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all the food is poison

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ophiuchus
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Lol, yeah T&E might be right.
yeah, fo!od, has been savaged by the likes of Monsanto/Monsatan! Our food has been de-fooded! Food can kill! Yeah! Sick and twisted suits run the world and we are paying/eating the price. There is some good news though, there are countries who are banning GM, Hungary(pun intended)is one, and Indian farmers are fighting Monsanto too. The battle is on! Here in the UK their is a movement against GM foods, so maybe we can turn the tide.

Beware of:-


for starters.......

get a decent water filter too!

even the air is contaminated........chemtrails......... :shock:
buy organic! most if not all of the pesticides on "conventional" produce are flouride-based pesticides! even a water filter cannot remove flouride. i am still looking into possible avenues for getting rid of this chemical. i will inform everyones once i find a suitable method.
ophiuchus a dit:
buy organic! most if not all of the pesticides on "conventional" produce are flouride-based pesticides! even a water filter cannot remove flouride. i am still looking into possible avenues for getting rid of this chemical. i will inform everyones once i find a suitable method.

My water filter removes fluoride :) It isn't a cheap jug filter! It does the job, and our water tastes beautiful!

Agree with you on buying organic food, but not everyone can afford to. I also spray my fruit/veg with colloidal silver.

They are making it so difficult to live a healthy life because our food, water, air and even clothing contain contaminants! Wish I could feed from the Sun as some folk appear to do!
interesting, ill soon be looking into what water filtration has to offer me.

is there a reason you use colloidal silver? i have heard things about this in both sides of the coin. some scientific, much esoteric...

i mean, basically, i'd rather be homeless and eat nothing but organic and feel great, than have a nice house/car and live my (short)fat life suffering poisoned! i understand that not everyone is privileged like americans, but i think for the most part, if one has access to this site, and is reading my words, then a certain standard of living is established for them, so my words may hold some water.

when it comes down to it, people choose the path of their life, their luxuries if any. in the end, that hospital bill is going to cost waaay more than if one had simply eaten right all along. and in this sense, even if they cost the same, would one choose the path that made them feel like shit, or the one that makes them feel like rainbows? this appears to be rhetoric, but then why do we have this problem?

people have been trained to accept a set margin of... whats the word? shit? temptation? ignorance of negativity? ...you catch my drift? people are well addicted to their media. people will most often take advice from a source that "seems reputable". too often these days money=reputation, money=speech. and if the money says "what? everyone does it..", well...


i am the person that will not accept anything less than what i know to be right. if i am held from obtaining it, then the core of my being will exist nowhere but in the vector of changing that. so to should this mean even in the face of death. i will not settle for garbage. i do not fear a noble death. my mind allows me no comprehension of comfort in ignorance.
I have been making my own colloidal silver for over ten years - and without any side effects! I am aware the story of turning blue if you ingest too much, but that was a scare story put out to to try and stop people using it! - is more dangerous taking prescribed medication! My mother almost died through taking prescription drugs! She also had a severe reaction to another! I know what I'd rather take!

I had a tooth infection a while back, which I treated successfully with CS. My family and friends have all benefited through using CS - not one complaint! Even my rabbits, rats, guinea pigs and dogs have all benefited from taking CS! 100% positive feedback!

CS is a natural anti-biotic with no side effects - thats why I take it :D

I will post again later with details of my water filter!
making it yourself?? would you mind an elaboration? turning blue?! haha so the mythos surrounding it builds! :lol:

psh, i don't even acknowledge "western medicine" as anything other than poison. there is a thread here somewhere about the placebo effect. nuff said.

a natural anti-biotic huh? i must admit, my knowledge of CS is rather limited, pretty much only to it's usage by the "Dracos" to help them achieve bliss and ascension, because they have lost their ability to emote. but apparently this still didn't work for them, and there's a whole story about it, but this is a very ... take it or leave it kind of story, so i cannot say that i endorse any of that without further research into the matter.

but OT, i have recently become aware that garlic in it's raw form (and still cooked, though less-so) is a very powerful antibiotic as well. this may prove to be a more cost effective method, those perhaps less discreet :lol: . i am not aware of the degree of effectiveness of CS vs garlic or onion so i cannot compare the two, but i do love garlic anyways, so...

yes information on your water filter would be much appreciated
Dr Bob Beck Protocol - Colloidal Silver


I have a home made colloidal silver generator which consists of 1 x 9v battery(I also alternate with 3 x 9v batteries for speed), double ended crocodile clips and a pair of silver rods. Total cost around £15. I have seen CS Generators for sale at over £50! Rip off!

I make a pint of CS from filtered water in 10mins using my 3 x 9v batteries. The suggestion is to use Purified Water (£5 for 5 Litres), but I have used my own filtered water with no problems.

Garlic and onions are both excellent anti-biotics, and we use both daily in our cooking :D

Big Pharma = Big No No :shock: Only interested in profit margins rather than curing illnesses!