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Alternative ingestion methods?

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 174
so You can smoke weed through a bong, a joint, a pipe...
You can cook it up but what can you make?

What method do you use to get the THC into you?
Have you heard of any interesting methods?

recipes welcome :D

Vapourizing is my favourite definitely. But also I find that the different preparations of the cannabis before ingestion gives different effects (bud, hash or oil).

I'm inclined to think vapourizing gives "stoned" effect and when smoking I am more "high". Anyone else?
I'm definitely a van of vaporizers, but I'm just a fan of the occasional gravity bong. It's one of those zero to high in five seconds that I like, just because you have no time to prep, and so you just hold on and enjoy the trip.
I want to try making a green dragon someday. (Take your bud and leave it in a small bottle of vodka for a couple months, filter then drink.)
I'm thinking of dissolving 3, maybe 4 fat drops of hasj oil in my warmed creambutter/milk instead of chuks of hashish, would this work?

I figured that it would, cause hasjoil or solid hasj, what makes the difference, it's both THC right?
Anyone tried this before?
French toast and scrambled eggs..

Whip your eggs up, put in some bud butter[melted so it mixes] and a splash of milk, dip your bread into the mix, put it on the stove on low heat, repeat. Then use the excess egg mixture to make scrambled eggs when the toast is finished. WHALA... add some sausage or hashbrowns ect. and you have a tastey breakfast that will have you high as a kite in an hour or 2.

A personal favorite. I make it early b4 my moms awake, and when she wakes up she always says something smells good. lol :lol:
i usually fry a bit of bud in oil with curry powder and mix in ingredients. yum. i like chocolate fudge too as well.. easy to make. and you can make both of the above without dairy (which is perfect for me)

@DaZeD.. i don't see any reason why that wouldn't work, hash oil is just thc extracted from the bud.. i guess figuring out the amount you need might take some experimentation. man i should do a little extract again someday myself..
st.bot.32 a dit:
@DaZeD.. i don't see any reason why that wouldn't work, hash oil is just thc extracted from the bud.. i guess figuring out the amount you need might take some experimentation. man i should do a little extract again someday myself..

Gonna try it soon enough, i'm curious 'bout the effects, i guess those will probably hit me like a 10 ton hammer.
Gonna try 3 fat sticky drops for starters, i have a small feeling that's gonna do the trick quite well. :P
i wish i could have gotten my hands on some oil when i was smoking.
im giving it a break for a while, it was leading to some problems and turned into an all day everyday habbit. It lost its fun and sacredness ya know?