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The references I have seen used Ethanol, and (I bet it was anhydrous, not everclear) a Soxhelet extractor. It's probably harder than you'd think. If you use Everclear, there's 4% water in there, and you surely will not obtain crystalline psilocibin.
So, extract with methanol. At room temp, this takes twelve hours, @ 45C, it takes an hour.
Evaporate methanol to dryness, be sure all the methanol is out, this stuff is poisonous, and attacks the optic nerve. DON'T LEAVE ANY IN THERE.
Take up the crude residue in dilute actetic acid mixture.....
The refs used chloroform to extract residual garbage with, I'd use something nonpolar that didn't form an azeotrope with water, maybe hexane or pentane or something. Not DCM and chloroform is hard to find.
After extracting, basify with bicarbonate and then extract again. Evaporation of the solvernt should yield psilocybin.
Supposedly hot water is a good recrystallization solvent.