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after mdma tips?

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Elfe Mécanique
im going to do some MDMA powder today and i want some 'serotonine stabilizer tips'' for the next day..
i know about 5-htp but its too expensive,i asked, its 22eu...
have a nice New Year's Day!!!
eat healthy (lots of fruit), sleep enough,...

bananas contain a lot of tryptophan, so does warm milk. i don't know if this speeds up the process for making new serotonin, but at least you won't run out of resources for making new serotonin :wink:

have a nice party tonight :D
thnx man :D
even tho, e-pills some times made me feel rejunevated the next days(whenever i tell it ,ppl say im crazy :lol: ) ,but even so im a bit anxious about mdma as im not experienced with the pure form,ive done it one time only

:retard: vitE :unibrow:
twicon a dit:
even tho, e-pills some times made me feel rejunevated the next days

you're not the only one :wink:
tonight is my first experience with powder :twisted:
i'm going low dose, not the full blast but the feeling good thing :)
At moderate recreational doses, real MDMA always has a rejuvenating effect from what I can see. Even the tiredness was mild, and pleasant, afterward....as long as one didn't go overboard with dosage....now, MDA, which is frequently sold as 'x' just like mdma, will leave you feeling like a truck ran over you the next day....exhaustion would be a good word for the way mda leaves one....

Really pure MDMA has a very minimal negative physical effect in reasonable doses...powder is preferable if it's the real thing.
-Sleep with own prefered patterns
-Pure chocolate
-Vitamins and minerals
-Have friends around you to talk/chill with.
L-tyrosine might also be a good idea in adition to the above mentioned
L-tryptophan/ 5htp works fine in combination with food that allows for quick buildup of new serotonine like bananas and chocolate
Exercise is definatley a good idea
Put a little more carbohydrates in your diet then usueal, vitamins and minerals, take more rest then you usually would
avoid stressful situatuations as well
Chill out for some time after and don't allow yourself to think negative for the lack of serotonine is only temporary and this is absolutely innecsecary
You'll be 'het ventje' again in no-time ;)
And for christ-sake don't waste the experience by combining with amphetamine or coke or even alcohol
prozac is supposed to bufer the crash especially if your doing powder. ill swop some for your powder
Ive never tried this before but maybe xanex or valium would make the crash easier to deal with
Bastiaan a dit:
L-tyrosine might also be a good idea in adition to the above mentioned
L-tryptophan/ 5htp works fine in combination with food that allows for quick buildup of new serotonine like bananas and chocolate
Exercise is definatley a good idea
Put a little more carbohydrates in your diet then usueal, vitamins and minerals, take more rest then you usually would
avoid stressful situatuations as well
Chill out for some time after and don't allow yourself to think negative for the lack of serotonine is only temporary and this is absolutely innecsecary
You'll be 'het ventje' again in no-time ;)
And for christ-sake don't waste the experience by combining with amphetamine or coke or even alcohol

Ghb is great when you're at a afterparty after a night of MDMA. Normally you would feel shit at that moment but with GHB it's just a great feeling.
downers, benzos, ketamine, orange juice and some good movies