cannot, is very arrogant. Note that I've been guilty of it myself as well.

If you dont agree with this, you implicate indirectly that we would have to make everything that some people can use in a wrong way, illegal. Like cars, skates, bycicles etc....

Why should we have to suffer because of a minority cant cope with these things?

Its ironic once you realize that the druglaws are the main reason hallucinogens draws the attention of the 'wrong' people.

Hmmm, I see what you are saying, but then I am of the mind set that some people should be banned from using things like cars and even bycicles and it all comes from experience with those types of people.

A few years back I introduced Absinthe to a group of friends, two of them ended up in the emergency room at the local hospital having their stomach's pumped because they didn't know how to use it responsibly and others ended up feeling very sick afterwards despite my clear warnings on how much to drink.

I know too many people who would attempt to use Salvia without a sitter present or as a party drug, maybe thats just the people I know, but I can't see certain groups, especially "Chavs" Treating it with any respect what so ever.
Call me arrogant, but I'd rather things like this stayed out of the hands of the immature and unresponsible people.