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Am I too Old!!!


Glandeuse Pinéale
:D Greetings All :D

I am a forever young in mind hippy who has edged into his 52nd year of travelling around the Sun on this beautiful planet of ours, which is being ill treated by those who care not for the welfare of any living being. These psychopaths have been in control for far too long and I hope their will be a dramatic world wide awakening of souls in order to bring these monsters to an end.

Some people call me a dreamer - which is fine :D I like to dream, and occasionally dreams come true!

The mysteries of consciousness have always intrigued me. I began my explorations when I was 12 through meditation, and reading various books on metaphysics and the occult. Recently I have begun researching Quantum Physics, and this has inspired me even more.

A few of my heroes include Jeremy Narby, John C Lilly and Robert Anton Wilson.

Musically I enjoy folk(Leonard Cohen-Melanie-Judy Collins), metal/rock(Judas Priest-Metal Church-Mushroomhead-Suicidal Tendencies), classical(Vivaldi and Mahler) and opera.

Films - sci-fi and comedy. 2001 A Space Odyssey and The Big Lebowski.

Sport - I follow Liverpool FC.

I enjoy helping people, sleeping, laughing, food and exploration................. :D

Be different - just don't be cruel to anything.
You're only as old as your last trip...
Welcome to our community, I hope to be hearing more from you, you seem to have a lot of stories and experiences to share with us :o which is good, my 21 year old brain has a lot of empty spaces ready to be filled in! :wink:
darkwolfunseen a dit:
You're only as old as your last trip...

:D and what a trip it was! Geometrical tour de force!

as for age, well, I've never taken much notice of the numbers game, although some folk I know are either obsessed by it or deny the numbers that accompany them and increase annually! My brother freaks out at the mention of the word birthday :D Mind you he's in his 60's!! I knew a lady in the early 1990's, Florence, she was 94, and she was amazing! She was full of energy and as fit as a fiddle! Then their was my mother who until she had both legs amputated was another energetic wonderwoman! Terrible as a mother though! But a demon freak with the hoover!!!

age! No worries! Never too old...............

thanks for posting! :D
KingLordMaster a dit:
Welcome to our community, I hope to be hearing more from you, you seem to have a lot of stories and experiences to share with us :o which is good, my 21 year old brain has a lot of empty spaces ready to be filled in! :wink:

and thanks for your welcome :D much appreciated!

stories! Yes! And some involve ET's! I find meditation aids my consciousness as I've experienced some wacky trips without any substances! One regular meditation trip is what I imagine sky diving to be like!

I also look forward to learning from other folk here, as a Judas Priest song title says, "You Don't Have To Be Old To Be Wise".

If you want to check the song out, then here's the link -

I followed the instructions on how to embed a video but it isn't happening for me!
welcome!!! :)

good that you found us!!! we need more people here that are open-minded and good souls like you.
enjoy your stay!!! there is a lot to learn!!! i am sure you are as old as you feel, so it appears to me
you have good cards! :) maybe that's not the best way to say it, but anyway lol... :)

also i am all for what you say. together we can create a new world!!!! stupidity and ignorance has had
way too much power for way too much time. it's time and has been time for a long time to go on with the
psychedelic revolution of the 60's and 70's.

it's like in the movie fear and loathing in las vegas. a quote from duke was something like "[...]the wave broke
and rolled back[...]" not sure lol... maybe you know what i mean lol... :D :D
anyway i think it was indeed like that with the psychedelic revolution also... in that sense what if a new wave
would be forming right now... and possibly washing away all the ignorance and stupidity.
what if we just don't buy their bullshit anymore??? :P

the truth is what we REALLY need is peace and love. don't believe the lies.


appreciate your kind words :D

I've never watched Loathing In Las Vegas! Maybe its time to do so! Talking of films, I watch two on a regular basis - The Big Lebowski and Dreamcatcher; both are top class films!

I think the time will come when people do wake up to the constant conveyer belt of propaganda. Our problems begin when we take our first step into the education system at age 5. It is not an education in the true sense of the world - indoctrination is what is delivered in the classroom. The object of the education system is to tailor the pupil to the system to become a well behaved slave(to the system). End result is to feed the system by being an unquestioning zombie! The system does not like people who question it! Other tentacles of the system include politics and religion, of which Osho says, "Politicians and priests are the Mafia of the Soul".

We need to continually ask questions, otherwise what is the point of living?!?! I certainly do not want to be a slave! I question everything! I started questioning teachers as soon as I could! My first religious education teacher endured a torrid time and I eventually ended up with the record for being sent out of class! Religion is a farce, orthodox religion that is. Politics is a playground for the corrupt and deranged!

Right, time to have a wander round the forum :D
The judas priest youtube link didn't work because of this:
Original link:
v=0y6Qev04QyQ&ob=av2e you only want this part between the youtube brackets, don't put the http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Should work. The dude abides. :o
KingLordMaster a dit:
The judas priest youtube link didn't work because of this:
Original link:
v=0y6Qev04QyQ&ob=av2e you only want this part between the youtube brackets, don't put the http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Should work. The dude abides. :o

Had to get a different video! I followed the process as posted on the forum, banged my head when it failed! So decided to try a different video - and it worked :)

KingLordMaster - where are my manners!!!

THANKS for the input dude!!!
I really feel great looking at the replies to this thread. It seems there may be a common understanding between "old" and "young" with regards to psychedelics - I'm very encouraged by the responses. Whether its experiencing the euphoria of life, trying to figure your self out, or exploring the universe there is no quarter on "age". We are all in the same boat. Let's start paddling... LOL
I ask myself the same question and find courage in thinking the only thing that stops you is your own self doubt.
I bet you have some great experiences to share, sir. Welcome aboard!
I guess souls can be compared to great wine in a sense - the older, the 'nobler'... or something like that ;)
You sound like a great person, I'm new here myself - see you around!
Perhaps this is the best statement, I have lately heard anywhere,
"Be different - just don't be cruel to anything.".
Amazingly right.
We take a lot of things fro granted generally and claim that we are just trying to be different.
Who cares about age? I just don't get it! I guess life is a trip I can only hope I have not peaked! ;)