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Amanita Muscaria

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion user_1919
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 008

I was thinking yesterday on trying some Amanita Muscaria. I don't know a lot about them, but I know enough. I was wondering, casue I read on some website that you can get permant brain damage, it's bad for your liver, and other things. Is this all a bunch of BS? Cause I tend to think so. Also if I were to try them, I would like to do a medium to high dose, which is from 5-10 grams dried right? Also does anyone know a reliable online vender that ships to Canada, and has used the mushrooms from that vender. Any knowledge about this specie would be nice.

Thanks, peace
they are deadly..
if they are deadly, then why do so many consume them, and they are used in many tribes around the world?
lol they are not deadly, they are lethal only at very high doses that anyone who knows a bit about them will never consume. But they are toxic. But taking them only once or twice isn't gonna do much, if taken in decent doses
Lion a dit:
they are deadly..

Everything is deadly if you take enough of it.....

The best way to get off Amanita seems to be to take a small dose, piss, drink your piss, repeat 4 times. Your body will change the toxins in the psychoactive you are looking for. I never had a Amanita trip because I don't want to drink my own piss, even though its sterile and absolutely medically safe, but all experts claim this is needed to have the experience.
Nice thing about love under your post, heartcore.

Nice info on the muscaria too; do you have any references? Many people have posed me questions about amanita, but I always failed to give an answer as exact as yours. I usually explained that I've heard many different stories on what parts to eat and in what stage (fresh, dry, peel the skin, eat the cap, eat the skin, etc.). The urine story is only starting to make sense to me, primarily because I never read a proper source on amanita only. Can you recommend a site, book or paper?

I thoroughly smoked various extracts, using various techniques and failed to get anything over +1. I ate tiny quantities of fresh and dried caps including the thin part you can peel off.
evidently i arrived late enough...
from personal experience A. muscaria is neither deadly (taken in the right dose) nor you need to go through all that ordeal to get some effects...
what i do is dry the caps and eat five of them.
dry them with oven at 30° vent(ilated)
then when they have turned from bright red to golden and are 1/4 of their dimention prepare a big orange juice glass and then break the caps and make pills of them, if you can't stand the flavour and drink them down with the juice...chewing on them would be better: longer effects, sooner and stronger....
ofcourse the amount changes depending on season, person and strand of A. Muscaria
what i did to find my dosage was to start with 1 cap then 1 and 1/2 then 2 and 1/2 then 3...allways in odds and as i increased the dosage the effects got stronger
one thing...make sure you are fasting otherwhise it would be wiser to start drinking your pee (i just can't get near it for the smell)

my first cap worked miracles for my imsomnia i couldn't manage to stay awake and i fell in a peacefull and restfull sleep without dreams for 9 hours!!!
Fasting and watching your diet should make your piss taste and smell like vanilla ;)

I haven't done it (yet) myself.

There are plenty of references that to experience the real deal (less nausea, more effect), you have to 'drink from your own cistern'. This is evident from references all over the world. Your piss is actually more potent when it comes out your body again and it said to be usable five times.

The book "Astroteology & Shamanism" From Jan Iriving and Anrew Rutajit (the Pharmacratic inquisition) list many references.

Wasson, although he himself stated that it is vital for the effects to drink your own piss, never did it himself. Most references about no of very mild effect, is from people who 'just' ate the mushroom. The incredible reports, are from people going all the way ;)

It's a completely safe thing to do by the way, your piss is entirely sterile and even healthy (google for urine therapy and be amazed ;)).

Enjoy :P



PS The Love quote comes from Adi Da and a good friend who was in that community shared it with me a while ago.
"and they are used in many tribes around the world?"

No they arent . Who , where and since when ???? The storys come from second hand reports from two storeys from the napoleonic wars if i remember rightly . Please find me a first hand experience from anyone who claims to have drunk piss and had a trip .

Dantediv86 hit it on the nail in what he said . Especialy about the effects .

"Wasson, although he himself stated that it is vital for the effects to drink your own piss, never did it himself."

Thats right its all hearsay .

Dont take fly agaric and drink your piss , its a myth , i have tried it . It is a theoretical posibility . And reputable scientists say the same thing not just me . The concentration in piss would mean that you would have to drink more than what comes out of one atempted fly agaric experience , faster than your body could assimilate it . To get a dose that would be enough to get a trip of would mean taking it several times and then boiling all the piss down . It doesnt work with LSD either , i tried that to !!!

I can feel one of my rants coming on again so i will do a thread on the subject of fly agaric soon to try to clear a few myths , and all the hearsay and hokus pokus up before i explode and burst a blood vessel .
GOD is right!! dont drink your piss..............and bye the way i just had a good session with amanita's about 3 lillte warty caps...........yes they are deadly in HIGH DOSES!!! when one gets high off of amanitas they are really just slightly poisining themselves............which gives the trip