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agh, fun times.....

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion fizzog
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I remember my first time on anything other than cannabis...wither it was the most amazing experience I had had at that point, or the most screwed up, either way, it was ...interesting.
I got invited to this guys 18th birthday party, and after a lot of fun without any substances whatsoever apart from a joiny or two, in comes a guy and hands us 8 pills each.
so I look at these pills, like, "oook, dude this is ecstacy right?" and he smiled at me and said yep, obviously knowing I hadn't touched the things before, hah, at that point everyone in the room was regarding me with this kind of almost religious awe "oh my god, he's pure and innocent..we can't stand for this!!!!"

so I was intsructed to bomb 4 of the pills in a rizzler, I thought "hell, they are tiny they can't be all bad" so I did, then they told me they were the strongest pills they could get "armarnis" Then the birthday boy walked up to me, and with a massive smile on his face (which may have been because he dropped a microdot before I got there) unwraps a little wrap of what he said was MDMA two dabs later and at that point I figured it was too late to turn back now, I suppose I could have made myself puke but I'm happy I didn't!

I was asking everyone when I would know they were working, and always the same answer was given, "don't worry, you'll know, just sip water, not too much!" and my my, I certainly did know, I wasn't expecting such an uber intense buzz, I think they must have all rwealised immediately as I suddenly got up and started dancing for no apparant reason.

I wont patronise people by explkaining the feeling of the organic music, as anyone who has experienced E will know exactly what that is like, the name of the drug is very apropriate really...

about 2 hours into this, still feeling awesome, but finding myself extremely lethargic if I sat down, which I suppose is the major downside of the drug, probably the one that really gives a risk if you havn't got people there to make sure you are drinking the right amount of water. At this point was when I real;ly thought I was overdosing at first, and almost panicked, I only managed not to thanks to the people there, awesome people, although I scared them shitless, I am guessing I was tripping on the stuff, because I kepy stopping dancing, and my eyes would just woll back and i'd go like a dead fish, but all the lights went out into really long lines, like a pink floyd laser show...wierd..wierd beyond wierd.

about 30 mins aftwer that, I vaguely remember sitting down for a minute or two, and someone offered my a joint, and I apparantly (don't know if is true) ate it with a massive smile on my face, which is..worrying, to say the least, for this reason, I would say that ironically, I would find pure amphetemine a far more social drug for me, because E simply pushes me right over the edge, not to say I didn't enjoy it though, I did, intensely.

the day later, still buzzing like a gnat, and then managed to get stoned and drunk as daveys' sow on whiskey, then came biking home...I'll leave that to the readers imagination, but imagine a three legged rhino trying to ride a unicycle while blindfold, buzzing on E, drunk, and stoned, and a cycle with no breaks (do unicycles have breaks?) and you are pretty much there...

I always looks back at this memory with fondess and disdane, it earned me much bollocking for disrespecting the drug by my peers, and I knew they were right the end, I'm glad I had this experience before I had the chance to indulge in any psychedelic experiences. strange how any experience can change you for the better *sighs*

well that's enough ramble from me, peace.
MDMA is the only from synthetics and chemicals(on a divorce) i dont want to stop on a long term. last year i poped twice, be a user not abuser and it wont treat you bad..
i dont smoke mj or cigaretes and dont drink alcohol, im interested on entheogens but fuck it, i love mdma :? cant think ill never roll on e again :shock: :shock: :shock:
Good on you mate, far wiser to dabble in Crystal MDMA than in pills of E, hell knows what sort of shit it might be cut with, but still, since then I have dabbled a wee bit more in pure MDMA, actually managed to get hold of a tiny crystal at a party, and sucked on it, I had no idea it would dissolve so damn quick, but man, that was awesome.

I almost starting sming but manages not to in the end, both my parents smoked, I always detested it.

but certainly, good on you for being more or less clean from drugs! :)
LOL 4 pills of E on your first time that must have been intense!!!
haha, 4 pills AND two dabd of MDMA, it was rather intense yep, it was really really nice untill I completely "monged out"

I mean it was still nice when I was at the stage where the lights went out into really long lines, but there was a point after that where I couldn't move, and I was just sitting there vibrating with my eyes rolling back, at that point I was scared out of my head. but it was intense, and nice, heh.

I am still amazed I managed to quadruple drop without choking though, I mean they are small pills but still, That shocked me.

I am lucky they wern't rolexes, otherwise I would have been majorly fucked...
haha, I rememebr though, the thing that I loved the most was that when I really came up properly, I was looking into the mirror on thier wall, and I just laughed my head of as my pupils suddenly dilated to the size of dinnerplates, lol, now anytime I am fortunate enough to aquire MDMA, I just love looking in the mirror as it kicks in, I just love the way they dilate, heh.

anyone seen finding nemo? the bit where the shark sniffs the fishes blood, and his eyes just dilate, haha, everytime I see that now I crack up laughing!