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DMT Extraction
OK here's how swim does it inabout 7 hours.we will be doing a 375 gram MHRB extraction here.(which should yield between 3 or 4 grams of spice.
1)chop up the rootbark using a paper guillotine to save time- about 15 minutes
2) pulverize it with a blender bit by bit - about15-20 minutes depending on your blender.
While youre doing this you are preheating your crockpot with 2 and a half litres of water(using distilled water is just a way to spend more money,I always use tap water and get good results).So we just spent about half an hour and our water is already hot and our rootbark is already in powder form.before adding the powdered rootbark to the water add vinegar and stir and check PH with digital PH meter it should go as far down as about 3.if it is higher add some more vinegar,stir it up real good and re-check PH.When your PH is around 3 add the rootbark powder and stir the shit out of it.Let it simmer for three hours stirring the shit out of it often.When two and a half hours have passed stop stirring to let the guck settle to the bottom.
with the chopping and grinding and simmering we are now at 3 and a half hours.pour the liquid through a cheese cloth into a wide mouthed stainless steel or glass(punch bowl will work) type of container.close up the cloth over the plant matter and sqweeze the shit out of it to get all the juice out.It's very hot so wear dishwashing gloves.whet you feel it too hot even with gloves pass your hands with gloves under running cold water and repeat the sqweezing till it's almost a dry pulp.this takes about 5 now have a bowl full of a purplish reddish liquid that looks like cheap red wine.add slowly a saturated solution of lye(NaOH,sodium hydroxide,caustic soda) before I go on I would just like to say that you don't need to filter too much cause your non-polar solvent(naptha) will float anyway and the crud will stay on the bottom.So add the lye very slowly while stirring and check PH add a bit more and check PH it will first turn kind od grey and then black.You wanna get the PH as far up as 13-13.5 not 9-10 like the other teks say.with a PH this high you will get all the DMT and will hardly get emulsions.Once you get the PH to 13.5 you are ready to start pulling DMT freebase with you naptha.
I forgot to say that after you emptied the crockpot,wash it and preheat water in it while you are doing the basification .This will be the hot water bath for your extraction bottle.and also in a seperate bottle you should have been heating your naptha almost to boiling point in a water bath as well under fume hut preferably don't smoke.For your extraction bottle try to get a wine bottle that has a long neck.Fill the wine bottle to the bottom of the neck,leave the neck to top off with HOT naptha.About 4 hours went by and we are ready to do our first pull.Make sure that you had the bottle of black liquid in the crockpot hot water and the naptha is HOT.fill the rest of the boittle with the hot naptha and put the cork or screw-on cap and up-end it don't shake for a full 5 will see emulsions,but by putting the bottle in the hot water bath and letting it sit your layers should seperate nicely in less that ten minutes.When the layers are seperated nicely use a turkey baster to siphon off the carefull not to suck up any of the black liquid,and put in a mason jar.repeat this with the same liquid two more times,and combine all the naptha pulls in the mason jar.You only used part of what you had in the bowl so do this untill you have no more left.In other words your wine bottle only hols a litre and you had twoand a half plus the vinegar plus the lye solution so you shoul have close to three litres of black juice.that means you do the wine bottle thing three times doing three pulls on each one.Leave your mason jar with all the pulls at room temperature with the lid open to evap some of it untill you see it getting it under fume hut and place a fan to get it to evap faster.Once it's cloudy put the lid on the mason jar and put it in the freezer.In two hours you should have most of the DMT pprecipitated out sittingon the bottom.when the naptha goes clear again most of the spice is out.Pour it through a coffee filter and save the naptha in another mason jar.pour chilled ammonia 15-20 ml/gram of spice thru the filter after all the naptha has evaped and the xtals are dry.empty the coffee filter on a plate and spread out the spice to dry it faster and you now have smokable will be slightly yellowish so now if you want you can recrystalize using fresh naptha.I'm tired so recrystalization specifics will be posted tommorrow or another day.good luck and see you in hyperspace at the dome on full moons.
I edited to say that I stopped counting the time,but all that I mentioned should not take more than 7 hours.When you basify it's a hell of a reaction and you don't need more time to get most of the spice out.If you leave it in the freezer longer you might get a slight bit more ,but nothing worth writing home about.My tek is tried tested and true.If you plan on snorting it you should recrystalize it about three times.I did it 4 times and it doesn't even burn the hydroxides left.

DMT Extraction
OK here's how swim does it inabout 7 hours.we will be doing a 375 gram MHRB extraction here.(which should yield between 3 or 4 grams of spice.
1)chop up the rootbark using a paper guillotine to save time- about 15 minutes
2) pulverize it with a blender bit by bit - about15-20 minutes depending on your blender.
While youre doing this you are preheating your crockpot with 2 and a half litres of water(using distilled water is just a way to spend more money,I always use tap water and get good results).So we just spent about half an hour and our water is already hot and our rootbark is already in powder form.before adding the powdered rootbark to the water add vinegar and stir and check PH with digital PH meter it should go as far down as about 3.if it is higher add some more vinegar,stir it up real good and re-check PH.When your PH is around 3 add the rootbark powder and stir the shit out of it.Let it simmer for three hours stirring the shit out of it often.When two and a half hours have passed stop stirring to let the guck settle to the bottom.
with the chopping and grinding and simmering we are now at 3 and a half hours.pour the liquid through a cheese cloth into a wide mouthed stainless steel or glass(punch bowl will work) type of container.close up the cloth over the plant matter and sqweeze the shit out of it to get all the juice out.It's very hot so wear dishwashing gloves.whet you feel it too hot even with gloves pass your hands with gloves under running cold water and repeat the sqweezing till it's almost a dry pulp.this takes about 5 now have a bowl full of a purplish reddish liquid that looks like cheap red wine.add slowly a saturated solution of lye(NaOH,sodium hydroxide,caustic soda) before I go on I would just like to say that you don't need to filter too much cause your non-polar solvent(naptha) will float anyway and the crud will stay on the bottom.So add the lye very slowly while stirring and check PH add a bit more and check PH it will first turn kind od grey and then black.You wanna get the PH as far up as 13-13.5 not 9-10 like the other teks say.with a PH this high you will get all the DMT and will hardly get emulsions.Once you get the PH to 13.5 you are ready to start pulling DMT freebase with you naptha.
I forgot to say that after you emptied the crockpot,wash it and preheat water in it while you are doing the basification .This will be the hot water bath for your extraction bottle.and also in a seperate bottle you should have been heating your naptha almost to boiling point in a water bath as well under fume hut preferably don't smoke.For your extraction bottle try to get a wine bottle that has a long neck.Fill the wine bottle to the bottom of the neck,leave the neck to top off with HOT naptha.About 4 hours went by and we are ready to do our first pull.Make sure that you had the bottle of black liquid in the crockpot hot water and the naptha is HOT.fill the rest of the boittle with the hot naptha and put the cork or screw-on cap and up-end it don't shake for a full 5 will see emulsions,but by putting the bottle in the hot water bath and letting it sit your layers should seperate nicely in less that ten minutes.When the layers are seperated nicely use a turkey baster to siphon off the carefull not to suck up any of the black liquid,and put in a mason jar.repeat this with the same liquid two more times,and combine all the naptha pulls in the mason jar.You only used part of what you had in the bowl so do this untill you have no more left.In other words your wine bottle only hols a litre and you had twoand a half plus the vinegar plus the lye solution so you shoul have close to three litres of black juice.that means you do the wine bottle thing three times doing three pulls on each one.Leave your mason jar with all the pulls at room temperature with the lid open to evap some of it untill you see it getting it under fume hut and place a fan to get it to evap faster.Once it's cloudy put the lid on the mason jar and put it in the freezer.In two hours you should have most of the DMT pprecipitated out sittingon the bottom.when the naptha goes clear again most of the spice is out.Pour it through a coffee filter and save the naptha in another mason jar.pour chilled ammonia 15-20 ml/gram of spice thru the filter after all the naptha has evaped and the xtals are dry.empty the coffee filter on a plate and spread out the spice to dry it faster and you now have smokable will be slightly yellowish so now if you want you can recrystalize using fresh naptha.I'm tired so recrystalization specifics will be posted tommorrow or another day.good luck and see you in hyperspace at the dome on full moons.
I edited to say that I stopped counting the time,but all that I mentioned should not take more than 7 hours.When you basify it's a hell of a reaction and you don't need more time to get most of the spice out.If you leave it in the freezer longer you might get a slight bit more ,but nothing worth writing home about.My tek is tried tested and true.If you plan on snorting it you should recrystalize it about three times.I did it 4 times and it doesn't even burn the hydroxides left.